首頁 > 最新 > FRETMONKEY旗下23位藝術家介紹


FRETMONKEY是來自北美的唱片廠牌,旗下籤約全球眾多吉他大師,目前擁有23位藝術家。每個藝術家都至少獲得過一項專業比賽第一名哦!他們不僅僅擅長傳統的木吉他演奏,還有擅長豎琴,Harp Guitar的演奏家,還有電吉他的藝術大師等。


Don Alder

plays acoustic fingerstyle guitar witha passion that has quickly earned him a reputation as Vancouver"s "bestkept little secret". Don is a world-class fingerstyle guitarist with a"wow factor" that has led to winning all the top Modern GuitarCompetitions in the world, multiple endorsement deals with major manufacturers.He is a top endorsee for Yamaha Guitars, Seymour Duncan Pickups, Ernie BallStrings and Santo Angelo Cables, Riversong Guitars, Emerald Amicus, Tonewoodamp, so keep an eye out for a Clinic near you.

唐·阿爾德(Dan Alder)(加拿大),以速度和熱情激發聲音的指彈大師,擁有著溫哥華「最好的小秘密」的聲譽。 唐是一位世界級的指彈吉他手,他獨特的奏法,贏得了世界上所有頂級的現代吉他比賽,並且與很多的吉他及其周邊製造商多次簽約。他是Yamaha吉他,Seymour Duncan 拾音器,Ernie Ball 琴弦和Santo Angelo 連接線,Riversong Guitars,Emerald Amicus吉他,Tonewood 電箱的頂級代人!

Adrian Bellue

currently resides in Sacramento,California and has been expanding his performances further abroad. He hasperformed on the east and west coasts of the United States, all across Canada,Hawaii, and Mexico. This coming year of 2017 Adrian will also be touring acrossSoutheast Asia for the first time. Adrian has been featured and interviewed onnetworks such as KCRA3, Capital Public Radio, and even has an official TEDxvideo from his native city of Sacramento, California. He has been featuredmultiple years on main stages at The NAMM Show both in Anaheim and Nashville.

艾准·布魯(AdrianBellue), 美國,目前居住在加利福尼亞州的薩克拉曼多市,並在海外演出進一步拓展知名度。 他曾在加拿大,夏威夷和墨西哥,美國東部和西部海岸進行演出。 2017年,Adrian也將首次在東南亞各地巡迴演出。 Adrian已經在KCRA3,CapitalPublic Radio等網路上進行了專訪和訪問,甚至還有一個來自加利福尼亞州薩克拉曼多市的官方TEDx視頻。他在阿納海姆和納什維爾的「NAMM秀」上的許多舞台進行了精彩的演出!

Travis Bowman

is the national Ernie Ball AcousticProdigy Winner and recently placed 5th in the world at the international Winfieldfingerstyle competition. He is widely known for playing the acoustic and harpguitar. He has been featured on Reddit and Guitar Player magazine and hastoured China with Mayson Guitars. He co-hosts apopular weekly syndicated acoustic guitar radio show, "Slap Nutz," infive counties with nearly 1 million listeners a month.

Travis Bowman ,美國,是全美的Ernie Ball Acoustic Prodigy 比賽冠軍,最近在國際Winfield指彈大賽中排名第五。他以指彈和豎琴演奏而聞名於世。 他已經在Reddit(類似於國內的百度貼吧)和吉他手雜誌上被推薦,在曼森吉他的組織下已經在中國進行了小型巡演。他共同主辦了一個受歡迎的每周聯合聲樂吉他廣播節目「Slap Nutz」,在五個國家,每月有近一百萬聽眾。


is a solo acoustic fingerstyleguitarist emerging from the small town of Bethany, Ontario. He simultaneouslycreates a variety of tones and textures from a mere six-string acoustic guitar.Adam uses a range of altered tunings, two-handed tapping techniques, harmonics,and percussive hits to emulate the sound of a full band in his compositions. Heevokes emotion and translate ideas through music using his keen sense of melodyand rhythm.

