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Question: Can I drink for work?

Guru answers:In Mahayana, if your mind is good and pure, there are times to permit the conduct karmas and speech karmas. However, there are two prerequisites: first, you are totally for beings but not yourself; second, there are more advantages than the disadvantages for the beings.

Lots of people have such excuse: 「Isn』t that permitted? Isn』t that said it is permitted for beings?」 Then they make the bad karmas freely. There do have permission but when it is at the circumstance of benefiting beings. Watch your mind first, is there greed, anger and ignorance? If there is, it』s not permitted then. You say that you do this for beings, but your mind is still contaminated and impure, you can hardly benefit beings truly under this circumstance.

Some people still have questions: 「 Can I drink alcohol for beings or for work?」 For example, you have social intercourse today, you don』t want to drink and don』t like drinking from inside and even feel disgusting, but you are truly for others, in order to have the work done smoothly, you drink a bit. Why do you want the work to be done smoothly? It』s for more convenient at practice. What is practice for? It』s for liberation. What is liberation for? It』s for saving beings, all means for beings at the end. You are permitted to drink under such circumstance, but you cannot find yourself excuses to drink.

Nowadays, lots of people just want to drink and find excuse: 「 I drink for work…」 You make bad karma for sure by doing so for you are greedy and distracted. Some people think they practice Tantra, so they do whatever they want, such as eating meat and drinking alcohol. Why do you eat meat and drink? If it』s for beings, check yourself if there is greed, anger and ignorance at your mind? If your mind is pure and totally for beings, and there』s great benefit for beings, some of physical and verbal good deeds can be discarded. However, your mind should be totally pure, it is permitted when there is no selflessness and self-benefit. The law of cause and effect never fails, you cannot just find excuses.



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