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論文題目:Integrating rare genetic variants into pharmacogenetic drug response predictions

作者:Takakazu Oka et al.


以往的隨機對照試驗表明,坐姿等長瑜伽可以緩解慢性疲勞綜合征/肌痛性腦脊髓炎(CFS / ME)患者的疲勞感。然而,一些患者長時間坐著或練習坐姿等長瑜伽很困難。目前,尚無針對嚴重癥狀患者的治療性干預措施。


在BMC期刊BioPsychoSocial Medicine發表的文章Development of a recumbent isometric yoga program for patients with severe chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: A pilot study to assess feasibility and efficacy 中顯示,研究者開發了一種卧姿等長瑜伽項目,大約需要20分鐘來完成,旨在緩解重度CFS / ME患者的疲勞感。這項初步研究旨在評估該項目的可行性、安全性和實用性。

這項初步研究共納入12例CFS / ME成人患者。其中6例患者由於嚴重疲勞而不願意練習坐姿等長瑜伽(第1組),另外6例患者曾練習過坐姿等長瑜伽(第2組)。在3個月內,兩組患者平均每2~4周在瑜伽教練的指導下練習一次卧姿等長瑜伽,其他時間也可在家中練習。在瑜伽教練最後一次指導練習之前和之後使用心境狀態量表(POMS)問捲來評估等長瑜伽對疲勞的短期影響。在整個干預期前後使用Chalder疲勞量表(FS)問卷評估等長瑜伽對疲勞的長期影響。同時還記錄了受試者的不良反應、對項目的滿意度以及對瑜伽姿勢(坐姿或卧姿)的偏好。

所有受試者均完成了全部干預。在兩組中,練習20分鐘瑜伽後POMS疲勞評分顯著下降,並且在3個月干預期後Chalder FS評分也顯著下降。未出現嚴重不良反應。相比坐姿等長瑜伽,第2組中的所有受試者均更傾向於卧姿等長瑜伽。

這項研究結果表明,卧姿等長瑜伽對於CFS / ME患者而言是一種可行且可接受的治療方法,即使是對於練習坐姿等長瑜伽時遇到困難的患者也是如此。



Our previous randomized controlled trial demonstrated that isometric yoga in a sitting position reduces fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). However, some patients experience difficulties sitting or practicing isometric yoga in a sitting position for long periods. To date, therapeutic interventions for patients with severe symptoms have not been established. Therefore, we developed a recumbent isometric yoga program, which takes approximately 20 min to complete, designed to reduce fatigue in patients with severe CFS/ME. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the feasibility, safety, and usefulness of this program.


This pilot study included 12 adult patients with CFS/ME. Six patients were reluctant to practice isometric yoga in a sitting position because of the severity of their fatigue (group 1). The remaining six patients had previously practiced isometric yoga in a sitting position (group 2). For 3 months, the patients of both groups practiced recumbent isometric yoga every 2 to 4 weeks with a yoga instructor and at home on other days if they could. The short-term effects of isometric yoga on fatigue were assessed using the Profile of Mood Status (POMS) questionnaire immediately before and after their final session with the yoga instructor. The long-term effects of isometric yoga on fatigue were assessed using the Chalder Fatigue Scale (FS) questionnaire before and after the intervention period. Adverse events, satisfaction with the program, and preference of yoga position (sitting or recumbent) were also recorded.


All subjects completed the intervention. In both groups, the POMS fatigue score was significantly decreased after practicing the 20-min yoga program and the Chalder FS score was decreased significantly after the 3-month intervention period. There were no serious adverse events. All subjects in group 2 preferred the recumbent isometric yoga program over a sitting yoga program.


This study suggests that recumbent isometric yoga is a feasible and acceptable treatment for patients with CFS/ME, even for patients who experience difficulty practicing isometric yoga in the sitting position.

期刊介紹:BioPsychoSocial Medicineis the official journal of the Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine. It publishes peer-reviewed research that encompasses all aspects of the interrelationships between the biological, psychological, social, and behavioral factors of health and illness.

2017 Journal Metrics

Citation Impact

1.00 - 2-year Impact Factor

n/a - 5-year Impact Factor

0.669 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)



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