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How to Face Suffering and Happiness

It is not difficult to realize emptiness. Unfortunately, because we do not practice the preliminaries, have not developed renunciation or bodhicitta, and have neither accumulated merit nor repented our wrongdoing, we only experience dullness or anxiety during meditation.


If our realization is not stable, our mind will return to mundane concerns and experience anxiety and suffering again. Until we have subdued the mind, it will traverse back and forth between illusion and reality, between relative truth and ultimate truth.


If we wish to eradicate our suffering immediately, we must practice the preliminaries. We cannot bypass the preliminaries and think we can take up a different practice to achieve the same result.


The final outcome of all the practices is to transform suffering into a positive condition and force in our practice. If this target is met, it means we have successfully cultivated bodhicitta and renunciation. Regrettably, I have not reached this target either; however, that is not a problem, as we can practice and grow together. No one can succeed right from the start; nor can anyone fail indefinitely. It all depends on our effort.


When ordinary people are together, friction is certain to arise and cause all kinds of suffering. Apart from the buddhas and bodhisattvas, even the arhats cannot consistently bring happiness and avoid causing suffering to others. This is all the more so with ordinary people.


Although suffering is hard on us, if we know the method, it will strengthen our practice, cultivate the mind, and fill our hearts with joy. When this joyous feeling develops to a certain stage, our physical pain becomes less acute, our mind more open; we can face suffering with ease, and relate better with people; hence, we should embrace, even welcome, suffering when we encounter it. Just as in acupuncture, patients are willing to bear the pain of the treatment and pay for it, because they know they can attain good health in exchange. In the same way, our suffering can bring us mental well-being, happiness, even liberation. We do not have to pay for suffering, only confront it directly and transform it into the path.




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