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有夢想 就會有力量

"沒有什麼比夢想 更具有力量桂軍"






Hello,everyone. My name is Michael. I work for an import and export company. Traveling is one of my favorite hobbies.

I』m honored to be the star student of this season. It had been more than one year since I came to World to study English. Duo to the nature of my job with frequent business trips in the past time, it resulted in no enough time to study at school, so the progress of English learning is also relatively slow, but I never give up. I always have fun learning English. Of course, it』s not easy to learn English well.

First of all, it』s very important for me to cultivate my love of English, especially in the 21st Century. English has become an indispensable communication tool in all kinds of industries. It』s also an indispensable bridge for my further study.

Second, accumulation is necessary for learning English, only when you have a certain level of English, vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, reading, writing, listening and spoken English will be easily used in the future, and I believe that you will have a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Third, the English professor』s 『The power of the dream』 has been calling me at the bottom of my heart, guiding me, urging and inspiring me, the only way to accomplish and achieve is to pursue a passion for English.

In the end, thanks for all the teachers of World, especially my tutor Phoebe , she gave me a lot of learning methods and suggestions, which made less detours on the road for me to learn English, and thanks to the Course Consultant Kathy. Thank you , have a nice day.

Tutor Phoebe 寄語


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