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英語中有一句諺語:「The pen is mightier than the sword.」(筆鋒勝於利劍。)語言的力量是無形的,但卻可能影響甚至改變人的一生。人生中難免有不順、煩惱、逆境、坎坷,當你身處低谷、躊躇不前,或是深陷悲傷、無法自拔時,旁人不經意的幾句話,或許就能在瞬間給你啟發,甚至帶給你重拾自我、改變生活的力量。關於這些難忘的話語,Boredpanda網站收集了很多網友的故事和回答,下面東方君就選取一些與大家分享。


I was 13 years old, trying to teach my 6 year old sister how to dive into a swimming pool from the side of the pool. It was taking quite a while as my sister was really nervous about it. We were at a big, public pool, and nearby there was a woman, about 75 years old, slowly swimming laps. Occasionally she would stop and watch us. Finally she swam over to us just when I was really putting the pressure on, trying to get my sister to try the dive, and my sister was shouting, "but I"m afraid!! I"m so afraid!!" The old woman looked at my sister, raised her fist defiantly in the air and said, "So be afraid! And then do it anyway!"


That was 35 years ago and I have never forgotten it. It was a revelation -- it"s not about being unafraid. It"s about being afraid and doing it anyway.





When I was 38 I contemplated beginning a two year Associates Degree in Radiography. I was talking to a friend and had almost talked myself out of doing it. I said "I"m too old to start that. I"ll be 40 when I get my degree." My friend said "If you don"t do it, you"ll still be 40, but without the degree." I"m nearly 60 now, and that degree has been the difference between making a decent living, and struggling to get by.





I met a person who was in a wheelchair. He related a story about how a person once asked if it was difficult to be confined to a wheelchair. He responded, "I"m not confined to my wheelchair - I am liberated by it. If it wasn"t for my wheelchair, I would be bed-bound and never able to leave my room or house."





A friend of the family"s five year-old child died in a freak accident, where the father had just left the room for a minute to go to the bathroom, and the child climbed on top of the TV, and it toppled and crushed him. The family was in pieces, and the father undeservedly blamed himself for the death of his child. I remember telling my dad, a stoic man who has only said he loves me maybe three times in his life, that this is a reason that I don"t know if I want children. I don"t think I could handle something like this.


His response was:Even one minute with you in my life is worth whatever pain I would feel if you had died.





After getting rejected by a bunch of colleges in the same week, my dad (who is a writer) said "I was rejected by Stanford three times, and now my books are in their library.You"ve got to be better than them."





"Everyone you meet knows something you don"t." My grandfather told me this, and it"s been a good reminder that I am surrounded by teachers.





I recently got married earlier this year, and obviously our marriage is far from perfect. We argue, and disagree, and sometimes can"t stand to be around each other. I grew up in a very hostile environment. Personal attacks were always used, instant anger, and no mutual understanding was ever to be had. When I got married, I quickly noticed that my fighting habits were toxic for our relationship. And my husband told me, "It"s not You Vs Me, love. It"s You and Me Vs Problem. We are always a team." It"s helped me overcome some serious rifts in my personal relationships and I will never forget it.





In terms of love and romance, the truth is, the only person you know you"re definitely spending the rest of your life with is you.


Everything else is simply not guaranteed—no matter how much you believe in 「true love」 and all that it entails. People die. People leave. People change their minds. When all is said and done, you end up with yourself.So work everyday to be your best self. And don"t let ANYONE EVER define who you are without your permission.








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