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(The collection number):BLPX18081331


(Collection name): 2008 Olympic COINS (deluxe edition)


(Collection source): private collection






(限量發行2008套)(limited to 2008 sets)




This set of gold and silver commemorative COINS contains the commemorative medallion of the 29th Olympic Games, one silver commemorative medallion of five fuwa, 38 silver-plated commemorative medallion of one ounce, on the front is the mascot of the 29th Olympic Games fuwa sports item, and on the back is the Chinese seal script sports item type picture and text. There are 44 gold MEDALS and 2 gold MEDALS issued by the gold head office, a total of 46 Olympic gold and silver MEDALS.


Jianzhang, Eva is in 2008 the 29th Beijing Olympic Games mascots, their color and inspiration from the Olympic rings. The natural characteristics of four of China"s image of the earth and people love animals fuwa to children all over the world pass the friendship, peace, enterprising spirit and the good will of man and nature in harmony, that coincide with the Olympic symbol five rings, and conforms to China"s large population, has a long history and rich culture conditions.



This set of commemorative COINS is only authorized by the international Olympic committee, the highest authority of the international Olympic movement, and its intellectual property rights are protected globally by the international Olympic committee. This set of commemorative medallion is made by Shanghai mint, supervised by China gold coin corporation, with color standard, extremely has the commemoration, the appreciation and the collection value, commemorates the currency in the world splendid, again raises the collection climax.



(For detailed information of this collection, please contact the relevant staff of the company):

公司官網(Company official website):http://www.baolongpm.com/case/

公司地址(The company address):廣東省珠海市香洲區人民西路777號敦煌大廈(Dunhuang building, 777 people"s west road, xiangzhou district, zhuhai city, guangdong province)



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