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彭縈   改變自己主創

ZeeTea CEO | 創業者 | 撰稿人 | 性格分析師










原文來自YC的CEO Sam的blog。這是我看到的關於年輕人如何思考未來最好的建議,沒有之一。我的唯一補充建議就是:如果你還年輕,閱讀三遍!:-)

As a kid, I just sort of took for granted that stuff got better every year—TVs got bigger and then thinner, cars got a little faster, and computers got unbelievably better on an exponential curve.

孩子的時候,我想當然地認為,每年都會越來越好 — 電視越來越大,越來越薄,汽車越來越快,電腦以指數曲線的速度變好。

As an adult, I realized that the future is not guaranteed to be better. The default is that things stay the same (or get worse because we continue to create new problems and occasionally get in wars). The world only gets better if committed people with strong visions about the future work hard to make it better.


It』s easy to get caught up in the moving sidewalk of a career and end up deeply involved in something that does not maximize your potential. It』s never too late to change, and it』s always good to be thoughtful about the path you』re on and how to best use your time.


I made some notes before my brother Jack interviewed me for How to Build the Future, where I mostly talked about how ambitious young people should think about their careers. I thought I』d clean those up to share for the New Year. Here they are.


On What To Work On 


I think the best way to pick what you want to do is to find the intersection of what you』re good at, what you enjoy, what the world needs, and what the world values.


It』s not easy to figure out what you actually care about– there are so many directions you can go. But rather than listening to where other people might push you, it』s worth trying to figure this out for yourself. Don』t chase other people』s ideas of what matters. The best way to succeed long-term is to deeply believe that what you』re doing matters.

弄清楚你真正關心什麼並不容易 — 有這麼多方向你可以去。但不要聽隨其他人推動你,你需要自己搞明白。不要追逐別人的想法。


Most people just fall into things that come their way. That can work – people sometimes just have to try stuff to figure out what they like – but I think it』s worth being more deliberate. Try to develop and carefully refine strong convictions about what you want to accomplish.

大多數人都是隨遇而安。這沒什麼問題 — 有時候我們需要嘗試才能找出喜歡什麼 —— 但我認為我們可以更加慎重籌劃。嘗試去發現並不斷優化形成你對自己人生職業目標的堅定信念。

The framework I』ve found most useful for helping people think through career decisions is to consider both impact maximization and regret minimization—a decision that scores well on both is likely to be a good one.

我發現幫助人們思考職業決定的最有用的框架是:影響最大化和遺憾最小化 。


On Achieving Success 


The way to get things done in the world is a combination of focus, personal connections, and self-belief.


You should work really hard. You should be willing to do whatever it takes; society doesn』t owe you success. Be a doer, not a talker – history belongs to the doers.

你應該努力工作。你應該去做任何達到目標必須的事情; 社會不欠你的成功。讓自己成為一個行動者,而不是一個高談闊論者 — 歷史屬於行動者。

Whatever you choose to do, you』ve got to believe in your own capacity to succeed. People will doubt you and think your goals are impossible or dumb, but you have to stand behind your convictions.


It』s ok to start off motivated by wanting to make a lot of money or wanting fame and glory. At some point though, most people need to find a deeper mission to keep pushing forward.

開始的時候, 你的動力可能是因為錢或想要的名望和榮耀。但到了某些時候,大多數人需要找到一個更深的使命才能繼續前進。

The right way to think about your career is like compound interest; if you put in long hours at the start of your career and get a little bit better at what you do every day, you』re going to accomplish more than others. That builds up a compound effect that will extend throughout your entire career. Life is obviously unfair and you don』t know what will happen, but all else equal it becomes a major advantage.



Enjoy your life when you』re young – it』s a true cliche that you only have your youth once – but work harder than most people think you should. I』ve come to believe that burnout isn』t so much associated with working too hard, but instead from things not working out. If you have momentum with whatever you』re working on, you』ll stay motivated and refreshed.

當你年輕時,享受你的生活 — 因為青春只有一次,這是陳詞濫調 — 但別忘了要比別人想像的更努力工作。我現在相信,倦怠不是因為為工作太辛苦的原因,而是工作沒有成果。如果你現在做的事情勢頭不錯,你會保持動力,並且精力充沛。

Learn to say 「yes」 to an amazing opportunity even if you』re not 100% sure how to do it or if you』re ready—it』s possible to learn a lot very quickly. A mistake a lot of people make is to compare themselves to very successful people today, instead of the version of that person from ten years ago, which probably looks a lot more familiar.


