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論文題目:A bacterial route for folic acid supplementation

作者:Claire Maynard et al.






這一結果是出乎意料的,因為大腸桿菌不能攝取葉酸。然而,它可以攝取葉酸的分解產物,即對氨基苯甲醯谷氨酸,並通過本文合著者之一Jacalyn Green發現的途徑中,利用對氨基苯甲醯谷氨酸合成新的葉酸。對氨基苯甲醯谷氨酸存在於葉酸製劑中,包括從當地購買的片劑。葉酸經過複雜的分解過程,隨後在細菌中再合成,然後被蠕蟲吸收,確實可以防止葉酸缺乏,但我們也發現它也有負面影響,阻止了由低葉酸細菌引起的壽命延長。







To prevent folate deficiencies, many countries supplement various foodstuffs with folic acid. This compound is a synthetic oxidised folate that differs from naturally occurring reduced folates in its metabolism and uptake. Notably, safety reviews of folic acid supplementation have not considered interactions with gut bacteria. Here, we use the Caenorhabditis elegans – Escherichia coli animal– microbe model to examine a possible bacterial route for folic acid uptake. It has been assumed that supplements are taken up directly by the worm, especially because E. coli is unable to take up folates. However, E. coli, like many other bacteria, can transport the folate breakdown product, para-aminobenzoate-glutamate (PABA-glu), via AbgT and use it for bacterial folate synthesis. This pathway may impact host health because inhibition of bacterial folate synthesis increases C. elegans lifespan.


Folic acid supplementation was found to rescue a C. elegans developmental folate-deficient mutant; however, a much higher concentration was required compared to folinic acid, a reduced folate. Unlike folinic acid, the effectiveness of folic acid supplementation was dependent on the E. coli gene, abgT, suggesting a bacterial route with PABA-glu uptake by E. coli as a first step. Surprisingly, we found up to 4% PABA-glu in folic acid preparations, including in a commercial supplement. Via breakdown to PABA-glu, folic acid increases E. coli folate synthesis. This pathway restores folate synthesis in a bacterial mutant defective in PABA synthesis, reversing the ability of this mutant to increase C. elegans lifespan.


Folic acid supplementation in C. elegans occurs chiefly indirectly via bacterial uptake of breakdown products via E. coli AbgT, and can impact C. elegans development and longevity. Examining how folic acid supplementation affects bacterial folate synthesis in the human gut may help us to better understand the safety of folic acid supplementation.

期刊介紹:BMC Biologyis an open access journal publishing outstanding research in all areas of biology, with a publication policy that combines selection for broad interest and importance with a commitment to serving authors well.

2017 Journal Metrics

Citation Impact

5.770 - 2-year Impact Factor

7.556 - 5-year Impact Factor

3.425 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)



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