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【播客】Trouble ahead for Missouri producers

本欄目由中美聚焦網推出,由原央視國際頻道(CCTV9)新聞節目主播、中美聚焦特約主編James Chau英文播報,梳理一周中美熱點事件,點評紛繁複雜的中美關係。作為英語學習材料,中美聚焦英文播客將會每周推送,供大家英語學習、交流。

Trouble ahead for Missouri producers

Missouri may only be the 18th most populous U.S. state, but it"s a top five producer of both soybeans and rice. Add to that other agricultural products like beef, hay, poultry, cotton and corn, and you get the idea of how important it is. The expanding trade war between the U.S. and China is going to hit states like Missouri and cripple communities. So says Steve Pruitt in an interview this week. He weighs in from Missouri, and in Washington is Paolo von Schirach of the Global Policy Institute. In a different story, tech talent from the U.S. and China are in Shanghai for an event on AI and blockchain - away from the trade dispute, but a show of unity at a time of division.





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