首頁 > 妝容 > 阿瑪尼彩妝擔任第75屆威尼斯雙年展威尼斯國際電影節官方彩妝贊助商



Giorgio Armani beauty is pleased to announce its partnership with the 75th Venice International Film Festival as the Official Beauty Sponsor

阿瑪尼彩妝宣布與第 75 屆威尼斯國際電影節合作,成為其官方彩妝贊助商

The brand will provide the official Make-Up service to the festival"s guests among whom celebrities destined to walk the red carpet. Within the Palazzo del Casinò, delegates will also be able to immerse themselves in the brand"s universe.

品牌將為電影節嘉賓提供官方化妝服務,包括走紅毯秀的明星。在 Palazzo del Casinò 會場,參會者將沉浸於精心裝扮的品牌天地。

In the 18 years since its launch, Giorgio Armani beauty has sought to interpret and enhance the individual beauty of women. Simplicity, natural elegance and authenticity are values underpinning innovative products that promise exceptional lightness, comfort, hold - and a sophisticated, natural finish.

自從其 18 年前成立以來,阿瑪尼彩妝一直致力於解讀和提升女性個人魅力。品牌產品創新秉持質簡、自然優雅和本真的價值理念,承諾打造別具一格的明亮、舒適、持久妝容 - 彰顯精緻、天然氣質。

These same values are incarnated by Academy Award winning actress Cate Blanchett (the brand"s global beauty ambassador and face of the Sì fragrance), a leading figure with whom Giorgio Armani beauty has a special longstanding relationship.

奧斯卡獲獎女演員凱特·布蘭切特 (品牌全球彩妝大使以及 Sì 香水系列代言人)正是這些價值的化身。作為一顆耀眼的明星,她與阿瑪尼美妝建立了長期特殊合作關係。

Today, Giorgio Armani beauty celebrates this intimate connection with Cinema and brings its values and its beauty expertise to one of the most acclaimed film festivals in the world.


Giorgio Armani beauty and the world of Cinema


Giorgio Armani beauty"s partnership with the 75th Venice Film Festival further strengthens the relationship the brand has with the world of filmmaking and comes as a celebration of Giorgio Armani"s life-long love of the cinema. Over the years, the designer has created the costumes for a range of movies, from, most famously, American Gigolo in 1980, creating a wardrobe for Richard Gere, to The Untouchables, Gattaca, Stealing Beauty, Shaft, the Batman series, The Tuxedo, De-Lovely, Fair Game, The Social Network,Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, Hanna, A Most Violent Year, and The Wolf of Wall Street, to name a few.

阿瑪尼彩妝與第 75 屆威尼斯電影節的合作將進一步增強品牌與全球電影圈的聯誼,是阿瑪尼長期以來與影視圈合作的又一個典範。多年來,品牌設計師為多部經典電影設計了戲服,其中最著名的作品包括 1980 年 《美國舞男》、《鐵面無私》中理查吉爾的戲服、以及Gattaca 《偷香》、《殺戮戰警 》、《蜘蛛人》系列、《神奇燕尾服》、《小可愛》、《公平遊戲》、《社交網路》、《碟中諜》:《鬼影行動》、《漢娜》、《至暴之年 》《華爾街之狼》等等

As an ode to the intrinsic link between the brand and cinema, Giorgio Armani beauty also recently marked the launch of a new boutique concept showcasing a film by Zoe Cassavetes honouring the everlasting link between emotion and beauty.

另外,為慶祝品牌與電影界的內在聯繫,阿瑪尼彩妝最近推出了全新精品理念,由導演 Zoe Cassavetes 掌鏡,向情感與美妝間的永恆聯繫致敬。



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