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中國記憶1973-2013 | Magnum經典

原標題:中國記憶1973-2013 | Magnum經典

Bruno Barbey:China,Beijing,1973.

Bruno Barbey:China,1973.

王洪文 四人幫之一 Bruno Barbey:CHINA. WANG Hongwen, youngest member of the Gang of Four.1973.

周恩來、王洪文 Bruno Barbey:CHINA. 1973.

Bruno Barbey:CHINA. 1973.

Bruno Barbey:CHINA. 1973.

Bruno Barbey:CHINA. 1973.

Eve Arnold:CHINA. Army officer and family on holiday in Wuhan. 1979.

Eve Arnold:China. Chungking. School play. 1979.

上海 Bruno Barbey:CHINA. Shanghai. Workers" district of Tchao Yang. Children playing ping-pong in front of the Hu-Nan factory.1980.

成都 Bruno Barbey:CHINA. Sichuan. Chengdu. 1980.

桂林 Burt Glinn:CHINA. Guilin, Boy crosses dam near Guilin city.1981.

上海 Thomas Hoepker:CHINA. Shanghai. 1983.

Thomas Hoepker:CHINA. 1983.

國慶慶祝 Thomas Hoepker:Busts of MAO Tse-tung and CHOU En-lai await National Day celebrations.1984.

火車站 Thomas Hoepker: Travellers with baggage wait outside the central railway station.1984.

深圳 九十年代經濟改革大發展Ian Berry:CHINA. Shenzhen. A giant poster of Deng XIAOPING, a great encourager of free enterprise, dominates one of the main crossroads opposite the National Theatre. 1992.

上海 Stuart Franklin:China. Shanghai. 1993.

Stuart Franklin:Miniature Maos on buttons, rings, teacups, lamps, and watches. 1993.

Dennis Stock:HONG KONG. Futuristic architecture.1996.

Stuart Franklin:CHINA. Peking. Painter in his studio. Beijing. 2000.

北京奧運會 Michael Christopher Brown:CHINA. Beijing, China. August 8, 2008. Opening Ceremony performances during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

香港 Martin Parr:HONG KONG. Ki Lung St Market. 2013.

Martin Parr:HONG KONG. 2013.

Martin Parr:HONG KONG. Canton Road. 2013.

Martin Parr:HONG KONG. 2013.

Martin Parr:HONG KONG. The Peak. 2013.

大理 Bruno Barbey:CHINA. Dali. 2013.





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