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Wing Tong spring goods: money in the Southern Tang Dynasty. Xiande five years (958), Li Peng Yongtong spring cargo large money, to be ten, Qian Wen has seal, Li two kinds, seal book thinner, for later weight loss money.

One of the ancient Chinese coins. There are two types of scripts. The diameter of the seal is 3.2 centimeters and weighs 7.3 grams. The diameter of the official script is 3.8 centimeters and weighs 15 grams. The money is always straight, and the permanent word is made up of two water, also known as two water "Mercury". Money has no substance. Money is bigger, and it is equal to 10 percent. Money is copper.


永通泉貨,中國古代錢幣之一。現所見有隸篆兩種書體。 篆書的直徑為3.2厘米,重7.3克;隸書的直徑3.8厘米,重15克。錢面文永通泉貨,直讀;永字由二水組成,又稱二水「汞」。 錢背多光素無文。 錢體較大,以一當十,與唐國通寶等錢並行。 錢質為紅銅。




In fact, the casting of large amounts of money is tantamount to openly plundering the wealth of the people, resulting in frequent price increases, the flood of private casting, people"s lives more difficult. Because of the obvious inequality in the exchange of small money, so the folk hide money but not out, or even sell money castings, in order to make a big profit. Yongtong spring cargo casting period of about half a year, in addition to Wuhu City, Anhui Province, Yongtong spring cargo iron money never seen before, extremely rare, iron seal book Yongtong spring cargo is even more rare. The important discovery of Yongtong Spring Goods Iron coin provides material materials for the study of the coin casting in the Southern Tang Dynasty. From the cultural value and historical value, it is worth further study and is a collection of art works.




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