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草圖由Oscar chichoni和Keith tompson繪製的


概念圖簡直驚艷了,對於電影《阿修羅》美術總監奧斯卡·契柯尼(Oscar Chichoni)更是充滿了好奇!因為他的經歷實在是太豐富了。

嘉賓簡介 :

義大利裔阿根廷設計師。他在過去幾十年里為無數全球知名刊物創作封面與插畫。此後他又與弗朗西斯·科波拉、彼得·傑克 遜、吉爾莫·德爾·托羅等在電影領域合作。他參與的電影《亂世情緣》獲得了1995 年奧斯卡最佳美術指導獎。近年還參與制作了《加勒比海盜4》《環太平洋》《環太平洋2》《猩紅山峰》等多部電影製作。2016年,他參與由張鵬執導,吳磊、梁家輝、劉嘉玲領銜主演的奇幻動作電影《阿修羅》,擔任美術總監。

日前「尋找阿修羅王—電影《阿修羅》三頭欲王同人主題海報大賽」在站酷網的徵集活動已經結束。站酷網受邀專訪《阿修羅》電影美術總監奧斯卡·契柯尼(Oscar Chichoni),這位設計師,插畫師和電影藝術工作者和我們聊了聊他的電影美術之路和《阿修羅》電影背後的故事,他希望大家能被現象級的場景設計驚艷到。



契柯尼:是, 我是自學的, 但我當時做的是類似於早年西方古典藝術學院會做的那種個人研究,現在已經沒有這種學院了。在那些學院里,人體結構、構圖和色彩是學習根基,這些仍是當今具象藝術的基礎,比如電影與遊戲里的插畫、設計。一個優秀設計師的重要能力是要懂得如何流暢地作畫,而人體結構大概是學習繪畫中最重要的一環。畫面構圖和色彩也是同等重要和複雜的學問。我認為自己是一個有才華的人嗎?我自己不敢這麼說,但是我得過不少國際獎項,這些評委們是認可我在這個領域裡的才華的。

Chichoni:Yes, I am self-taught, but I did personal studies similar to the western classical arts academies (which no longer exist). In thise academies, the study of anatomy, composition and color were fundamental and remain fundamental in the current figurative arts such as illustration, design in film and videogames, for example.The key ability of a good designer is to know how to draw fluently and the study of human anatomy is perhaps the most important thing to learn to draw. Composition and color are equally important and complex studies.If I consider myself a talented person ?. Well, I could not say, but I have many international awards from juries that did consider me a person of talent in the sector.

以往作品:Vehicles—Film&Video Games(圖源自官網)



Chichoni:The evolution of my work includes all those experiences. I started when I was 17 years old doing comic with famous artists and I did it very well.But I wanted to make a deeper experience about color and composition, so I left the comic and did two years of painting.Then match my comic experience with my painting experience and that"s how the illustration appeared. This was a way of telling a story with a single image, for that reason I call my style "narrative illustration".This profession is something that I have practiced for many years in several countries.Then I worked in videogames as a concept designer and art director. My advantages were that I was familiar with the dynamism of a visual story because of my experience in comics and with the representation of an idea in a single image thanks to my knowledge in painting and illustration, but there I made a lot of experience in the complete design of a project and in the direction of an artistic-creative team. I finally started working in film, and because of its dynamism and the importance of the image in this media, I once again used my previous experiences in comics, painting, illustration and videogames.As you can see there is a common line in all these disciplines and I think that every figurative artist should go through a similar process, although not necessarily identical. In my film work I can see every day the advantages of knowing all these sectors and being able to apply them.




Chichoni:The rol of aPD is to create the image that will be the recognizable feature of the film, establish the aesthetic, the style, the dramatic tone that the story may contain. Each scene needs a metaphorical treatment, in addition nothing is casual in a scenography or a landscape, not any unnecessary element should be added, as in a good painting.



Chichoni:Asura is very different from the Science Fiction, Historical or Horror films in which I participated, this is an epic story and for me it was extremely complex in terms of design because of its deep cultural implications and diversity of environments. We go from Human realm to Asura realm and to the cave of the rebels, each world is completely different and unique, but at the same time they must belong to the same story.



Chichoni:The way of visualizing a new and original universe can be a very difficult task if the story is not interesting but the Asura universe was so inspiring that the ideas flew freely and with the director Peng Zhang we only had to contain those waters so they did not overflow!The good relationship with the director and the producers was also fundamental in this concern. The great difficulty was to bring to reality everything we had imagine and designed, then we had to work hard looking for solutions to solve each problem, which were sometimes really big.



Chichoni:Obviously I cannot deny my western nature, but the influence of oriental culture comes from my passion for Asian art, and although I do not pretend to have deep knowledge about it, I must say that my personal library is composed mostly of Eastern art and architecture books from India and Pakistan as well as China. Anyway, I could not design a Chinese dragon without the help of a Chinese artist! But Asura pushed me to explore and create completely new worlds that did not necessarily belong to a historical reality, therefore the depth of Eastern culture in this case was more philosophical than formal. This gave me great creative freedom.



契柯尼:關於三頭阿修羅王,導演有很特別的想法,而我負責完成這個想法,但本質來說這有相當一部分是服裝設計的功勞,它主要出自傑出的服裝設計師,奧斯卡獲獎者Ngila Dickson之手。

Chichoni:The three heads of Asura King were an idea that the director wanted very specially and I worked in doing it, but marginally since this was rather part of the costumes design work. That was in the hands of the extraordinary costume designer and Oscar winner Ngila Dickson.

站酷網:《阿修羅》你認為最驚艷的場景或畫面是什麼? 有哪些細節值得我們留意?


Chichoni:There are a large number of scenographies that you could define as phenomenal; obviously King Asura"s palace, the Nectar Forest or the Village, but I especially like the Rebels" cave for its complex and three-dimensional space, for its large white tree and its architecture sculpted in the rock. The rebels lab is also one of my favorite scenographies.




Chichoni:Yes, I naturally watch the posters of the films and this is due because my past as an illustrator, and I must say that I do not always like them. I believe that a poster should not only contain a recognizable and characteristic image of the film, it should also contain a visual metaphor that tells us the meaning of the story. The color will tell us about its dramatic sense and should match the original color of the film. At the same time, the composition will allow us to clearly read all these elements. But nothing would work if the image was not made with beauty.




Chichoni:A good concept artist must know how to design and for this he must know how to draw. Good drawing is a fundamental tool to design and for a correct visual representation of the story.But there are other elements; a good knowledge of the history of art, of architecture, of design and to develop a great curiosity and a keen capacity to observe everything that surrounds us.

We can accumulate all these data in our mind, the memory is a hard disk of an almost infinite capacity, the problem then is to apply all this knowledge in design and that is achieved with only one thing, is to do it with maximum creative freedom. For most people that is the most difficult thing to do.

以往作品:Environments—Film&Video Games(





Chichoni:I think there are many possibilities in the film industry. With the new media, opportunities have multiplied infinitely, but for this same reason today competition is very hard. There are thousands and thousands of artists around the world who can connect with this industry in search of an opportunity. This struggle has made the quality of new creators reach an extraordinary level in the use of new techniques and technologies.This very competitive enviroment of new techniques and technologies give to the creators an extraordinary level of quality. But there is also a kind of standard and most of these artists are too similar. The only solution is already in my previous answer "a good knowledge of art history, architecture, design and development of curiosity and observation capacity to then be able to apply all this knowledge with maximum creative freedom".

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