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Klay eating noodles


[–]Knicksmostafajal 209 指標 12小時前

someone needs to add "NBA - Where amazing happens." to the end of this

這個視頻後面應該加上「NBA – 奇蹟發生之地。」

[–]KnicksMonsterzz 72 指標 11小時前

PSA: if you are ever in a restaurant in China, don"t pick up dropped food from the table.


[–]Knicks BandwagonGorillamike 60 指標 9小時前

PSA: Don"t do this in any restaurant in the world. Tables are dirty AF, even in high class places.


[–]christinaliury 107 指標 12小時前

Picks up and slurps the noodle on the table. Klay ain"t your average multimillionaire.


[–]Raptorslevelsixseven 25 指標 9小時前

If you ain"t slurping your noodles you doing it wrong. Don"t matter how much money you make. If you eat noddles you slurp em.


[–]BullsunlmtdLoL 14 指標 7小時前*

I think the point was he ate the noodle off the table, not the slurping.


[–][BOS] Isaiah Thomas33BirdIsTheWord 54 指標 11小時前

[–]WarriorsLatinoByNature 18 指標 14小時前

How do the noodles taste?


[–]Cptcongcong[S] 56 指標 14小時前

By the looks of the sauce, It"s spicy with a very strong numbing flavour (also salt) too. Probably overwhelmed his taste buds. Tastes very nice after you get past the initial taste.


[–]SpursDabuscus214 10 指標 9小時前

The numbing spicy is super fucking weird the first time


[–]NBAkukukele 507 指標 14小時前

Chinese noodles are one of the most underrated cuisines that I wish Americans got to experience more.


[–]SpursBearsNguyen 155 指標 13小時前

Concur. All we have most places is variations of Orange Chicken, General Tso"s, Beef Broccoli, Kung Pao and your choice of white rice, fried rice, or lo mein


[–][GSW] Jason RichardsonDanerysFlacco 146 指標 13小時前

lo mein is good as fuck


[–]SpursBearsNguyen 29 指標 13小時前

Not disputing that at all. There"s just a lot more varieties of noodle dishes out there


[–]76erstrappersdelight 10 指標 11小時前

it is but there』s nothing more comforting than a bowl of hot chinese beef noodle soup or authentic ramen, or pho.


[–][GSW] Jason RichardsonDanerysFlacco 11 指標 10小時前

omg pho is so fucking good i like all of it haha


[–][BOS] Terry RozierPhilUpTheCup 30 指標 10小時前

No chinese person will tell you that that"s real chinese food lmao


[–]HornetsYizWasHere 11 指標 8小時前

Wait you"re telling me Panda Express isn"t real Chinese food? Blasphemy.

你說啥?Panda Express不是真正的中國菜?你這是在褻瀆上帝!TX。

[–]76erssportsinaround 33 指標 13小時前*

Yes, hard to find good noodles places unless you live in a big city. Most places just have the generic lo mein, chow mein, etc. If you find a place that does hand-pulled noodles it"s like night and day.


I"d love to find a good place with zha jieng mian (basically noodles with a rich meat/bean sauce) or dan dan noodles (Google: spicy sauce containing preserved vegetables, chili oil, Sichuan pepper, minced pork, and scallions served over noodles) around me.


[–]76erssportsinaround 17 指標 13小時前

Yeah I wish more Chinese restaurants would branch out a bit. It"s good to have the "American staples" but I feel like a lot of the owners are capable of doing more, but it seems they feel like customers wouldn"t bother with "different" dishes. There"s so many Chinese dishes that I"ve had the pleasure of eating when I lived in the NYC area that I think people would love and give new appreciation if more readily available in smaller cities.


[–]76erstrappersdelight 11 指標 11小時前

Ma Po Tofu is an example of a dish that i think people from all over the world would love. its fucking fire and yet you can barely find it in most chinese restaurants


[–]SpursBearsNguyen 27 指標 13小時前*

Yeah it"s difficult when there"s not a substantial Asian population. San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, etc. are ass for Vietnamese food, but Houston is a godsend.


[–]Warriorslikwidfuzion 10 指標 12小時前

There』s a huge presence of Asians (specifically Vietnamese) in Houston. I recall reading on Wikipedia that Houston has the 3rd largest Vietnamese population after San Jose, CA and Orange County, CA which consists of Garden Grove, Westminster, Santa Ana, and other neighbor towns.

It』s pretty impressive when you realize how big of a Vietnamese hub SJ and OC is.



[–]MagicYungSnuggie 16 指標 9小時前

when i was in LA there were a couple chinese spots that fucking blew my mind. like where have these noodles been all my life


[–]Warriorsatmosphere325 6 指標 9小時前

Just spent a month traveling around China. Xi"an"s noodles are all legit and rivals some of my favorite food cities in the world.


[–]CavaliersQuanticFyre 5 指標 8小時前

Come to Hong Kong brotha, our food is fire


[–]NBAgaliji 18 指標 10小時前

Fuck it!! I am moving the family out to San Antonio and open a Chongqing Xiao Mian. You all better come!!


[–]SpursBearsNguyen 6 指標 10小時前

Lol please. Problem is, where are you going to get your ingredients? Houston is 3 hours away, and Dallas is 4.5 hours.


Brother and I talked about this recently too. Tex-Mex and American cuisine are kind of king in SA. Couple of big time chefs tried opening up luxury restaurants on the Riverwalk, and now they"re out of business. Honestly, I don"t blame Kawhi for wanting to leave because I sure as hell left


[–]NBAgaliji 8 指標 10小時前

We will make the noodles fresh and most of the spices needed are dried anyways. So we should be good. Look for Chongqing Xiao Mian in San Antonio!! It will be so popular, Chuck will not be able to talk shit about SA anymore.



[譯註1] 視頻是李子柒的古香古食系列之「這絕對是一碗藝術 : 素有麵食文化活化石之稱的正宗蘭州牛肉麵,」附視頻鏈接https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk5NjExNDgxMg==.html



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