亞當·克羅斯曼(AdamCrossman),加拿大,安大略省伯大尼小鎮的獨奏指彈吉他手。 他同時從一根六弦吉他中創造出各種色調和紋理。 亞當使用一系列改變的調音,雙手敲擊技巧,諧波和打擊樂命中的樂曲來模仿他的作品中的全部樂隊的聲音。他用靈敏的旋律和節奏感引起情感,並通過音樂來轉化觀點。

Jamie Dupuis

is a Canadian virtuoso guitarist,composer and occasional singer and songwriter, best known for his complexfingerstyle technique, energetic performances and the use of percussive effectson the guitar. He is the 2016 international Canadian Fingerstyle GuitarChampion. He has experienced viral success with his harp guitar videos and hasbeen shared and featured by most major guitar sites including Guitar World andGuitar Player Magazine.

Jamie Dupuis是一位加拿大演奏家吉他手,作曲家,也是歌手和作詞者,他以複雜的手指技術,精力充沛的表演和零活有力的打板應而聞名。他是2016年國際加拿大Fingerstyle吉他冠軍。 他的豎琴吉他視頻取得了跳躍式的成功,並被吉他世界和吉他手雜誌等大部分主要吉他雜誌分享。

Aaron Edward

is a Guitarist and Composer from Tulsa,Oklahoma who creates transcendent, instrumental music that transforms soulfulmelodies, harmonies, and rhythms into vivid, emotion-charged imagery. Aaron isendorsed by Stonebridge Guitars, Vellone Guitars, Eastman Guitars, JourneyInstruments, K&K Sound, MONO Cases, and John Pearse Strings. He releasedhis first solo album, "Akasha", in June of 2015. He is currentlyfilming a series of studio and cinematic music videos in support of his secondalbum, "Cavenaut", and writing songs for his third album.

亞倫·愛德華(Aaron Edward),美國,來自俄克拉何馬州塔爾薩的吉他手和作曲家,他創造出超凡的樂器音樂,將靈魂的旋律,和聲和節奏轉化為生動,充滿情感的意象。贊助Aaron的品牌廠商有:Stonebridge吉他,Vellone吉他,Eastman吉他,Journey樂器,K&K Sound拾音器,MONO 吉他包和John Pearse 吉他弦等。 他於2015年6月發行了他的第一張個人專輯《Akasha》。目前他正在拍攝一系列演播室和電影音樂影片,以支持他的第二張專輯《Cavenaut》,並著手開始為他的第三張專輯寫歌。

Kevin(Blake) Goodwin

is a modern percussive fingerstyle guitar playerfrom Conway, Arkansas (USA). He is the 2015 Canadian Fingerstyle Guitarchampion, an international acoustic guitar competition held annually inKingston, Ontario and the winner of the 2016 Acoustic Guitar Wars Competitionin San Antonio, TX (the longest running guitar competition in America). He is the founder of FRETMONKEY RECORDS/ Inaddition, he is a music videographer, audio engineer, a producer at FRETMONKEYRECORDS studio, and an active member of the Grammys. He co-hosts a popular weekly syndicatedacoustic guitar radio show, "Slap Nutz," in five counties with nearly1 million listeners a month. His electric and acoustic music is a blend ofhaunting jazz, Djent metal, and rock melodies coupled with traditionalpercussive fingerstyle guitar techniques. He has been described as the 「21stCentury Acoustic Man」 and possessing 「outrageous acoustic skills.」

凱文·布萊克·古德溫(Kevin (Blake) Goodwin),是來自美國阿肯色州康威的現代指彈吉他手。他是2015年加拿大Fingerstyle吉他冠軍,每年在安大略省金斯頓舉行的國際吉他手吉他大賽。同時也是德州聖安東尼奧的2016年「吉他大戰」大賽(美國最久的吉他比賽)的冠軍。他是FRETMONKEY RECORDS的創始人/此外,他還是音樂錄影師,音頻工程師,FRETMONKEY RECORDS工作室的製片人,也是格萊美的活躍成員。 他共同主辦了一個受歡迎的每周聯合聲樂吉他廣播節目「Slap Nutz」,在五個城鎮,每月有近一百萬聽眾。 他的電音和聲學音樂是混合了令人興奮的爵士樂,Djent金屬和搖滾樂曲與傳統的敲擊手指吉他技巧。 他被描述為「21世紀民謠人」,擁有「不可思議的指法技巧」。

Jake Hertzog

is a critically acclaimed guitarist,composer and educator whose career to-date has spanned nine albums asbandleader across jazz, rock and classical new music styles. He has touredthroughout the U.S., Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and India andperformed and recorded with a diverse cadre of artists including Randy Brecker,Ivan Neville, Mike Clarke, Blondie Chaplin, Anton Fig, Corey Glover, BarryAltschul, Dave Leibman, Ingrid Jensen and many others. For three years, Jakestood as musical director and lead guitarist for Nickelodeon"s The NakedBrothers Band stars, Nat and Alex Wolff. They concluded two national tours andhave performed on national television shows including Good Morning America, TheView, Nickelodeon"s Kids ChoiceAwards and The Today Show.Hertzog is a grand prize winner of the Montreux Jazz Guitar Competition, holdsa performance degree from Berklee College of Music and a master"s degree fromThe Manhattan School of Music in New York.