— 你可以在短時間內學會很多。許多人所犯的錯誤是將自己與今天非常成功的人進行比較,而不是和他們十年前的那個版本比較,那樣看起來會更熟悉。

On Finding Your People 


You want to find your tribe – the types of people like you that you can imagine working with for the rest of your career. Within that, you want to find a small group of people whom you trust, and whose opinions you really respect.

你要找到你的部落 — 那些和你一樣類型的人,你可以想像在剩下的職業生涯里與他們一起工作。在那裡,你要找到一小群你信任的人,他們的意見,你真正尊重。

You should probably be willing to move. For whatever you』re interested in, there will be pockets of people around the world who are doing the best work, and it』s worth getting as close to them as possible.



Help others for no reason at all. When you』re young, you tend to have a small network, and that limits your options. When you help people without any intention of ever getting benefit back, doors and new connections will open – this has been super important for me.


當你年輕時,你的個人網路比較小,這限制了你的選擇。當你幫助人們而沒有任何意圖得到回報,門和新的連接將打開 — 這對我來說是非常非常重要的。

On Giving Up 


When some people try something and it doesn』t work after a few weeks or months, they give up. I think that』s way too early to quit.


If people are saying that what you』re doing or what you』re making is bad, pay attention to that as feedback, but don』t let it get to you personally. It』s not a sign to give up, but instead to refine your approach.


It』s hard to say when is the right time to give up, but I think it』s usually when you yourself feel you have run out of ideas, and you don』t see any pathways to keep experimenting further.


If you think you』ve reached that point, by all means walk away. There』s no glory in dragging things out if you』re truly out of ideas. Shut down what you』re working on, decompress, and try something new a few months later.


If you』re working on the right thing it will probably be really hard. It will likely take a long time and you』ll face a lot of criticism. The super successful people I know spent a very long time pursuing their ideas, way past when most people would have given up. Keep pushing forward.


On Taking Risk 


Most people are wrong about what is risky and what is not, and so they don』t take nearly enough risk. Take more risks, especially when you』re early on in your career; being young and unknown is actually a major advantage because you have very little to lose.

對於什麼是有風險的而什麼不是,大多數人的認知都是錯誤的, 所以他們幾乎不承擔足夠的風險。一定要承擔更多的風險,特別是當你還在職業生涯早期的時候;


Don』t let fear of failing stop you from taking risks. That is a risk itself, because you will miss out by not acting.


If you do fail or end up in a crisis, you』ll probably be OK. The more crises I』ve faced in my life, the less scary each subsequent one has become. I』m secure in the knowledge I』ve made it through disaster before and I believe I will again.


If you do something new and ambitious, be ready for doomsayers. Doing new things is hard both because you have to figure out how to do it and you have to deal with a constant barrage of negativity.


Simple tip – don』t be afraid to ask for what you want. If you』re doing something ambitious, you』ll be told 「no」, a lot. Sometimes though, people will give you what you want. Those times will outweigh the pains of being rejected, so be aggressive.

一個簡單的提示 — 不要害怕索取你想要的東西。如果你做的是有抱負的事情,大部分的時候,你會被拒絕。但有的時候,人們會給你你想要的。那個時候,所有被拒絕的痛苦都是值得的,所以要保持進取姿態。

On Money 


When I was young, I had a misconception that you get rich from making a nice salary. As I got older, I realized the way to get rich was by owning things that go up in value—i.e., equity.



I think that time is the major arbitrage opportunity still left in the market. People are increasingly focused on the short-term, so there are lots of untouched opportunities that just take a long time to mature. I』ve found that these types of bets have helped me generate the most value and wealth.




One way to become an owner is to start a company, and there especially, it』s best to take a long-term approach. If you pick the right thing and devote yourself to growing it over the long run, you can make far more money than with a bunch of short-term payouts along the way. If you aim big, you only have to be right once. Start early in your career, and if you fail, keep trying.


As a general note, I think you should look for opportunities where if they work out, you will 10x your net worth. And if you have the option to invest in advancing yourself, do it — it』s usually better than saving the money.

一般而言,我認為你應該尋找這樣的機會,如果它們成功了,你的凈財富能翻上10倍。如果你有這樣的投資機會,抓住它 — 這通常比儲蓄更好

On Thinking About The Future


Strong opinions about the future are valuable. Here again, the most interesting and successful people I know seem to all have strong ideas about what the future will look like. They are willing to be convinced with new data that they are wrong, but the bar for that is fairly high.


I don』t agree with the idea that the future is unknowable. There』s a lot you can have conviction about that will happen or that you can make come true.



Have strong opinions on where you want to go and then be flexible on the details.



封面圖 by Polyester Studio






@會員 小紅帽




@會員 willzeng









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