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Facebook is DOWN: Social media uproar as users worldwide complain that the app keeps crashing


來源:英國《每日郵報》 翻譯:世界播

Facebook is down for thousands across the world causing disgruntled users to take to social media to vent their frustrations.


The outage – which has now been going on for over ten hours – appears to be largely affecting users from Europe and the US.


As of 5pm EDT, the app was still impacting the Android version of the app.


Forty-six per cent of users who have complained say they are experiencing a "total blackout" while 27 per cent are having problems logging in to the app.


Facebook is down for thousands across the world causing disgruntled users to take to social media to vent their frustrations. The outage – which has now been going on for six hours –appears to be largely affecting users from Europe and the US


According to the Google Play Store, the most recent update for Android was issued on 11th July.


Many users said they received a message saying the app had not loaded properly while others said the app crashed before it even started loading.


"Facebook keeps switching off using an Android phone", wrote Myrette MacIntyre on website Down Detector.

「使用安卓手機時,Facebook一直登錄不上」,用戶Myrette MacIntyre在Down Detector網站上寫道。

"Facebook app keeps stopping after a few seconds in Tallahassee, Florida", wrote Bill Bibby.

Bill Bibby寫道:「在佛羅里達州塔拉哈西, Facebook應用程序運行幾秒鐘後就會停止。」

Android phones generally auto-update so users might not be aware they are using the latest version.


Many disgruntled users took to Twitter in a bid to see if others were experiencing the same problem.


"I guess the Facebook app is down, glad I"m not the only one" tweeted Kanagawa-based user @Typhonicstat.


Other users tweeted to say they had uninstalled, reinstalled and restarted the app but nothing was working.


"The Facebook app is not working for me. I"ve uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted my phone. Nothing is working. It crashes immediately after it opens", wrote North Carolina-based user @WhyMySoAmy on Twitter.


It is impacting the Android version of the app following a recent update. Forty-seven per cent of users who have complained say they are experiencing a "total blackout" while 30 per cent are having problems logging in to the app


Many users took to rival app Twitter in a bid to see if others were experiencing the same problem


Europe was hit the hardest, with a large volume of issues found throughout the continent. France, UK, Belgium and Italy are just some of the countries where residents were unable to access Facebook


The US was also hit by the outage, with most of the midwest and the eastern seaboard struggling to get on to the popular social media platform


User Luke Skibba tweeted "Facebook crashing every two seconds on my Google Pixel 2... Oh well. Guess I"m forced to be productive this morning".

用戶Luke Skibba在推特上寫道:「Facebook每兩秒鐘就會在我的谷歌像素2手機上崩潰……好吧,我想我今天早上不得不集中精力工作了。」

Some users reported having issues with the app for weeks.


"Any fixes in the works for the App crashing after opening? Been having issues off and on for about 3 weeks", wrote user "akman65" on the Down Detector website.

用戶「akman65」在Down Detector網站上寫道:「該應用程序在打開後崩潰,有什麼補救措施嗎?已經斷斷續續有三個星期了。」

"Tried virtually everything including reloading the app."


"Same problem here", wrote another user Pat Kleck.

另一位用戶Pat Kleck寫道:「我也一樣。」

"We"re aware that some people are currently having trouble accessing the Facebook app", a spokesperson told MailOnline.


"We"re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible."


This latest outage follows a bug that crashed the Messenger app last month.


Facebook has experienced a global outage, with reports coming in from Japan, India and Malaysia among others


South America also experienced technical difficulties, as people reported the app was not working in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Chile


The crash appeared to affect both Android and Apple devices, with the Pixel 2 one of the high-end devices unable to connect to Facebook

此次事故似乎對安卓和蘋果的設備都造成了影響,其中的一個高端設備Pixel 2無法與Facebook連接

Many people were confused that the application refused to work, as no explanation has been provided to appease customers


According to DownDetector, the problem was primarily with Messenger"s ability to connect to the server. Nearly half (45%) of users have reported this issue.


In addition, reports of problems logging in (30%) and receiving messages (20%) were also reported.


European Messenger users were the worst affected.


However, reports also came in from the US East and West Coasts, parts of South America, northern Africa, Japan, the Philippines, and Australia.


Twitter users were trying to get the Facebook app working on their phone. Many went as far as to uninstall the app from their device before downloading it again. It appears this method is ineffective


Disgruntled users pointed out that the 24/7 model of Facebook makes the outages uncommon and asked for a fix as soon as possible


People were reporting that as soon as the app was opened, it simply crashed and then closed. His would happen repeatedly





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