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【George s Marvellous Medicine】母雞



George"s Marvellous Medicine


The Hen


He stood in the farmyard looking up the roof. The old farmhouse had a fine roof of pale red tiles and a tall chimney. There was a song bird sitting on the chimney-pot, singing a song. There was no sign of grandma. She"s got stuck in the attic, he thought. Thank goodness for that.

Suddenly a tile came clattering down from the roof and fell into the yard. The song-thrust took off fast and flew away. Then another tile came down. Then half a dozen more.



And then, very slowly, like a weird monster rising up from deep, grandma』s head came through the roof. And then her scrawny neck and the tops of her shoulder.

Didn"t I tell you I have magic powers. Didn"t I warn you I have wizardry in the tips of my fingers. But you wouldn"t listen to me!

You didn"t do it. I did it. I made you a new medicine.

The wrinkled old face high up on the roof stared down suspiciously at george, are you telling me you actually made a new medicine all by yourself?

I don"t believe you. But I am very comfortable up here. Fetch me a cup of tea.





A hen was pecking about close to where he was standing. The hen gave him an idea. He quickly uncorked the bottle of brown stuff and poured some into the spoon. Grandma, watch this. Then he crouched down, holding out the spoon to the hen.

Chickens are stupid animals, and very greedy. They think everything is food. This one thought the spoon was full of corn. It hopped over. It put its head on one side and looked at the spoon.



The brown hen stretched out its neck towards the spoon and went peck. It had a beakful of medicine.

The effect was electric. The hen shot straight up into the air like a rocket. It went as high as the house.

Then down it came again into the yard, splosh. It sat with feathers sticking out from its body. There was a look of amazement on its silly face. George stood watching it. Grandma, up on the roof was watching it, too.


The hen got to its feet. It was rather shaky. It was making funny gurgling from its throat. Its beak was opening and shutting. It seemed like a pretty sick hen.

All of a sudden, black smoke started pouring out of the hen"s beak. It is on fire!

George ran to the water trough and got a bucket of water.

That hen will be roasted and ready for eating any moment.

George sloshed the bucket of water over the hen. There was a sizzling sound and smoke went away.





That hen"s laid its last egg. Hens don"t do any laying after they"ve been on fire.

Now that the fire was out. The hen seemed better. It stood up properly. It flapped its wings. It crouched down low to the ground, as though getting ready to jump. It did jump. It jumped high up into the air and turned a complete somersault. Then it landed back on its feet.



It is a circus hen. It is a flipping acrobat. Now the hen was growing.

George had been waiting this to happen.

Soon the hen was four or five times its normal size.

He was hopping about from one foot to the other with excitement, pointing the enormous hen and shouting, it had the magic medicine, and the hen is growing like you did.


But there was a difference between the way the hen was growing and the way grandma grew. As grandma was growing taller and taller, her body got thinner and thinner. Then hen didn"t. It stayed plump and nice all along.

It was taller than george, but it didn"t stop there. It went right on growing until it was about as high as a horse. Then it stopped.

Compared with me, that hen is titchy small. I am the tallest of them all.





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