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你的辦公環境是否足夠健康 健康的員工工作效率更高 中英對照

How Healthy Is Your Office?



迪洛斯紐約總部一個很寬的台階,這能鼓勵員工走樓梯而不是乘坐電梯。迪洛斯開發了WELL建築標準,以讓辦公室成為健康的工作場所。 COLE WILSON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

For decades, many developers and architects worked to ensure that their buildings were kind to the planet. Now, their focus is on the effect that buildings have on the people who work in them.


Studies show that healthy workers tend to be more productive, a concept that is behind a growing trend in real estate to create offices with measurable wellness benefits. One frequently cited Harvard study showed that improving air quality caused mental cognition to soar.


New certification programs have sprung up to guide the way, including the Well Building Standard, introduced by the development company Delos in 2014 and based on medical research that shows how our surroundings affect our health.

新的認證項目如雨後春筍般冒了出來,為這股趨勢指路,其中包括Well建築標準(Well Building Standard)。它由房地產及科技公司迪洛斯(Delos)於2014年推出。該系統以顯示我們的周遭環境如何影響人體健康的醫學研究為基礎。

Delos』s new headquarters, on the fourth and fifth floors of a 10-story tower in Manhattan, were designed by the architecture firm Gensler. The 19,000-square-foot office space houses 70 employees and serves as a showplace for the Well standard.


In the reception area, where a tour of the office was about to begin on a recent afternoon, the air quality was good. There was proof: A digital display measuring about 6? feet by 12 feet covering one wall showed the indoor temperature, the humidity level, and other measurements of cleanliness and comfort with data supplied by sensors throughout the office.


「We have 51 sensors, which is extreme overkill,」 said Janna Wandzilak, a Delos director, who was leading our tour.

「我們裝了51個感應器,非常多,」帶領我們參觀的迪洛斯主管詹娜·旺茲拉克(Janna Wandzilak)說。

Triple-filtered air whooshes in from floor vents, while ceiling ducts suck out carbon dioxide-filled air. Plants cascading from walls and partitions also help clean the air while satisfying our innate need to connect to nature, a concept known as biophilia.



Standing desks are everywhere, and a wide oak staircase stretches between the lower and upper floors, encouraging staff to walk up and down rather than take the elevator — all contributing to fitness.


「I definitely find myself sitting less,」 Paul Scialla, Delos』s chief executive, said in an interview in his office, which was decorated with framed photos. One showed him with the wellness guru Deepak Chopra, a member of the Delos advisory board.

「我發現自己確實坐的時候變少了,」迪洛斯的首席執行官保羅·夏拉(Paul Scialla)在自己的辦公室接受採訪時說,這裡到處都是用相框鑲嵌起來的照片。其中一張是他與健康專家狄巴克·喬布拉(Deepak Chopra)的合影,後者也是迪洛斯諮詢委員會的成員。

After 18 years trading bonds on Wall Street, Mr. Scialla founded the company in 2014, having identified an untapped market at the intersection of real estate and the booming wellness movement.


The Well system has criteria in seven categories that promote the health of a building』s occupants, including nourishment — which explains the almond butter, the whole-grain bread and the organic apples in the Delos cafe. The other categories are air, comfort, fitness, light, mind and water.


A 282-page manual explains the standard, which is administered by the International Well Building Institute, a public benefit corporation spun off from Delos. The third-party certification is done by Green Business Certification — which also certifies Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, projects — and involves in-office auditing and laboratory analysis of water and air samples.

一個282頁篇幅的冊子解釋了這些由國際WELL建築研究院(International Well Building Institute)管理的標準,這家研究院是迪洛斯衍生出來的一家公益企業。第三方認證則由綠色事業認證(Green Business Certification)進行——該機構還對能源與環境先導設計(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design,簡稱LEED)項目進行認證——包括對水和空氣樣本的上門審核及實驗室分析。

According to Delos, 954 projects in 35 countries are registered for Well, certified or precertified; 327 of them are in the United States, including 24 in New York. The vast majority of projects are offices. Not surprisingly, the Delos headquarters achieved the most demanding level of certification, platinum.


迪洛斯CEO保羅·夏拉,他於2014年創辦了這家公司,當時他發現了房地產與蓬勃發展的養生運動交匯處這個未經開發的市場。COLE WILSON FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

The workplaces are designed to coax people to change their behavior. Stairs are placed front and center, for instance, to encourage their use.


But occupants benefit simply from being in an office that has been designed to optimize their health. For instance, the circadian lighting that changes throughout the day, keeping pace with the brightening and dimming of sunlight, has been shown to improve sleeping at night.


「If we can engineer the box we spend 90 percent of our lives in to deliver health care automatically, that』s a very big impact,」 Mr. Scialla said.


Other standards have been created for health and wellness. Fitwel, for instance, offers a certification program with similar goals but a different origin and methods.


Developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fitwel is based primarily on public health data and promotes strategies shown to have the greatest effect on health.

由疾病控制和預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)開發的Fitwel主要基於公共衛生數據,並推廣已經對健康顯示出最大影響的戰略。

After testing the system on workplaces of the General Services Administration, the C.D.C. contracted with the Center for Active Design, a nonprofit organization in New York, to administer the program and apply it more broadly.

在對總務管理局(General Services Administration)辦公室的系統進行測試後,疾病控制和預防中心與紐約的一個非營利組織積極設計中心(Center for Active Design)簽訂了合同,以管理並更廣泛地應用該項目。

Started last year, Fitwel is essentially a do-it-yourself web-based checklist and scoring system. A building owner or manager enters information about a facility and submits photographic evidence.


「It was designed to be so simple that you can walk around a building with a tablet and check on a checklist and take photos with the tablet and upload them,」 said Liz York, the C.D.C.』s chief sustainability officer. 「At the end, you click a button.」

「它的設計非常簡單,你可以帶著平板電腦在一座建築里走動,查看清單,用平板電腦拍照並上傳,」疾病控制和預防中心首席可持續發展官利茲·約克(Liz York)說。「到最後,點擊一個按鈕。」

Reviewers process the information and give the user a score as well as a to-do list to improve office conditions.




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