傑克·赫佐格(Jake Hertzog)是一位備受讚譽的吉他手,作曲家和教育家,作為樂隊領袖其職業生涯迄今已完成九張專輯風格跨越爵士樂,搖滾和古典新音樂風。他參觀了美國,歐洲,拉丁美洲,中東和印度,並與多個不同的藝術家合作,包括Randy Brecker,Ivan Neville,Mike Clarke,Blondie Chaplin,Anton Fig,Corey Glover,Barry Altschul,Dave Leibman,Ingrid Jensen等等。 三年來,傑克擔任Nickelodeon的「裸體兄弟」樂隊明星Nat和Alex Wolff的音樂總監兼首席吉他手。 他們結束了兩次全國巡迴演出,並在國家電視節目中演出,包括早安美國,The View,Nickelodeon的「兒童選擇獎」和「今日秀」。 Jake也是蒙特勒爵士吉他比賽的大獎得主,擁有伯克利音樂學院的演藝學士學位和紐約曼哈頓音樂學院碩士學位。

Kyle Horn

has opened shows for renowned actsincluding Mike Dawes, Thomas Leeb, Antoine Dufour and Craig D』Andrea. Kyle hasalso played shows throughout the United States at renowned venues such at theIridium Jazz Club. In 2015, he toured through European countries playing showsin London, Germany, Austria and Prague. He was also a finalist in twointernational songwriting competitions for two of his original compositionsincluding the Lee Ritenour Six-String Theory competition and the U.S.A.Songwriting Competition. In 2015, Kyle also released his first EP, 「NeverBetter」 which is currently available in both digital and physical copies in hisstore and all major online distributors.

凱爾·霍恩(Kyle Horn),著名的吉他演奏家。之前為知名藝人如MikeDawes,Thomas Leeb,AntoineDufour和Craig D"Andrea等演出,做過開幕暖場嘉賓。凱爾還在美國各地的銥星爵士俱樂部等著名景點舉辦過演出。在2015年,他在歐洲國家進行巡演,包括英國倫敦,德國,奧地利和布拉格等地。他還有兩項原創作品在兩次國際歌劇比賽中獲得決賽入圍者,其中包括Lee Ritenour六弦理論大賽和美國歌劇比賽。在2015年,凱爾還發布了他的第一個EP,「Never Better」,目前在實體的線下商店和所有主要的線上商城都有銷售。

Ali Deniz Kardelen

resides in Istanbul, Turkey and is the2016 Indiana State Fingerstyle Guitar Champion and the 2nd place winner of theinternational 2016 Canadian Fingerstyle Guitar competition. He is widely knownfor his acoustic fingerstyle playing as well as his original compositions onharp guitar. He is often referred to as the father of fingerstyle guitar inTurkey.

阿里·丹尼斯·卡德倫(Ali Deniz Kardelen),來自土耳其伊斯坦布爾,是2016年印第安納州指彈吉他冠軍,是國際2016加拿大Fingerstyle吉他比賽的第二名。 他以他的原聲豎琴吉他演奏而聞名。 他經常被稱為土耳其指彈吉他之父。

Geordie Little

is an Australian acousticguitarist now based in Berlin. Having developed his own unique mix ofpercussive lap and fingerstyle guitar, he combines melodies, harmonics, chordsand percussion all at the same time, seamlessly switching mid-tune between lapand standard positions. In doing so, Geordie has developed a reputation for hisinnovative style and compositions, and has performed at events such asGlastonbury, Ancient Trance Festival, Earth Garden Festival, and the London,Budapest, Bratislava and Berlin Guitar Nights, and has won various awards atthree separate Adelaide Fringe Festivals. He is a co-founder of the Berlin AcousticGuitar Nights, acrobatics company FAUNA, and musicians rights organisationBerlin Street Music, and maintains an extensive touring schedule throughoutEurope and the rest of the world.


