首頁 > 新聞 > 疫苗之外華海葯業有大事 高血壓葯版「三聚氰胺」初見端倪!加拿大400萬病人擬議集體訴訟 路透社指事件可能追溯到2012年!

疫苗之外華海葯業有大事 高血壓葯版「三聚氰胺」初見端倪!加拿大400萬病人擬議集體訴訟 路透社指事件可能追溯到2012年!

「你服用醫生給你的藥丸。你在藥房買了它。你不認為會發生任何事情,「病人卡拉詹姆斯告訴CTV新聞。 「這簡直令人難以置信。」





澄清公告混亂邏輯 高血壓版「三聚氰胺」見端倪







5、相關國家的公告中指出,「使用含有NDMA雜質的纈沙坦製劑產品的患者不會有嚴重的健康風險,長期使用可能會使癌症風險略有增加」(挪威官方公告);「在歐3 / 3洲已經對潛在危險進行了初步科學評估,目前可以排除嚴重威脅。」(奧地利官方公告)。作為預防措施,各國對使用公司纈沙坦原料葯生產的製劑產品進行召回。









最新:加拿大400萬病人第一個集體訴訟已來 華海葯業準備好了嗎?





此次召回可能會影響到已經開具這些藥物的440萬加拿大人。一項擬議的集體訴訟指控五家加拿大公司 - Teva Canada Ltd.,Sandoz Canada Inc.,Pro Doc Limitee,Sanis Health Inc.和Sivem Pharmaceuticals ULC - 可能未對其產品進行充分測試。

你服用醫生給你的藥丸。你在藥房買了它。你不認為會發生任何事情,「病人卡拉詹姆斯告訴CTV新聞。 「這簡直令人難以置信。」


「我很害怕,」她說。 「我只是不知道該做什麼或想什麼。我能想到的是:"我最好儘快去找我的醫生。"「




我想知道的是,到目前為止我還沒有聽到這個問題持續了多長時間,」魁北克三河大學醫學研究員Jacinthe Leclerc說。






CTVNews.ca Staff

Published Sunday, July 22, 2018 10:06PM EDT

A proposed class-action lawsuit has been filed against five Canadian pharmaceutical companies alleging the firms may have been negligent in their manufacturing of the drugs and in quality control testing of raw material from their supplier in China.

On July 10, Health Canada recalled

28 blood pressure medications from five generic brands that use the ingredient valsartan. The Chinese firm that produces valsartan reported a contamination with N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified as a probable human cancer causing agent.

Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals, the Chinese company involved in the contamination, did not respond to a request for comment from CTV News

Health Canada recall notice

The recall could impact 4.4 million Canadians who』ve been prescribed certain medications.

The recall could impact 4.4 million Canadians who』ve been prescribed these drugs. A proposed class-action lawsuit alleges the five Canadian companies -- Teva Canada Ltd., Sandoz Canada Inc., Pro Doc Limitee, Sanis Health Inc. and Sivem Pharmaceuticals ULC -- might not have adequately tested their products.

「You take the pill your doctor gives you. You pick it up at the pharmacy. You don"t think that anything is going to happen,」 patient Carla James told CTV News. 「It』s just unbelievable.」

James has been taking one of the recalled drugs for years and is now part of the proposed lawsuit. She says when the pharmacy called to indicate there』d been a recall on her prescription, she was shocked.

「I was terrified,」 she said. 「I just didn"t know what to do or what to think. All I could think is: 『I better get to my doctor (as soon as possible).』」

While James has been able to find an alternative prescription, it appears others might not be so lucky. Reports suggest the recall has caused a worldwide shortage of numerous prescription medications.

The Canadian Pharmacists Association

has put together a list to help doctors and other prescribers find other options for their clients.

Several unanswered questions remain about the recall, including how many of the drugs have been impacted and for how long. The only report so far about how the cancer-causing agent got into the medications suggests it was a result of the 「manufacturing process.」

「What I would like to know that I haven』t been able to hear up to now is for how long this problem has been going on,」 said Jacinthe Leclerc, a medical researcher with Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres.

「The companies will need to be transparent to the public, telling them for how long the potentially contaminated pills were…available to patients and what are they going to do to prevent any further problems.」

Health Canada』s advice to those who may be affected:

Continue to take your medication if it contains valsartan, unless your doctor or pharmacist has told you to stop;

Contact your doctor and see if the recall impacts your medication; and

If your medication is part of the recall, contact your doctor to discuss the possible next steps.


LONDON (Reuters) - A common blood pressure and heart drug manufactured in bulk by a Chinese company and sold worldwide may have contained an impurity linked to cancer since 2012, European regulators said on Tuesday.

FILE PHOTO: Guido Rasi, executive director the European Medicines Agency at his office in London January 6, 2012. REUTERS/Finbarr O"Reilly/File Photo

The revelation that the problem likely dates back to changes in manufacturing processes at Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical six years ago suggests many patients could potentially have been exposed to cancer risk.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA), which first raised the alarm over the Chinese supplied valsartan on July 5, said it was now working to establish how long and at what levels patients might have been exposed to the impurity known as NDMA.

倫敦(路透社) - 歐洲監管機構周二表示,自2012年以來,一家中國公司大量生產並在全球範圍內銷售的常見血壓和心臟藥物可能含有與癌症有關的雜質。

文件圖片:Guido Rasi,歐洲藥品管理局執行董事,2012年1月6日在倫敦辦公室。路透社/ Finbarr O"Reilly /文件照片


NDMA, or N-nitrosodimethylamine, is classified as a probable human carcinogen. Based on results from laboratory tests, it may cause cancer with long-term use.

「It is still too early to provide information on the longer term risk NDMA may have posed for patients. EMA has made this aspect of the review a priority and will update the public as soon as new information becomes available,」 the agency said.

EU authorities have been recalling medicines containing valsartan from Zhejiang Huahai over the past two weeks and the EMA said such medicines should no longer be available in pharmacies.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration also took action to recall affected valsartan-containing medicines on Friday.

Zhejiang Huahai has already acknowledged that there was an impurity in some of its valsartan, which it said had sales of $50 million in 2017. Officials at the company could not immediately be reached for comment outside of regular business hours on the fact the problem might date back to 2012.

The EMA said NDMA was an unexpected impurity that was not detected by routine tests carried out by Zhejiang Huahai, adding that the manufacturing changes introduced in 2012 were believed to have produced NDMA as a by-product.



「現在提供有關NDMA可能對患者構成的長期風險的信息還為時尚早。 EMA已將審查的這一方面作為優先事項,並將在新信息公布後立即更新公眾,「該機構表示。






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