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2018年7月10日,在阿富汗喀布爾附近進行的一場名為CAPEX的能力訓練中,女戰術排Female Tactical Platoon 隊員們正準備搜索一處營地。女性戰術排在反恐行動中為阿富汗特種安全部隊提供支援,專門從事針對婦女和兒童的搜查、審問和醫療援助任務。(北約攝影:Martha Schaeffer)

By: Martha Schaeffer, NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan Public Affairs

作者:Martha Schaeffer,北約聯合特種作戰指揮部 阿富汗公共事務

(KKA資料圖片 2016)

KABUL, Afghanistan – Members of the Female Tactical Platoon, a female-only platoon attached to the elite Ktah Khas unit of the Afghan Special Security Forces showcased their capability and skill on the battlefield during a CAPEX, or capability exercise, July 10.

阿富汗喀布爾——7月10日,阿富汗特種安全部隊Ktah Khas精銳部隊(KKA)的女性戰術排(FTP)的成員在一次資本支出演習中展示了她們在戰場上的能力和技能。

The women, trained and advised by U.S. Special Forces, conducted the exercises in front of a crowd of onlookers, performing training scenarios, such as "fast-roping」 where they slide down a 30-foot rope at top speed, simulating a helicopter infiltration during an operation.


"We』ve been training for this about two weeks, outside on the range,」 said a senior Female Tactical Platoon member. "This event is important for our recruiting.」In addition to increasing their proficiency and that of the Afghan Special Security Forces, the capability exercise generates awareness of the voluntary-based program.

「我們已經在外面進行了大約兩周的訓練 」一名資深戰術排長說。「這次活動對我們招募新人很重要。」除了提高他們和阿富汗特種安全部隊的配合度外,CAPEX訓練還喚起人們自願加入到隊伍中。

"If they see us, they might want to join us,」 said another Female Tactical Platoon member. "Because some females in Afghanistan – you know our culture is different from other cultures –some of the females, they have a sense [of patriotism] in their heart but they can』t express it. If they see a video or pictures of us – that the females can do the job that the men can do – they may want to come here.」


To join the ranks of the Female Tactical Platoon, a woman must already be an officer or noncommissioned officer in the Afghan National Army or Afghan National Police, literate and physically fit.Volunteers undergo a week-long assessment, consisting of physical fitness tests, such as push-ups, sit-ups and a two-mile run, medical screening, literacy test and other screening. If a candidate passes the assessment phase, she then enters an eight-week basic training course. Both the initial assessment and the basic training are overseen by female U.S. advisors.


"I have this message for our country,」 said a young Female Tactical Platoon member. "They can help us, and they have to support women in the military. It will take time, but things will get better here for women.」The Female Tactical Platoon supports Afghan Special Security Forces during counterterrorism operations, specializing in the search, questioning and medical assistance of women and children. They operate in tandem with their male counterparts and assume the same risks and dangers.


Established in 2015, Resolute Support (RS) is a NATO-led, non-combat mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF), who assumed nationwide responsibility for Afghanistan』s security following the conclusion of the previous NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission. Its purpose is to help the Afghan security forces and institutions develop the capacity to defend Afghanistan and protect its citizens in a sustainable manner.





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