首頁 > 新聞 > 清華大學王新泉與張林琦組合作揭示MERS-CoV單抗結構與中和作用機制


7月10日,清華大學生命科學學院王新泉和醫學院張林琦兩個課題組合作,在美國《細胞》雜誌旗下的《Cell Reports》發表題為」中東呼吸綜合征冠狀病毒刺突蛋白受體結合域與一株具有獨特中和表位抗體的結構解析」(Structural definition of a unique neutralization epitope on the receptor-binding domain of MERS-CoV spike glycoprotein)的研究論文。該研究解析了中東呼吸道綜合征冠狀病毒(Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, MERS-CoV)抗體MERS-4與受體結合區域(Receptor Binding Domain, RBD)的結構,揭示了其獨到的抗病毒機制。

MERS-CoV是2012年在中東地區首先發現的一種新型冠狀病毒,與2003年發現的嚴重急性呼吸道綜合征冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV)同屬於β冠狀病毒。MERS-CoV能夠引發嚴重的人類呼吸系統疾病,其致死率高達36%,目前尚無針對該病毒的預防性疫苗和特效的治療手段。從2012年至今,王新泉和張林琦兩個課題組通力合作,在MERS-CoV相關的研究中取得了一系列的突出成果。兩個課題組共同解析了MERS-CoV RBD與其受體的結構,共同分離和鑒定了高效抗MERS-CoV人源單克隆抗體, MERS-4和MERS-27,並協力對其中一個抗體(MERS-27)的表位以及中和機制進行研究。


此次報道的研究成果,是王新泉和張林琦兩個課題組最新的合作產出。利用結構生物學學的方法,解析了RBD與高效單克隆抗體MERS-4複合物的晶體結構,揭示其獨特的識別表位和中和作用機制。與已經報道的抗體比較,MERS-4並不是直接與受體競爭結合RBD發揮其中和作用,而是通過與RBD結合導致其中一段loop的構象發生了較大的變化,進而破壞了RBD與受體識別的關鍵區域,間接的行使其抗病毒功能。 此外,MERS-4獨到的識別表位和中和機制使它能夠與其它抗MERS-CoV抗體產生協同作用,提高抗病毒活性和廣譜性,這為抗體藥物研發提供了全新的選擇。



MERS-4 binds RBD from the outside of the RBD–DPP4 binding interface

MERS-4 favors binding to the RBD in the 「up」 position in the S trimer

MERS-4 neutralizes MERS-CoV by indirect rather than direct competition with DPP4

MERS-4 is a valuable addition to the combined use of MERS-CoV antibodies


The major mechanism of antibody-mediated neutralization of the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) involves competition with the cellular receptor dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) for binding to the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike (S) glycoprotein. Here, we report a unique epitope and unusual neutralizing mechanism of the isolated human antibody MERS-4. Structurally, MERS-4 approached the RBD from the outside of the RBD-DPP4 binding interface. Such binding resulted in the folding of the β5-β6 loop toward a shallow groove on the RBD interface critical for accommodating DPP4. The key residues for binding are identified through site-directed mutagenesis. Structural modeling revealed that MERS-4 binds to RBD only in the 「up」 position in the S trimer. Furthermore, MERS-4 demonstrated synergy with several reported antibodies. These results indicate that MERS-4 neutralizes MERS-CoV by indirect rather than direct competition with DPP4. This mechanism provides a valuable addition for the combined use of antibodies against MERS-CoV infection.





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