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宋教授在ARVO 2018的演講內容正是關於炎症在DR發病機制中的作用。他發現,在視網膜疾病發展的早期階段,細胞中的高血糖刺激可誘發輕度的炎症反應並導致細胞死亡。隨著細胞的死亡,血流量減少、VEGF產生增加,進而導致新生血管形成。宋教授認為,在DR的中期或末期,VEGF產生的影響最大。在早期階段,炎症的程度很低,有許多炎症因子(如MCP-1、Cyr61、IL-18和IL-1)和信號通路的參與(如NF-κB通路已知與致炎作用有關)。宋教授的研究發現,IL-18與VEGF在PDR玻璃體出血的PDR患者中顯著增多,且IL-18通過活化JNK通路促進VEGF的產生;抑制JNK通路後可降低DR的神經損傷和病理改變。同時,IL-18可以活化NF-κB,而抑制JNK通路則可以減少NF-κB的活化;抑制NF-κB則可以降低IL-18誘導的VEGF的表達水平。因此,宋教授認為,IL-18今後有可能成為DR新的治療靶點。

International Ophthalmology Time spoke to Dr Zongming Song from the Henan Eye Hospital and Henan Eye Institute at the ARVO Meeting about recent advances in the field of diabetic retinopathy (DR) research. Dr Song outlined a couple of recent studies that he thought were significant in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. One shows that pretreatment with anti-VEGF agents before vitrectomy for patients with complicated proliferative diabetic retinopathy might facilitate much easier surgery and better visual rehabilitation. Complications (recurrent vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, neovascular glaucoma and macular edema) are reduced significantly and prognosis improves. Another is that gene editing holds several advantages over conventional treatments for DR, such as a longer duration of therapeutic effect, simpler administration, the ability to intervene at an earlier stage of the disease, and potentially fewer side-effects. CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful new technology that can target and edit certain aspects of the genome, and Dr Song believes it will be the technique of choice for the future.

Dr Song』s lecture at ARVO 2018 concerned the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. In the very beginning of the retinopathy developmental process, high blood sugar stimulates low-grade inflammation in cells causing cell death. With cell death, blood flow is reduced and VEGF production increases resulting in neovascularization. 「I believe VEGF has its greatest impact in the middle or end stages of diabetic retinopathy progression」, Dr Song said. 「In the very early stages of the pathological process, however, I think it is low degree inflammation. There are many inflammatory factors such as MCP-1, Cyr61, IL-18 and IL-1, but the process is not clearly understood. There are many signaling pathways that are involved, but the NF-kappaB pathway is known to have an inflammatory role.」





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