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敏感是你的硬傷 心軟是你的致命傷

The fastest addiction is staying up late. 最讓人快速上癮的是熬夜。

Can lose without saying what regret. 能失去 就談不上什麼遺憾。

Respect the present, forget the past and never mention the future.「尊重現在,往事不記,後事不提。」

The feeling is that your heart is broken and your heart is weak.敏感是你的硬傷 心軟是你的致命傷

I would like you to be sick and happy that I have no medicine. 願你病入膏肓 喜我成疾 藥石無醫

Loneliness is the greatest freedom. 孤獨其實就是最大的自由 。

Love is not the end; company is the end. 愛情不是終點,陪伴才是歸宿。

The person who felt inseparable at that time also left finally. 當時感覺離不開的人,最後也離開了。

You come and go like the wind,my heart is full and empty. 你像風來了又走,我的心滿了又空。

Loneliness is a no one to send a bad cold. 「孤獨是一場無人送葯的重感冒」



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