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Zhang Daqian is the most legendary master of Chinese painting in the 20th century. No matter whether it is painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, or poetry, it is everywhere. In the early days, he devoted himself to studying ancient paintings and calligraphy, especially in landscape painting. After living overseas, the painting style workers combined, heavy color, ink integration, especially ink and color, created a new artistic style. His method of study is worthy of reference for those painters who try to move from tradition to modernity.


規格:長:67cm 寬:29cm

類別:字畫 年代:近代(張大千)


Name: Color-setting brush Gao Shiguan cloud map

Specification: Length: 67cm Width: 29cm

Category: Painting Age: Modern(Zhang Daqian)

The painter used the sentence under the sycamore tree to change the old plum thinking on the rock gap. The layout and ink are all taken from the river, and the square is folded with a pen to paint the rock layer. However, with the configuration of Gao Shi, it was dyed with a thin pen. In the artistic conception of Yuqing, he was slightly angry and slightly different from the gradual teacher"s painting. In the painting, the "Yuan" Zhuwenyin, the "Yuan" and the "" sound are the same, that is, the name. This print and another "season" white print are a pair of prints and are occasionally used in works in the late 1920s. This is only one of them. It is accompanied by the "Great Thousand" white print. The meaning and chapter method are combined. It is rare in the handed down paintings.


This painting is elegant and elegant, the lines drift and move, and the mood is quite good. In the painting, Gao Shikuangpao has large sleeves and elegant clothes. He stands on top of a huge stone and stares at the distance. The face of the character is calm and elegant, showing Gao Shi"s ease and ease.


It uses pens to flow water, and it is tight and continuous, making the overall composition imaginary and realistic, and the three-dimensional sense is extremely strong; In particular, the technique of pointing Moss is patchwork, layered, and the character shape is revealed. In addition, in the use and matching of color is also very attentive, the main body thin apply light color, outline appropriate, the entire work is full of Qing and Yuan Yuan gas, is the perfect embodiment of Chinese literati ink painting.


"Gao Shi Tu" is an important theme in the paintings of ancient characters. The painters like to depict the extraordinary temperament and elegant life taste of ancient people with noble character, in order to express their admiration for Gao Shi or their pursuit and longing for his life status.



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