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----------英文版本 English Version---------

Why Jedis』 Lightsabers Are Fake


On a lazy Sunday afternoon, we left the cinema after watching 「The Last Jedi」 of 「Star Wars Saga」, squinting our eyes in the bright light. We stopped in the shade of a large fir tree, then turned around to watch the people flowing out of the cinema.

「I really cannot see how you can enjoy two hours of battles and weird faces,」 exclaimed Lu, 「even though I find that Rey is very cool! The way she swings around her laser sword…」

「That』s definitely not a laser sword!」 I couldn』t help interrupting her.


「But they used it to wield chunks of broken metal, like industrial lasers are used. And it cuts through flesh like the lasers used in hospitals. And it is in bright shiny colours, like the ones used in laser shows. What else can it be?」

No, not a laser. A laser is in fact a beam of light, much like an electric torch. I turned on the torch app on my smartphone and lit with it the roots of the fir tree. With my other hand I pulled out my old keychain that has a small laser pointer attached to it, and pointed it to the same root. A small red dot appeared in the middle of the round area lit by the phone. Behold the wonders of quantum physics!

「Everybody knows that a laser is made of light,」 said Lu, apparently not impressed, 「but now tell me: what』s so quantum about a little red dot?」

Light is made of particles called photons. In an ordinary light emitter, like the one in the back of the smartphone, once the photons are released, each one will go its own way. For this reason the light beam spreads up and illuminates a wide area, much larger that the emitting device. This phenomenon is called diffusion, and it』s a classical behaviour. To better visualise it, think of a bucket full of tennis balls. If you pour the balls on the floor, they will bounce and scatter all over the place. Another example is the exit of a cinema, with the people inside being the photons. When the door opens at the end of a show, people start flowing out of the cinema, each person heading his/her own way. Nobody knows where all the other people are going.

The particles of light in a laser behave in a very different way. To go back to the image of the cinema, imagine a movie show fully booked by a sergeant for the soldiers of the platoon he commands. When the movie ends, the sergeant will order the soldiers leave the seats in order, and once outside to march at unison in a well ordered column towards their barrack. The particles of light in a laser, like the soldiers in the cinema, also flow out in an orderly way, heading to the same direction. For this reason the laser beam does not spread around and only a dot, as wide as the emitter, will be lit. The sergeant of the particles of light is quantum physics, which informs all the particles about which direction they should take. This is done by tuning the particles to be in the same quantum state, and the quantum sergeant is so strict that the particles of light will keep this state over very long distances. How long? If you point a powerful laser towards the Moon, you can be sure that only a small red dot will appear on the Moon.

「Now I start to understand. It is a similar situation to that of the entangled dice you told me about.」 Lu seemed convinced, 「All the particles of light in the laser beam will just stay entangled, thanks to quantum physics. But you still didn』t tell me why the swords in the movie cannot be made of lasers.」

The quantum effect in lasers is indeed similar to the entanglement of the dice in the article 「Entangled in quantum gambling」. It forces many particles to be in the same quantum state, and stay that way until they hit an opaque object, such as the Moon. Lasers can be very powerful and used to wield metal and cut soft matter because the energy released by the photons remains concentrated in a small surface. So, why not building a sword made of a laser beam? One reason is that the laser beam would not stop in mid-air, but continue until it hits a surface it cannot penetrate. If we were able to build a laser as powerful as a Star Wars lightsaber, capable to cut through metal, it would pierce holes in everything until it exhausts its power. A lightsaber battle inside a spaceship will quickly slice the hull and leave everybody floating in space. Not really a handy weapon, is it? A 「true」 laser sword of infinite length has been featured in a 1970 sci-fi novel called Ringworld. The lightsabers in the Star Wars saga are too short to be made of lasers.

There is another reason why lightsabers cannot be made of laser beams. In fact, they cannot be made of light. No matter how powerful the beam is, it will pass through another laser beam without any resistance. Laser beams are made of entangled particles of light. Light particles do not interact with other light particles, according to quantum mechanics, unless they are entangled. A laser sword fight, therefore, will look much like a laser show with colourful beams of light crossing each other effortlessly.

「Right, not as cool as what we just saw in the movie! But it』s cool to think that we can carry a quantum device in our pocket, and we can see quantum physics at work with our own eyes!」

A laser beam is not the only visible effect quantum physics creates. Did you know that the glow of a burning charcoal is also quantum? And that Van Gogh painted this secret side of our reality in his paintings? We will talk about this in the next article.

(The illustration was originally created by authors of this article. Please ask for permission before using it for any purpose.)

(The photographs are from internet. Please let us know immediately if there is any violation of copyright. We will delete the photo right away.)



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