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Business|Pharma frenemies


A rush forimmunotherapydrugs means newbedfellows


immunotherapy/?"mj?no"θ?r?pi/n. 免疫療法

bedfellows/"bedfel??/n. 夥伴;同床者(等於bedmate)



THE modernpharmaceuticalfirm lives or dies on the strength of its drug portfolio. Aspatentsexpireonlucrativemedicines, they mustreplacethe income that has been lost by inventing new drugs, or buying them in from outside. Both paths are expensive. But the costs of failure are greater, and this is how it was possible for a large and successful firm—such as British-basedAstraZeneca—to shed 15% of its market value in a single day in late July. Around £10bn ($13.2bn) was lost on news ofdisappointingresults in one of its clinical trials (its shares have since rebounded by 4%).


pharmaceutical/,fɑrm?"sut?kl/adj. 製藥(學)的;n. 藥物

patents/?pe?tnts/n. [專利] 專利(patent的複數形式);專利權

expire/?k"spa??; ek-/vi. 期滿;終止;

lucrative/"lu?kr?t?v/adj. 有利可圖的,賺錢的;合算的

replace/r?"ple?s/vt. 取代,代替


disappointing/d?s?"p??nt??/v. 令人失望;辜負…的期望



Thetrialwas tofind outif a pair of drugs would treat a form of lung cancer. The drug, Imfinzi, and the experimental drug tremelimumab, belong to a newcategoryof immunotherapy medicines called 「checkpoint inhibitors」. Similar drugs are made byBristol Myers Squibb(BMS), byMerckin America andRoche, a Swiss firm. In aninterimfinding, it was reported that Astra』s combination did not offer an improvement over therapies already on the market. John Rountree, a partner with Novasecta, aconsultancy, says the results suggest it is still early days for immuno-oncology R&D, not that there is something wrong with the technology. Last year, BMS lost 16% of its market value after a failed trial of Opdivo, anothercheckpoint inhibitor, in lung cancer.


trial/"tra??l/n. 試驗;審訊;努力;磨鍊

find outv. 找出,查明;發現,揭發

category/"k?t?g(?)r?/n. 種類,分類;[數] 範疇

Bristol Myers Squibb(BMS)百時美施貴寶公司(Bristol-Myers Squibb Company)是一家以科研為基礎的全球性的從事醫藥保健及個人護理產品的多元化企業,有4,200多名科學家及工作人員進行科研工作。在任何時候,至少有50多個項目在同時進行不間斷的研究活動。

Merck默沙東 美國一家做處方葯、疫苗、生物製品與動物保健品的企業,截止2014年研發費用投入65億美元。


interim/"?nt(?)r?m/n. 過渡時期,中間時期

consultancy/k?n"s?lt(?)ns?/n. 諮詢公司;顧問工作

checkpoint inhibitor免疫檢查點抑製劑


那次試驗是要弄清兩種配對組合的藥物是否能夠治療一種肺癌。藥物Imfinzi和實驗性藥物tremelimumab同屬一類叫作「免疫檢查點抑製劑」的新型免疫療法藥物。百時美施貴寶(Bristol Myers Squibb)、美國的默沙東(Merck)以及瑞士羅氏(Roche)等企業也在生產類似的藥物。據一份中期報告稱,阿斯利康的藥物組合相比現有療法並沒有更好的療效。諮詢公司Novasecta的合伙人約翰·朗特里(John Rountree)表示,該試驗結果表明腫瘤免疫學的研發仍處於起步階段,而不是存在技術問題。去年,百時美施貴寶的另一種治療肺癌的免疫檢查點抑製劑Opdivo試驗失敗,導致公司市值損失16%。



該公司在歐洲臨床腫瘤學會年會上披露完整的試驗結果: Opdivo是屬於檢查點抑製劑的免疫治療藥物,它能刺激人體免疫系統來攻擊惡性腫瘤。早期試驗顯示,該藥物可能取代副作用較大的化療用於治療肺癌患者。然而發布的大型試驗結果顯示,Opdivo比化療效果更差,僅僅能夠控制肺癌約四個月,而標準的化療能夠使大多數肺癌患者病情控制六個月。

Thepromiseof these drugs means the market has become crowded. It is harder for laterentrantssuch as AstraZeneca, whose drug Imfinzi is the fifth checkpoint inhibitor that came to market, but it has a wideportfolioof good immuno-oncology drugs, which means it can offer these incombinations—something that is expected to offer a therapeutic benefit topatients.