Joseph Lyle

is a modern acoustic fingerstyle guitarist,singer/songwriter, and the vocalist for OceansAre Zeroes. Based out of the beautiful city of Boise, Idaho he uses anacoustic guitar as his canvas and believes in the importance of placing artbefore music, to help bring out the purest form possible of self expression inhis songs. Joseph enjoys experimenting using a loop station in order to expandhis compositions into a more "orchestral" sound. August 2014 markedthe release of Joseph"s first solo album "a walk with the leaves".Joseph"s influences are broad in genre, but often fall back to artists such asMichael Hedges, Sergio Altamura, Kevin Blake Goodwin, and Jónsi, to name just afew. Joseph travels and shares his music throughout the US & Canada.

約瑟夫·萊爾(Joseph Lyle),美國,是一名現代化的指彈吉他手、歌手、作曲家,並且現在作為一名歌手在Oceans Are Zeroes。 在美麗的博伊西城市愛達荷州,Joseph使用原聲吉他作為他的畫布,並堅信音樂在藝術的重要性,以幫助帶出他的歌曲中最純粹的自我表現形式。Joseph喜歡試驗使用循環效果,以便將他的作品擴展成更類似於「管弦樂」的聲音。 2014年8月Joseph的第一張個人專輯「散步與葉」《a walk withthe leaves》發行。 Joseph的影響是廣泛的,常常緊隨於Michael Hedges,Sergio Altamura,Kevin Blake Goodwin和Jónsi這樣的藝術家。 Joseph經常往返於美國和加拿大各地旅行並分享他的音樂。

Gary Lutton

is an instrumental acoustic guitaristfrom Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was the winner of the UK/Ireland Sky TVcompetition Guitar Star (2015) where he had the opportunity to work withlegends such as Rodrigo y Gabriela, Mike Dawes & Paco Pena. He recorded atAbbey Road Studios with producer Tony Visconti & played the main stage atLatitude festival for 30,000 people. Gary has also played with Thomas Leeb,Newton Faulkner, Jacques Stotzem, Chris Woods Groove & as part of NitinSawhney』s band. His unique style said to draw』s the listener to his world as heblends interesting percussive techniques with intricate harmony』s, melody andbass of a live band. He draws influences from Van Morrison, Paul Simon,Fleetwood Mac & John Martyn.

Gary Lutton,來自北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特的原聲吉他手。他是英國/愛爾蘭天空電視比賽吉他之星(2015)的獲勝者,他有機會與傳奇人物合作,例如羅德里戈·加布里埃拉,邁克·道斯和帕科佩納。 他在Abbey Road工作室與製片人Tony Visconti錄製,並在3月份的Latitude節上演奏了主舞台。 加里還曾與托馬斯·李伯,牛頓福克納,雅克·斯托茲姆,克里斯·伍茲·格羅夫(Chris WoodsGroove)以及Nitin Sawhney樂隊的一部分進行了比賽。 他獨特的風格表達了吸引他的世界的聽眾,因為他把有趣的打擊樂技巧與複雜的和聲,旋律和低音的現場樂隊混合在一起。他從Van Morrison,Paul Simon,Fleetwood Mac和John Martyn中吸取了音樂的營養。

Oscar Méndez

resides in Bogota, Colombia and is a sound engineer, musician and teacher. Inhis country, he is known for being the pioneer in the art of modern fingerstyleguitar. In 2012, he debuted his first album titled "Lone Spirit". Heis the founder of the Colombia fingerstyle guitar organization which seeks toarouse the interest of new generations of guitarists.

奧斯卡·梅登德(Oscar Méndez),居住在哥倫比亞波哥大,是一名聲音工程師,音樂家和老師。在他的國家,他以現代指彈吉他藝術的先驅而聞名。在2012年,他首演了他的第一張專輯《孤獨的精神》(《Lone Spirit》)。同時,他還是哥倫比亞指彈吉他組織的創始人,旨在喚起新一代吉他手的興趣。

Dana Merritt

is a Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter fromGlastonbury, Connecticut. Drawing influence from all different kinds of music,Dana has been compared to Mike Doughty, Keller Williams, Michael Hedges and St.Vincent, among countless others. Orchestral music and electronic music alsoheavily influence the original compositions, such as Stars of the Lid, ComTruise, Boards of Canada, Brian Eno, Lusine, Justice and hundreds more.

