首頁 > 最新 > 馬小秋:實踐出真知


作者 | 馬小秋

The author|Ma Xiaoqiu


Why do people live and why do they die? Where do people come from and where do they go? How many people have ever thought about these questions and how many people have found the answers?


People live because we don』t know and people die because we don』t know. When I say we don』t know, I mean we don』t know the truth of the universe and the life and what the real state and image of the universe and life is. As a result, we just follow our desires and create the human society of half yin and half yang, where there is both the good and the bad, fortune and misfortune, and joy and sorrow. Following the track, human beings experience lives and deaths that never end.


Lives come from desires. And desires enable people to come and go alone. They live and die alone; no other people can ever live or die for us. From the moment we are born, we are on our own. Thus life is the beginning of death and death is the beginning of life. Life and death are normal phenomena, but the spirit has different states in each phenomenon. Maybe many people don』t believe in spirits, but they would never announce 「I am a person without spirit」. Even if they announce it, if they are arranged in a mortuary and sleep with all bodies, wouldn』t they be scared? And if they are scared, doesn』t the fear root from the spirit?


Therefore, due to our delusions, differentiations, and obsessions, things which are originally beautiful become ones that frustrate us. Lacking of identified truths, we cannot find the roots of these things. So we live in obscurity.


Why are people loving and being loved? Have we thought about the roots of these phenomena? There are answers and solutions in classics for these questions. The complicated questions we are facing now can be solved with the help of the wisdom of our ancestors. It is a pity that many people don』t know. And people don』t know it because there are obstacles in their minds. So we should know that we can only solve the problems while settling down and clearing our bodies and minds and practice the methods provided by wise people. Only in practice can we get understandings and inspirations. And only with deep understandings and inspirations can we see the true features of the universe and the life.


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