首頁 > 天下 > 8.3 中美電影製作文化交流 :四部短片放映和討論

8.3 中美電影製作文化交流 :四部短片放映和討論

原標題:8.3 中美電影製作文化交流 :四部短片放映和討論

中美電影製作文化交流 :四部短片放映和討論

U.S.-China Cultural Exchange Through Filmmaking: Screening and Discussion of Four Short Films

8月3日,周五, 晚6:30 – August 3rd, Friday, 6:30pm

地點:北京市朝陽區安家樓路55號 (美國大使館東門)



北京美國中心與華時代全球短片節(HIFF)合作放映和討論四部短片,由中國女性導演執導,包括文曄的《逝》,朱志剛的《火方》, 王林的《浮生一日》,以及嚴涵的《蔭余堂彼岸重生》。四部電影入選2017華時代全球短片節因為這些影片反映了中美文化教育交流的力量,影片或發生在美國或受到了導演在美國學習電影製作的影響。電影放映後,一些導演將主持討論並回答觀眾提問。

In partnership with Hua International Short Film Festival (HISFF), the Beijing American Center will host a screening and discussion of four short films by Chinese female directors, including Wen Ye』s Fata Morgana, Zhu Zhigang』s Bitter Sweet, Lin Wang』s Death in a Day, and Vivianna Yan』s Yin Yu Tang-Regeneracy on the Other Side of Earth. All four films were selected to be part of HISFF in 2017 and the films reflect the power of U.S.-China cultural and educational exchange as all either take place in the U.S. or were influenced by the director』s time studying filmmaking in America. Following the screening, some of the films』 directors will lead a discussion and answer audience questions.

The films will be in English and Chinese with English and Chinese subtitles. The discussion following the screening will be in Chinese.

To RSVP: http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/25719


逝 // 火方

// 浮生一日 // 蔭余堂,彼岸重生





22屆美國棕櫚泉國際短片電影節 獲獎

20屆美國布魯克林電影節 精神大獎 獲獎

14屆美國波士頓國際電影節 獲獎

35屆美國明尼阿波利斯國際電影節 獲獎

2017華時代全球短片節劇情片單元 提名





寧靜之夜,年過八旬的上海老頭老楊捧著一個罐子,逗留在冰冷一角,靜靜抽著煙,出神。 老伴不解老楊,劈頭蓋臉沖著他一頓嘮叨。殊不知,老伴越是苦又婆心勸他回家,老楊越是和 她較勁,堅決要在今晚吃到一道叫「火方」的菜肴......





2017華時代全球短片節黃金時代劇情單元 最佳短片

聖地亞哥亞洲電影節 最佳敘事短片 獲獎

費里尼最佳導演獎 獲獎

盧卡歐洲電影節最佳短片獎 獲獎

ShorTS國際電影節水星獎 獲獎

明媚澄凈的一天,靜水流深的午後時光。天真無邪的少年小文,陷於沉睡的父親,逡巡不定的母親。 導演用兒童的奇趣視角描述了對生命母題的一次不期而遇的叩問。





Extract the QR code to register.

7 歲以下兒童謝絕參加。


The program will start at 6:30pm and doors will open at 6pm. Please try to arrive at least 10 minutes before the program starts to allow enough time to go through security.


NOTE: This event is open to the general public. Audio or video recording of the program will not be permitted. Press inquiries should be directed to the U.S. Embassy Press Office.


Please note that attendees of this event grant permission to the U.S. Department of State to photograph and video record their image and/or voice. Permission is granted for the U.S. Department of State to release, publish, broadcast or quote this material in public information programs and activities. Content procured may be included in future speeches, on the Internet, through multiple broadcast channels and print media. Use of content (image, audio or ideas) will not be used for commercial purposes. Thank you very much.

*請記住攜帶有效的並有照片的身份證件原件進入北京美國中心, 證件複印件或照片將不被允許進入。來北京美國中心參加此活動請勿攜帶大包。

You must bring a valid physical photo ID in order to enter the Beijing American Center (BAC), copies or pictures of IDs will not be accepted. No large bags will be allowed into the BAC for this event.

*攜帶型電子設備如手機,iPads和其他平板電腦,智能手錶可以帶進北京美國中心的活動,訪客請勿攜帶筆記本電腦。*While portable electronic devices, such as mobile phones, iPads and other tablets, and smartwatches are permitted, guests may not bring laptop computers to Beijing American Center programs.


For security reasons, the BAC staff reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone.

地點:北京市朝陽區安家樓路55號 (美國大使館東門)。

Location: No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Gate of the U.S. Embassy).

交通:地鐵10號,亮馬橋站B出口,向東北步行至天澤路和安家樓路交匯處, 簽證處北側。

Directions: Metro Line 10, Liangmaqiao Station Exit B, walk northeast to the Tian Ze Road intersection of An Jia Lou Road, north side of the Visas Office.

Follow us on the Embassy』s WeChat by searching USEmbassyChina.



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