戴娜·馬瑞媞(Dana Merritt), 美國,來自康涅狄格州格拉斯頓伯里的吉他手/歌手/歌曲作者。 從所有不同類型的音樂中吸取營養,Dana已經與Mike Doughty,KellerWilliams,Michael Hedges和St.Vincent等等。 管弦樂和電子音樂也深深影響了他的原創作品,如蓋子之星,Com Truise,加拿大董事會(雙人組合),Brian Eno,Lusine,Justice等等。

Haythem Mohamed

resides in the United Kingdom and is,by definition, a guitarist. However, using modern technology (loop stations,effects pedals, and computer-based programs), as well as percussive techniquesand a general proficiency with the guitar, he is able to create varioussoundscapes from funky and beat-driven music, to ambient "spacey" sounds. Hedoes this all for the love of music and playing the instrument. His music isinfluenced by Jazz, Hip-Hop, Indian Classical Music, Electronic, Funk, Soul andMetal, to name a few genres. He is also known for his stand-up comedy, whichseems to appear out of nowhere throughout his live shows.

Haythem Mohamed,居住在英國。喜歡使用現代技術(循環站,效果踏板和基於計算機的程序),以及敲擊技術和吉他的一般熟練程度,他能夠創造出從時髦和節奏驅動的音樂到環境「 太空的聲音 他完全是為了愛音樂和演奏樂器。 他的音樂受爵士樂,嘻哈,印度古典音樂,電子,Funk,靈魂和金屬的影響。 他也以他的直播喜劇而聞名,似乎在他的現場表演中都沒有出現。

Raf Qu

is an acoustic guitarplayer and composer from Italy. He is known for his Electric and AcousticGuitar playing and is widely recognized for his album titled 「Homeless」. He hasbeen featured in several Italian magazines as well as by CandyRat Records. He hastoured in both Italy, Germany and China.

Raf Qu,來自義大利的吉他手和作曲家。他以他的電吉他和原聲吉他而聞名,並被他的專輯《無家可歸》所廣泛認可。 他已經在幾個義大利雜誌以及CandyRatRecords中被推薦。 並且,他曾在義大利,德國和中國巡演過。


resides in India and is widely known asa composer, arranger, and fingerstyle guitar player. He has won severalprestigious competitions including the best acoustic guitar category in the 6String Theory international musiccompetition. In addition, he won the Best singer-songwriter in Bandstand revivalPeople choice concert in Mumbai as well as the original music contest held byMDR electronics (MX electronics) and the 「Most Wanted Entertainer」 in both seasons 3 & 4 held by Dream Catchers inSingapore.

Manan居住在印度,是作曲家,編曲者和指彈吉他手。 他已經贏得了幾個有聲望的比賽 包括6弦理論國際音樂比賽。 此外,他還獲得了Bandstand復興的最佳歌手作曲家孟買的人選音樂會,以及由MDR電子(MX電子)和「最想要的藝人」舉辦的新加坡的原創音樂大賽。

Tyler Sellers

is a teen singer-songwriter whosesongcraft encompasses jazz chords and blues riffs reminiscent of a young JohnMayer. He has appeared on several global television shows. His pop single, 「OurLove is a Flame,」 is a prelude to his self-titled debut album being releasedthis spring. He has won two international singer-songwriting events, and hasgarnered the attention of industry professionals.

泰勒·塞樂(Tyler Sellers),美國,是一位青少年歌手、作曲家。其歌曲包含爵士樂和弦和藍調,讓人聯想到約翰·邁耶年輕的時候。 他出現在幾個全球電視節目中。 他的流行音樂「我們的愛是火焰」,是他今年春天發行的自己的首張專輯的前奏。 他曾獲得兩次國際歌手創作活動,並獲得了行業專業人士的關注。

Kris Schulz

resides in Canada and is widely known inthe acoustic guitar playing world for his rock and roll acoustic guitar style.He teaches at Electronic Arts, one of the world』s premier video game companies.He finished among the top players at the international Canadian FingerstyleGuitar Festival and has played many sold out venues.

