首頁 > 最新 > 秉承北歐風味特色的夏季菜單!The Georg has Launched its New Summer Menu!

秉承北歐風味特色的夏季菜單!The Georg has Launched its New Summer Menu!

The Georg餐廳現已正式推出夏季新菜單,此菜單依然秉承北歐烹飪特色,使用風乾、發酵、腌漬等手法,與極具時令性的食材相結合,為各方食客帶來一場視覺、味覺雙重盛宴。

The Georg has launched its new Summer Menu, showcasing its Northern European influences by using only the highest quality, freshest ingredients and traditional Northern European cooking methods such as dry preserving, curing as well as fermentation.

部分新款餐前小食; Samples of new canapes


Featuring over 12 brand new dishes, the new menu offers three seafood selections, three poultry selections, three meat selections and three vegetarian selections.


Scallop, water chestnut and thymeis a cold seafood dish showcasing the natural flavors of its ingredients. Petrossian caviar and scallops from Hokkaido are delicately prepared to highlight their innate flavors.

扇貝荸薺百里香; Scallop, water chestnut and thyme


Inspired by a famous mackerel sandwich from Northern Europe, our culinary team has extracted the finest from the finest in creatingmackerel, smoked cheese and pickles.


Foie gras, grape and onionis a rich dish with a balance of sweet and sour, crisp and delicate flavors.


Green pea, truffle and tarragonis a vegetarian dish that features seasonal green peas and truffles from Australia and France.


Braised for hours in cream and milk,salsify, comte and leekis an unforgettable dish due to its nourishment and richness.

婆羅門參宮特芝士蔥; Salsify, comte and leek


Beef, oyster and caviarfeatures Australian wagyu beef, Fendi Claire oysters, as well as Petrossian caviar.


Sous-vide lamb from New Zealand and truffle from Australia and France makelamb, celery and trufflesa tender, rich yet balanced dish.

熟成牛肉,擺盤方式僅為展示; In-house dry-aged beef, plating may vary


The Georg has also added in-house dry-aged beef to the menu. Cuts varying from flank, tenderloin, and sirloin to porterhouse and even tomahawks will be available on a rotational basis.

The Georg

營業時間:周二至周日12:00 - 22:30

地址: 北京市東城區平安大街玉河一號

預定或了解更多:86 10 8408 5300

Operating Hours: 12:00 to 22:30, every Tuesday to Sunday

Location: No.1 Jade River, Ping』an Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing

地處北京老城核心區,在倡導品質生活方式的玉河一號內的The Georg餐廳,充滿北歐設計風格,富有藝術氣息。為賓客提供休閑式北歐高端餐飲服務,並定期更新餐品,使廣大食客體驗到最具時令性的佳肴。餐廳包括空間寬廣,可直接接觸到自然光線的大堂、私密雅間、溫馨愜意的酒廊及酒品豐富的酒吧、咖啡吧等,整個餐廳設計均以起居室為靈感,同時被雅緻藝術氣息包圍,為各位來客創造出舒適、放鬆身心的氛圍。另外,綠蔭繁茂的四合院,更是商務休閑、友人小聚的絕佳之地。

Located in No.1 Jade River in the heart of Beijing, The Georg is a lifestyle space that combines art, design and food. Itincludesa 「casual fine-dining」 restaurant, private dining room, lounge and bar/café. The outdoor courtyard is perfect for casual business meetings as well as unwinding after work with friends. Seasonal menus ensure that each guest』s dining experience is a refreshing and unforgettable one.



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