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Burberry, the upmarket British fashion label,destroyed unsold clothes, accessories and perfume worth £28.6m last yearto protect its brand.


It takes the total value of goodsit has destroyed over the past five years to more than £90m.


Fashion firms including Burberry destroy unwanted items to prevent them being stolen or sold cheaply.


Burberry said that the energy generated from burning its products was captured, making it environmentally friendly.


"Burberry has careful processes in place to minimise the amount of excess stock we produce. On the occasions when disposal of products is necessary, we do so in a responsible manner and we continue to seek ways to reduce and revalue our waste," a spokesperson for the company said.


The FTSE 100 company said last year was unusual as it had to destroy a large amount of perfume after signing a new deal with US firm Coty.


As Coty would be making new stock, Burberry had to dispose of £10m worth of old products - largely perfume.


Over the past few years, Burberry has been working hard to make its brand exclusive again after it went through a phase when counterfeiters were "sticking the Burberry check on anything they could", said Maria Malone, principal lecturer on the fashion business at Manchester Metropolitan University.


Destroying unwanted products is part of that process, she said.


"The reason they are doing this is so that the market is not flooded with discounts. They don"t want Burberry products to get into the hands of anyone who can sell them at a discount and devalue the brand," Ms Malone said.



Many on social media have criticized the company for wastefully destroying clothing instead of putting it on sale or donating it to charitable cause, as part of a practice used by luxury brands to keep their products in the hands of only those who can afford it at full price.


An open letter posted Wednesday afternoon by online resale giant thredUp called out the British brand, saying, 「We can』t afford to waste perfectly good clothes anymore. We are in the midst of an environmental crisis exacerbated by the fashion industry.」 It claims the fashion industry causes 10 percent of global carbon emissions.

7月25日下午,線上二手服裝巨頭thredUp在網上發表了一封公開信,向巴寶莉公司喊話稱:「我們無法再忍受那麼好的衣服遭到浪費了。時尚業加劇了我們所面臨的環境危機。」 thredUp表示,時尚業的碳排放佔全球碳排放的10%。

「Today we invite you to send any unsold Burberry product to thredUp for resale back into the circular economy, and we』ll donate 100 percent of the proceeds to the environmental charity of your choice.」


Carole Frances Lung-Bazile, an arts professor at California State University L.A. says: "These acts of brand protection are not surprising, just another confirmation about capitalism and an economy based on constant consumption, which is a race to the bottom for labor and the environment."

加利福尼亞州立大學洛杉磯分校藝術教授Carole Frances Lung-Bazile表示:「這些品牌保護行為並不意外,不過是再次證明了資本主義和基於持續消費的經濟,也是對勞動力和環境的逐底競爭(譯者註:race to the bottom 逐底競爭是國際政治經濟學的一個著名概念,意指在全球化過程中,資本流遍世界,就是為了尋找最高的回報率)。」

Twitter users also spoke up about the wastefulness and ethics of Burberry』s decisions, including actor Russell Brand, who wrote, 「This makes you feel an odd sense of anguish and doom.」 Others pointed out that many fashion brands follow suit, and Burberry doesn"t deserve the sole blame for sticking to the status quo.




Burberry is not the only company having to deal with a surplus of luxury stock.


Richemont, which owns the Cartier and Montblanc brands, has had to buy back €480m (£430m) worth of watches over the last two years.


Analysts say some parts of those watches would be recycled - but much would be thrown away.


Environmental campaigners are angry about the waste.


"Despite their high prices, Burberry shows no respect for their own products and the hard work and natural resources that are used to made them," said Lu Yen Roloff of Greenpeace.

綠色和平組織的Lu Yen Roloff說:「儘管巴寶莉的產品價格很高,但它對自己的產品、生產這些產品所需的辛勤勞動和自然資源毫不尊重。

"The growing amount of overstock points to overproduction, and instead of slowing down their production, they incinerate perfectly good clothes and products.


"It"s a dirty secret of the fashion industry. Burberry is just the tip of the iceberg," she said.



Tim Jackson, head of the British School of Fashion at the London campus of Glasgow Caledonian University, said luxury fashion firms such as Burberry faced a paradox.

英國格拉斯哥卡利多尼亞大學時尚學院倫敦分校的負責人Tim Jackson說,巴寶莉這樣的時裝奢侈品公司面臨著一個悖論。

To satisfy shareholders, they have to keep expanding even if that risks "creating excess stock".


"There"s no way they are ever going to solve this problem", he said.


Last November, Burberry announced a revamp intended to "re-energise" its products over several years.


That includes taking its brand further upmarket, closing stores that are not in "strategic" locations and creating a "centre of excellence" for luxury leather goods. It has also cut costs, which has helped boost profits.


In Burberry"s most recent financial year to 31 March, the company reported a 5% rise in profit to £413m, with sales little changed at £2.7bn.









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