promise/"pr?m?s/vi. 許諾;有指望,有前途

entrantsn. (參加比賽的)競賽者;新成員;

portfolio/p??t"f??l???/n. 公文包;文件夾;投資組合

combinations/?k?mb??ne???nz/n. [數] 組合;製品

patients/"pe??(?)nts/n. [醫] 病人(patient的複數形式)



Yet as the number of checkpoint inhibitors and immunotherapy drugs rises, the number of suchpotentialcombinations of treatments is growing (see chart), which could mean many expensiveclinical trialsfor pharma companies. They must decide how toobtainthe best sets of drugs. Mergers and acquisitions to get the right treatments look expensive (research from Novasecta found that last year the median price of a pharma firm was 39 times its revenue, compared with 19 times in 2015 and 8 times in 2014).


potential/p??ten?l/adj. 潛在的;可能的

clinical trials臨床試驗

obtain/?b"te?n/vi. 獲得;流行



Instead, pharma firms that have competedfiercelyfor decades have decided that sometimes it is better toco-operate. In late July, Merck bought half the rights to AstraZeneca』s Lynparza in a deal worth $8.5bn. The firms will co-develop and sell a drug known as a 「PARP inhibitor」. It will be developed in combination with checkpoint inhibitors made by both firms. In January this year Merck alsoexpandeditsexistingcollaborationwith Eli Lilly to study how the drug Lartruvo, a targeted cancer drug, acts with Merck』s Keytruda. On July 25th Eli Lilly said it will out-license or co-develop one-third of itsoncologypipeline. There are many more examples.


fiercely/"f??sl?/adv. 猛烈地;厲害地

co-operate/k?u"?p?reit/vi. 合作

expanded/?k"sp?nd?d/adj. 擴充的;展開的

existing/?ɡ"z?st??/adj. 目前的;現存的

collaboration/k?l?b?"re??n/n. 合作;勾結;通敵

oncology/??"k?l?d??/n. [腫瘤] 腫瘤學


激烈競爭了幾十年的製藥企業已經意識到,有時合作才是上策。7月底,在一筆價值85億美元的交易中,默沙東買下了阿斯利康的藥物Lynparza一半的所有權。兩家公司會合作研發和銷售一種「PARP抑製劑」藥物——它們會基於該藥物與各自已有的免疫檢查點抑製劑的聯合療效來研發這種葯。今年1月,默沙東還擴大了它與禮來(Eli Lilly)的合作,以研究靶向抗癌藥Lartruvo與默沙東的Keytruda聯合使用的效果。7月25日,禮來表示將把三分之一的在研腫瘤藥物對外授權或共同研發。類似的例子不勝枚舉。

The industry isconvincedthat collaboration is needed in immuno-oncology, reckons McKinsey, a consulting firm. Working together is aneffectiveway to mixlaboratorytalent and to bring medicines to patients, adds Mr Rountree. It isevidenceof this drive to find combinations of drugs that most of the hundreds of trials of the top two checkpoint inhibitors on the market are led by firms orinstitutionsother than the company that actually owns the drug, says McKinsey.


convinced/k?n"v?nst/v. 使確信;說服

effective/?"fekt?v/adj. 有效的,起作用的;

laboratory/l??b?r?tr?/n. 實驗室,研究室

evidence/"ev?d(?)ns/n. 證據,證明;跡象;明顯




If the collaborations turn out to work, the industry will have advanced in two important ways. First, it would mean that pharma has found a way to create value for itsshareholdersaside from the expensive andunpredictableroute of M&A. Second, the deals coulddriveefficiencyin an industry that isstrugglingwithproductivity. Studies show that pharma productivity (measured by the number of new molecular entities created per billion dollars of investment) has beendecliningfor most of the industry』s history. There is nodenyingthat the deals are complex toarrange,legallyspeaking, but beingawkwardfrenemiescould be worth it.


shareholders/"??r,hold?/n. [金融] 股東,投資者;股民

unpredictable/?npr?"d?kt?b(?)l/adj. 不可預知的;不定的;出乎意料的

drive/dra?v/n. 駕車;[心理] 內驅力,推進力;vt. 推動

efficiency/?"f??(?)ns?/n. 效率;效能;功效

struggling/"str?ɡl??/adj. 奮鬥的;努力的;苦鬥的v. 努力;鬥爭

productivity/pr?d?k"t?v?t?/n. 生產力;生產率;生產能力

declining/di"klaini?/v. 下降;衰退

denying/di?nai?/n. 表達否認

arrange/?"rend?/vi. 安排;排列;協商

legally/"li:g?li/adv. 合法地;法律上

awkward/"??kw?d/adj. 尷尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合適的






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