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英文里有兩個表述叫做「raise your level of consciousness」和「


an increasing of concerned awareness especially of some social or political issue

這裡提高的是對社會問題和政治問題的認識(意識)了。這個義項發源自美國1960-70年代的民權運動和女權運動。除了這個意思,還有心理學上的「意識/精神層次」 :

Sigmund Freud divided human consciousness into three levels of awareness: theconscious,preconscious, andunconscious.

P"eng Chen grieved that the three thousand students of his new university could be spared to study for only two years before being recycled to higher duties. He explained his fundamental problem in a phrase: "brain remolding." The men who came in from the field, he said, whether semiliterate battalion commanders or college-trained intellectuals, had to have their minds washed out, had to be remolded in ideology. At first he thought this could be done in only three months; he had now learned that a full year was necessary to "remold the brain," before they could go on to study military matters, or economics, or health, or administration.His interpreter and I searched for a word better than "brain remolding" and finally the interpreter came up with the phrase "raising their level of consciousness."This was the first time I heard that phrase, which, over the years, moved out of China and into the streets and fashions of America in the 1960s.

原來,"raising their level of consciousness"是1940年代領導延安整風運動的彭真口譯員的臨場發明。此後,這個表述就進入英文世界,經過民權運動和女權運動的洗禮,脫去了共產主義意識形態的專屬意義,在美國民間和心理學領域紮根生長。這個表述估計被這位口譯員譯回漢語中的「提高思想水平」,取代了那句原話,流傳並使用至今。

而這位口譯員翻譯的彭真原話是「brain remolding」——思想改造。



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