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Rome: Portrait of a City,

by Giovanni Fanelli

Ancient ruins and Baroque splendour, Fellini and Fascism, 1950s Vespas and 21st-century fashion shows at the Trevi Fountain: a magnificentlyevocativecultural history of the eternal city from 1839 to now seen through the eyes of over 100 photographers, including Capa, Cartier-Bresson, Ferdinando Scianna and Massimo Vitali.


evocative[?"v?k?t?v] adj. 引起記憶的;喚起感情的

例句:The smallest bits of jetsam, like the most transient incidents in a life, can be the most evocative. 這最小的一塊廢棄物,正如生命中最容易轉瞬即逝的事情一樣,應該是最能喚起記憶的東西。


How to Eat a Peach: Menus, Stories and Places

by Diana Henry

It』s got to the stage where we expect every book from Diana Henry to be brilliant. She』s rapidly occupying the place in British foodies』 hearts and bookshelves that used to be occupied by Elizabeth David. This latest is her best yet, a series of superb menus evoking place and occasion withconsummateelegance. Extra points for the 「peachfuzz」 textured cover.


consummate["k?ns?m?t] adj. 技藝高超的;完美的 vt. 使完整;使完美

例句:Charles Dickens was a consummate raconteur and arguably the greatest English-speaking storyteller after Shakespeare. 查爾斯?狄更斯是故事大王,也是頗有爭議的繼莎士比亞之後最偉大的英語作家。

fuzz[f?z] n. 茸毛;鬈髮;警方;模糊的東西 v. 成絨毛狀;使長絨毛;使模糊

例句:I can"t see a thing, but I can feel his fuzz in my nostrils. 我什麼都看不見,但可以感受到它身上的茸毛摩擦著我的鼻孔。


The Man Who Made the Movies: The Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of William Fox

by Vanda Krefft

As the Disney takeover of the movie arm of 21st Century Foxrumbleson, there could be no better timing for this vivid biography of the studio』s founding father, William Fox. Krefft charts his rise from impoverished childhood in New York』s Lower East Side to picture-palaceimpresario, complete with an intense father-son rivalry and a wealth oftangydetail.


rumble["r?mb(?)l] n. 隆隆聲;持續而低沉的聲音;打群架 v. 發出持續而低沉的聲音;轟鳴著緩慢行進;發現…的真相

例句:The global recession may be almost over but the debate rumbles on. 全球衰退也許差不多結束了,但爭論仍在繼續。

impresario[.?mpr?"sɑ?ri??] n.(劇院、歌劇或芭蕾舞團的)經理;樂隊指揮;導演

例句:I don"t know if you"re a fan of Seth MacFarlane, the impresario behind a succession of hit animated series like Family Guy and American Dad. 我不知道你是否是塞思?麥克法蘭的粉絲,他可是一系列像《居家男人》和《美國老爹》這樣受歡迎的動畫片背後的掌門人。

tangy["t??i] adj. 有濃烈氣味[滋味]的

例句:People from different regions of America also prepare their favorites, like New England"s fresh seafood or the South"s tangy barbeque. 美國各地的人也會準備自己最愛的食材,如新英格蘭的新鮮海鮮或南方挑動味蕾的烤肉。



by Juno Dawson

Heiress and party-girl Lexi Volkov, 17, is spoilt rotten and way too fond of the C-word (she even uses it to address a horse). A heroin addict, she』s forcibly sent todetoxat a clinic for wealthy kids on an island, where her better side gradually emerges. Harsh yet compelling, it』s written with greatflair.

女繼承人、熱衷派對的17歲女孩萊克茜?沃爾科夫(Lexi Volkov)被寵壞了,她滿口以字母C開頭的髒話(甚至用這種詞來稱呼一匹馬)。吸毒成癮的沃爾科夫被強制送到一座小島,在島上的一所專門接收富裕家庭孩子的診所戒毒,在那裡,她更好的一面逐漸展現出來。本書讀起來令人倍感刺目,但又引人入勝,盡顯作者的才華

detox[di?"t?ks] n. 排毒(通過控制飲食種類將有害物質排出體外);戒毒

例句:After gorging themselves silly on cheap credit, about a year and a half ago US consumers began a much needed detox. 在愚蠢地對廉價信貸進行了一番狼吞虎咽後,大約一年半以前,美國消費者開始了亟需的戒毒過程。

flair[fle?(r)] n. 天賦;天分;才華

例句:And many of these artistic and cultural innovations are, more often than not, inspired and informed by an Asian flair. 而且,這裡的許多藝術或文化創新通常受到亞洲特色的影響。


The Last Wilderness: A Journey into Silence

by Neil Ansell

Neil Ansell is aself-confessedloner — his debut, Deep Country, described the five years he spent living alone in anoff-gridcottage in the Welsh mountains. Although he now has kids and lives in Brighton, this book finds him taking off on hikes through a remote wilderness in Scotland. He walks alone, of course, his solitude lending an intimacy that ensures the reader is right by his side.

作者尼爾·安塞爾自認是一個喜歡獨來獨往的人——他的處女作《Deep Country》描述了他獨自生活在威爾士山區里一間完全遠離喧囂的小屋中的五年。儘管他現在住在布萊頓,也有了孩子,這本書講的卻是他穿越蘇格蘭偏遠荒野區的一次徒步旅行。當然,它仍是安塞爾一個人的旅行。這段孤獨的旅程拉近了與讀者的距離,彷彿他們就在他的身邊。

self-confessed["selfk?n"fest] adj. 自己承認的;自己坦白的

例句:In fact Mr Mott, a self-confessed contrarian, is an exception in more ways than one. 實際上,自認為是一位反向投資者的莫特,在很多方面都是個「異類」。

off-grid["?fɡr?d] adj. 不入網的(不使用公用輸電網、煤氣輸送網、自來水網等)

例句:They live "off-grid", unconnected to a national electric-power system, except in some cases illegally. 他們過著無電的生活,沒有連入國家電能系統,個別違法行為除外。



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