克里斯·舒爾茨(Kris Schulz),加拿大,在吉他彈奏的世界中廣泛地用於搖滾吉他風格。他在全球首屈一指的視頻遊戲公司之一的Electronic Arts擔任吉他講師,這個真是EA的員工福利。 他在國際加拿大Fingerstyle吉他節的頂級選手中排名第一,並且演出經常座無虛席。

Jacob 「Quist」 Quistgaard

is an electric guitar play who currentlyplays lead guitar for British rock legend, Bryan Ferry. He currently alsospends his time writing, producing and collaborating with other artists andsongwriters in Los Angeles. He remains an active session guitarist, havingappeared across the world at major festivals like Coachella and Glastonbury,venues like Royal Albert Hall and Abbey Road, on TV shows like Jools Holland,Jonathan Ross, BBC Breakfast and Le Grand Journal (in France) - working forlabels like BMG, Decca, Polydor, Warner, Sony, Mercury, Universal, Ninja Tunesand Brownswood. His first book (on Rock Guitar) was released worldwide in manylanguages by Parragon in 2011 and Quist is also a regular contributor to GuitarTechniques Magazine. Quist is maintaining a steady output of original music and"Jam Tracks" for his increasingly popular and fast-growing youtube channel QuistJam (over 40 million views) - as well asattending to ongoing session guitar duties for a host of UK, US andInternational artists & studios.

Jacob「Quist」Quistgaard ,是一名電吉他手,目前正在為英國搖滾傳奇人物BryanFerry演奏吉他。他目前也花時間在洛杉磯寫作,製作和與其他藝術家和作曲家合作。他還是一個活躍的指彈吉他手,出現在世界各地,如科切拉和格拉斯頓伯里,諸如皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳和修道院路的場館,像Jools Holland,Jonathan Ross,BBC Breakfast和Le Grand Journal(法國)等電視節目,為BMG,Decca,Polydor,Warner,Sony,Mercury,Universal,Ninja Tunes和Brownswood等工作。他的第一本書(Rock Guitar)於2011年由Parragon在全球各地發行,Quist也是吉他技術雜誌的常規貢獻者。 Quist保持了原始音樂和「Jam Tracks」的穩定作品輸出,為他日益流行和快速成長的YouTube頻道QuistJam(超過4000萬觀看次數)。他還參加了英國,美國和國際的主持人正在進行的吉他課程藝術家和工作室。

Justin St-Pierre

creates a contrast between thesimplicity of the instrument and the complexity of the music that emerges, aswell as a unique sound journey and an impressive visual performance. In 2006,he won the "Frimat Festival" and launched his first solo album Rafiot. In 2011, his second album La Faille

(The Fault) is a tribute to hisnatal land, as it refers to the deep of the golddiggings of his region. Thealbum is a success and made him travel in many territories of Canada and inFrance.Afterbeing a top finisher in several prestigious guitar competitions, Justin won in2013 the first place of the Canadien Guitar Festival, making him one of thebest fingerstyle player of his time.

賈斯汀·皮爾(Justin St-Pierre),創造了樂器樂器的簡單性和音樂的複雜性之間的對比,以及獨特的聲音之旅和令人印象深刻的視覺表現。2006年,他贏得了「Frimat節」,並推出了他的第一張獨奏專輯Rafiot。 2011年,他出版了他的第二張專輯「LaFaille」(The Fault),表達對他的出生地的一個敬意。 這張專輯取得非常大的成功,使他能在加拿大和法國的許多地區進行巡演。在參加了幾個著名的吉他演出比賽後,賈斯汀成為頂級的終結者,他贏得了2013的加拿大吉他音樂節第一名,這使他成為最著名的指彈藝術家之一。

Anthony Troy

a solo finger styleguitarist, has accomplished more in six years as a musician, composer andteacher than many have in a lifetime. Anthony studied under Andrew Lardner andJohn Stropes (stropes.com) at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee which is theonly program in the world to hold a B.F.A. in Finger-Style Guitar. He wasselected to score the film 「Lost」 (written by Michael Chen, writer of MTV)which won both the 「Best Film」 and 「People』s Choice Award」 at the VancouverIsland Short Film Festival in 2016.

安東尼·特洛伊(AndthonyTroy),作為一名音樂家,作曲家和老師,在六年間已經完成了許多音樂人要用一生完成的事。 安東尼在密歇根州威斯康星大學師從Andrew Lardner和John Stropes(stropes.com),這是世界上唯一一個持有指彈吉他B.F.A.(藝術學士學位)的大學。他被選為2011年溫哥華島短片電影「失落」電影(MTV作家麥克陳),獲得「最佳電影」和「人民選擇獎」。





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