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《9 out of 10 climbers make the same mistakes》書摘總結8


3 How to learn technique

3 如何學習技術

4 Record, replay, review

4 記錄、重放、回顧

5 No one does drills, right?


3 How to learn technique

3 如何學習技術

Most climbers these days understand that their climbing would improve and they would get more out of their present level of strength and fitness if they learned to move better and more efficiently on the rock. In the past few years the sport has really started to accept that to achieve this, climbers need to pay attention to good examples and influences from which to copy good movement technique. Good examples might be climbing coaches, or just good climbers you can watch in the flesh or on videos.


So now, the stumbling block is knowing what practical things climbers can do to teach themselves good technique. Climbers tell themselves, "I"m going to climb this hard route and consciously focus on my technique." But it doesn"t work! And what"s more it gets extremely frustrating. The conscious thought slows everything down, making you get pumped quickly. The conscious mind working with trial and error makes stupid mistakes and you fall off in a fluster. Even though you were concentrating harder than ever, it felt worse than normal, not better!


The problem is that good technique, by necessity, is automatic and most of our technical decisions while climbing have to happen outside of conscious thought. There are just too many decisions to be made from second to second to control complex body movements and accelerations in different directions. As soon as we interfere with slow, clunky conscious processing, coordination falls apart on hard climbs. The conscious mind only has room to deal with a handful of movement decisions at any one moment.


So what to do? The best time to consciously work on your basic movement technique is generally away from your limit and on easier climbs where you have more thinking space to gather and process the feedback from your body on how you are moving. Warming up is a good time, easier routes and bouldering is also good. Repetitive training on climbs you know well can also be good for fine tuning movements, although it can have negative effects of it"s own if overused, as your body gets too accustomed to knowing what"s coming next.


However, hard routes are important too because this is where all the pieces of the performance jigsaw must fit and work together. How do we get round the problem that we are too busy just trying to stay on the rock to worry about moment-by-moment analysis? The answer is we must do it afterwards.


4 Record, replay, review

4 記錄、重放、回顧

A crucial skill as you advance in climbing is to be able to record what you just did and how you did it in fine detail for recall later. This is a learned skill and will take years to get really good at. But with some effort, you"ll learn to work back through routes you"ve just done in your minds eye, and 『feel" the body feedback in retrospect. What"s even better is that once you get good at this, it happens so much in the background of your mind that you don"t even know you are doing it.


Replay and review of the moves you just did is also crucial to increase the volume of move information your mind deals with over time (and hence how much learning can occur). Climbing rock is a fairly short lived activity, especially sport climbing and bouldering. In a three hour bouldering session you might spend less than 30 minutes actually on the wall making moves, and the remaining time resting.


Those who spend that resting time with the mind wandering elsewhere or just getting bored waiting for their body to be ready to climb again, or for their partner to get to the top of the route, learn to climb slowly and often stop learning altogether.

Those who replay the movements of the climb just done, recording which moves felt good or bad and looking back at the holds trying to understand why, and then plan their next attempt to try the movement a subtly different way, progress fast. Both the actual climbing, and the replay and tactical planning that occurs between climbs are crucial components of the learning. These climbers are storing up move processing time at a much higher rate than the 『passive" climbers and after a couple of short years will end up with a vastly wider and more consistent move repertoire.



Next time you are in a bouldering wall and see two good climbers working on the same boulder problem, listen to what they are saying to each other between attempts. They are constantly discussing the details of each move, voicing things they experienced on their last attempt and making observations about the other"s body positions and movements on their attempts. Watch how they unlock the climb"s secrets through systematic experimentation and discussion of the merits and peculiarities of each subtly different way of climbing the moves. This is technique training.


5 No one does drills, right?


In other sports, athletes do drills. But climbers don"t. Why not, and is it a problem? Yes, and here"s why:

Other sports often have a distinct separation between practice and competition. Like tennis for example. Tennis players spend a lot of time hitting balls to each other as well as the actual matches. They get plenty of practice at both. What"s crucial here is the mindset of practice. During practice hitting, they are not trying to score points. It doesn"t matter if they make mistakes. In fact making the mistakes and learning to refine the techniques from them is the whole point.



