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Transgender Taboo 跨性別者話題之爭

A current and ongoing hot topic that is spreading throughout the internet, media channels and universities throughout the west, particularly North America, is that of the complicated and somewhat highly sensitive topic of Transgenderism and its ongoing metamorphosis.


What you need to know:




Trans Person– a person who has undergone or will undergo reassignment surgery to change sex.


Pangender– a person who considers themselves not just one gender, but both Male and Female. (Pan is Greek for 『all』).


Gender Binary or Binarism- is the classification ofsexandgender(into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine.)


Cisgender– If you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth.


Gender Neutral– A person who believes theyare neither Male or Female.


What is Transgenderism and how is it defined?

什麼是跨性別, 怎麼定義?

A state or condition in which a person"s identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional ideas of male or female gender.


Simply put a person who was born a male but identifies asa female, and vice versa.


Is Transgenderism a new thing?


Transgenderism was introduced as a potentially viable option in 1966 in the USA. However, Lili Elbe (1882- 1931), a Danish transgender and famous painter was one of the first identifiable recipients toreceive 『reassignment』 surgery (from Male to Female).


How many transgenders are there?


Figures for Transgender in China are not currently freely expressed as they are in the west. However, there are many transgenders in the West with an estimated 0.6 percent (1.4 million people) of the population not identifying with their own gender. Transgenderism is a part of the LGBT community (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender), and admittance of one』s sexuality in Asia is sparse and there is a preponderance of western countries that have cultures and laws that make it easier for people to admit their true 『nature』, so to speak. According to the New York Times, 1 in 137 teenagers would identify as Transgender.


What』s new in 2018 and why is a hot topic?


Transgenderism is no longer considered as a mental illness as it was before. Therefore, the transgender community and transgenders are seen having more rights when it comes to political correctness.


The Bill C-16(An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code (Bill C-16,2016) is a law passed by the Canadian Parliament.

Political Correctness is highly debated topic that inrecent decades was more aimed towards race. But as of recent years, aprevalence of political correctness instances has been noticed.


The introduction of pronouns by the transgender community has been introduced:


In Canada, if a business or land owner does not adhere to this bill and use these pronouns, then it will be considered as illegal and penalties such as hefty fines will be incurred. By NOT using these pronouns forpeople who do not want to be identified as a certain gender, it has been coined,by certain members of the transgender community, that it is in fact the same asa 『hate crime』. Over 1500 have been killed in transphobic hate crimes.


Political Correctness Vs Free Speech


These two ideologies can be better separated by for what they stand for, Political Correctness represented by the Left (Liberal) and Free Speech represented by the right (Conservative).

Whereas the left-wing politics support social equality and egalitarianism, right-wing politics hold that certain social orders and hierarchies are inevitable, natural, normal or desirable, typically supporting this position on the basis of natural law, tradition and economics.


Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and a tenured professor of psychology at the University of Toronto has been propelled to fame for his debates on topics such as political correctness, gender. Gender equality and many others. Whilst talking out about his objections for the use of gender pronouns, he was attacked and slandered, saying he was 『abusing』 the "transcommunity" and was enacting a hate crime.

Professor Peterson is currently touring the world giving lectures, public debating and appearing on all forms of news networks to give aclear and concise perspective on a wide spectrum of sensitive and thought-provoking topics.



What do you think of the Wests』 gender debate?


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