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One family member has the auditory hallucination, how to help her?




Question: Recently one of my family members has the auditory hallucination and is suffered physically and mentally. Instead of going for medical treatment, she keeps saying she』s not sick but afflicted by the demon. I heard this was owing to the possession by her karmic creditors. Therefore, I 『d like to ask you if it』s possible to do transference of consciousness for her karmic creditors by chanting Buddha"s name or reciting mantra. If possible, which one is the best way to do transference for the karmic creditors? Do we need to dedicate the merits to them separately?

Guru answers: This is probably because of the manifestationof karma or being entangled by demons. However, we should solve it through Dharma. When there is the manifestation of karma, we should deal with the cause and deminish the bad karma. It』s the best if she has the ability to clear bad karma. If she is not able to do so, the family can help her deminish the bad karma. Thus the possession of the demons can be solved by Dharma as well.

Arousing compassion and conducting the Fire Puja can satisfy these karmic creditors and then remove their resentment. If you arouse the compassion and conduct Fire Puja by heart, you can dissolve the resentment and influence their heart. If she doesn』t have such conditions or ability to do so, the family members also can practice Vajrasattva Cleansing Defilements or make Fire Puja for her. These good roots can help solving some problems. The best is to let herself understand some Buddhism truths and make good aspirations, then all the problems will be solved radically which is the best solution.



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