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「城市創者」的「新村狂想曲」 /Building Utopia in China


What interesting thing does a very old Shanghai residential community have, to attract a group of young foreign visitors?


Students departing for the New Village

原來, 這些來自同濟大學和德國波鴻應用科學大學的大學生,一頭鑽進了同濟大學的教工宿舍區——同濟新村。他們打算把這裡當作假想的設計場所,在其中增添更符合人們當代需求的公共空間,促進居民交流和共享資源。

Welcome to the Tongji New Village - Tongji University』s faculty dormitory community – a site with a long history and a vision born from Mao Zedong』s utopian views of real living.

Those young visitors were actually students in a joint design studio from CAUP Tongji and Bochum University of Applied Sciences, challenged to develop an architectural design proposal in the urban context of the New Village, to integrate citizens across social and age divisions, in environmentally sustainable and economically affordable ways.


It"s all about design strategies for collective housing. During this course, students need to understand the organization of the neighborhood, spatially and in function, to devise a strategy how their design proposal can plug into the existing fabric and improve the status quo.


Tongji New Village photos by students from Bochum University of Applied Sciences


In this joint design studio, students were offered a choice of two sites in Shanghai, of which sparked the most interest was the Tongji New Village.


New Village Utopia


So, what was so interesting about this old community?


「新村」,可算是上海、乃至全中國最有代表性的現代社區形式之一了。新中國成立伊始,領導人意在將大上海從「十里洋場」打造成為新中國的工業重鎮,大量產業工人湧入。為解決這上百萬人口的居住問題,從1952年開始,一批批四至六層磚混住宅構成的行列式小區——「 新村 」,在上海市區邊緣興建起來。

The so called 「New Village」 is considered to be one of the most representative community forms in Shanghai, and even across China. New Villages in Shanghai were built on the fringe of the city on a large scale from the 1950s to 1990s, in order to solve the urgent housing problem of millions of industrial workers, who poured into the city during a short time after the founding of the PRC.


Caoyang New Village - the very first New Village in China



The cooperative in Caoyang New Village



Tongji New Village also has undergone many rounds of additional construction from the 1950s to 1990s.The very first building in this New Village dates back to 1954.Today, within an area of 5.6 hectares, there are about 20 different types of buildings built in different periods, with 350 households living inside.


The origin of this kind of single, intensive, mass-replicated public housing can be traced back to western utopian socialism and the influence of Japan"s 「new village」 idea - work together, live together, do what you can and take what you need. It was a socialist national strategy, but also sustained the plain dreams of ordinary Chinese people to go for a good life.


Leisure in the New Village


有趣的是,這些由社會主義國家當年自上而下主導建設的公共住宅,與「城市創者:未來的生活」(Citymaker:Future of Living)項目希望介紹到中國的、德國柏林等地今天自下而上發起的居民協作式「聯合住宅」(co-housing),形成了一種不同歷史時空下的「互文」。

Interestingly, the bottom-up co-housing projects found in Berlin and elsewhere today seem an echo in different historical contexts to those New Villages led by the Chinese central government from top down.


A co-housing community in Berlin

@ http://www.cohousing-berlin.de


This is what the China-Germany project 「CITYMAKERS - Future of Living」 wants to introduce into China, an alternative mode of living for China. The vision is that a group of future residents agrees on how they want to lead their lives together, share skills, share time, share space and costs with each other and neighbors. By sharing they manage to cut costs, reduce energy consumption and foster interaction between different age and economic groups. Utopia becomes real living.


Events held by co-housing residents



Imagining the Future

This time, "Future of Living" team - together with students - focused their study and work on practical communities in China, including the legendary New Villages.


Students & tutors of the joint studio

此次同濟-波鴻聯合設計課程以「未來的生活:共處!」為主題,由項目的其中兩位發起人——作為上海同濟大學建築與城市規劃學院助理教授的Iris Belle,和作為德國波鴻應用科學大學教授的金安和(Erhard An-He Kinzelbach)共同主持,此課程進一步深化了項目早期經過九個多月的研究獲得的學術成果。

Informed by workshops held inBeijingandBerlin, the nine months of research by the focus group 「CITYMAKERS - Future of Living」 led by An-He, Iris and Binke, was recently concluded and presented in Berlin. This joint design studio 「Future of Living: Together!」 brought together by An-He(Bochum University of Applied Sciences/ KNOWSPACE, Berlin) and Iris (Tongji University, Shanghai), was the next step in elaborating on the thoughts and ideas of the continuing research.


「CITYMAKERS- Future of Living」 team - An-He, Iris and Binke


Each student came up with a preliminary design plan. Their chosen design approaches insightful on a range of different building typologies, including cluster apartments, mixed-use podium with residential top, courtyards, buildings connected via bridges, small building interventions and mega structures.

6月6至8日,兩位課程導師與「未來的生活」項目另一位發起人藍冰可(Binke Lenhardt),以及兩位特邀嘉賓——上海羅昂實驗室(logon lab)負責人、社會學家Pascal Hartmann和Crossboundaries聯合創始人、建築師董灝一起,為學生們舉辦了一場學術研討活動,對每個方案作出點評。

June 6th to 8th, the 「Future of Living」 team (An-He, Iris and Binke,) along with invited speakers Pascal Hartmann (logon lab, Shanghai) and DONG Hao (Crossboundaries, Beijing), gave critiques on the students proposals.


Lectures & reviews Info



The speakers Hao and Pascal expanded students』 understanding on the local society of Shanghai and the development of design in the future. Hartmann presented his lab』s research and findings on composition and dynamic of the social group of singles their needs and financial abilities of different age cohorts of singles. While Hao talked about built and visionary projects from education, commerce and housing that meet the tremendous changes in the coming future.


By doing all these, we are one step closer to what real living in China can be.



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