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聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了

Monica: Chandler,in all my life, I never thought I would be so lucky. As to fall in love with my best, my best......There is a reason why girls donot do this!

Chandler: Okay! Okay! Oh God! I thought... Wait a minute, I...I can do this. I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And if you will let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. Monica, will you marry me?

Monica: Yes!

2、Gossip Girl Blair和Chuck的婚禮應該算是經典的。

聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了

three words, eight letters


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了

M:I"m a traditional guy.I went through hell to get this ring. We"re gonna do this right. Nikita...

N:You had me at"give me the damn Glock."


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了


Phoebe: When I was growing up, I didn"t have a normal mom and dad, or a regular family like everybody else, and I always knew that something was missing. But now I"m standing here today, knowing that I have everything I"m ever gonna need... You are my family.

Mike: Phoebe you"re so beautiful. You"re so kind, you"re so generous. You"re so wonderfully weird. Every day with you is an adventure, and I can"t believe how lucky I am, and I can"t wait to share my life with you forever.


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了



聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了


夠浪漫,非常有創意,清水出芙蓉的we found love,這樣的求婚簡直太完美了。。比樓下擺蠟燭什麼的高端多了。。


聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了

聊一聊美劇裡面那些讓人感動的婚禮和求婚 每一個都看哭了

Mike:Are you sure about this? I don"t want you to look back and regret not having your perfect wedding.

Susan:Well,I don"t know if you"ve noticed, but my idea of the perfect wedding keeps changing. One day,I want white roses,and then I want lilies,and first,I want a harpist, and then a string quartet.Only one thing stays constant...and I"m looking at him. Why would I need anything else to make my wedding perfect?



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