Practice is also more systematic by nature -they spend an hour practicing serves, one after another, then smashes, then lobs etc. This focus on one part of the technical repertoire at a time, together with the freedom from having to worry about competing, means real progress is made.


Climbers don"t do this. The activity is not set up for it. We don"t 『practice" and then 『perform』. We just 『climb』. Even when we see the climbing session as training, we still get hung up on trying to perform all the time. The result of this is basically that learning is a lot slower than it could be. We"re spending all the time trying to be 100% on every aspect, and fail to learn any single one effectively. It gets even worse when we get training so confused with performing that we take extra rest days to be strong for our training sessions, lest we perform badly on a route we feel we should" be able to do every session. Less and less practice movements get done this way, with less attention given to the movement because we are too busy worrying about the result of the movement.


When the idea of spending some time doing technique drills is suggested to climbers, it is met with confusion or indifference. I understand why. They think - "What exactly would that entail? When would you actually do it? I"ve never heard of other climbers doing it…"

Both understanding what a climbing technique drill would look like, and actually incorporating it into your climbing activity are big hurdles for the imagination that most climbers just feel lost in, and so ignore. The problem is that climbing moves are comparatively undefined compared to something like a golf swing, which has a consistent ideal movement to perfect, or tennis which has a cadre of shots to give structure to practice. Climbing moves are much more varied than this, but not so much that we can"t define certain key moves such as twisting to extend the shoulder and reach, rockovers, drop-knees etc.




So how can we build systematic technique drills into our climbing, without it becoming overly scientific or regimented? The first and most obvious way discussed above is during your warm-up. The climbing is below your limit, so you have mental energy left over to concentrate on the quality of the movement. Pick one thing at a time to focus on - keeping arms straighter during foot movements, foot precision, or speed or fluidity. At first you"ll need to consciously tell yourself to do this to break habits of just climbing passively without thinking too much. Through sustained application, good climbers have developed the habit of concentrating (drilling) on one specific aspect in their mind and movements so much that they don"t even realise they are doing it.


The second situation where technique drills commonly happen for good climbers is while working boulder problems, or sections of routes. Repeatedly trying short sections, single moves or even parts of single moves (one foot move for example) to perfect and subsequently link the moves. The mistake of some climbers is to simply try over and over, focusing their mind"s energy on simply pulling harder and grabbing the next hold as quickly and accurately as possible. Delivering 100% focus on physical effort during the move is the final piece of the redpoint process, not the first. The habit of good climbers is to focus the mind simply on getting feedback from the body while trying a move, looking for parts of the body or movement that feel 『 wrong』. They think of every possible way of doing the move and work through them one after the other, listening to the body feedback each time. By doing this, patterns emerge in what feels 『wrong" and what feels 『right" for that movement, that layout of holds. The result is twofold. First: the very best way to do the move is learned by elimination of poorer options. Secondly, and more importantly, the mind has been exposed to a large number of separate pieces of information about what works well and what doesn"t for a particular layout of holds. All this information and learning on just one move! This way the countless attempts on moves or sequences that goes on during a session (and then a whole year of bouldering sessions) adds up to a massive number of separate technique drills, and a lot of movement learning.


So, it"s about what your mind is focusing on during your climbing, forgetting about performing all the time and making more of your opportunities to turn normal climbing into technique drills. It"s possible for two identical climbers to do exactly the same session (a warm up and session of working through boulder problems or routes) but only one to experience technique drills that will make progress in technique learning. Climber 『A" thinks about what he"s going to have for dinner during warm-up and thinks about nothing but pulling harder next attempt during the boulder problems. Climber 『B" chooses a specific aspect of his movement to focus on during his warm up climbs (tonight it"s swapping feet). Then he consciously replays each attempt on the hard problems in his mind, looking for parts of moves that feel wrong and why (e.g. left foot seems too low). Only when he"s close to the problem does he stop thinking and just give 100% physical effort to finish the problem off. And if this isn"t enough, it"s back to 『feedback" mode to further refine the move that"s causing the fall. After three years of this, climber 『B" is a much better climber than 『A" even though they have done the same number of climbing hours.

The message: Spend more time learning climbing. Perform only at the right moment.





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