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《9 out of 10 climbers make the same mistakes》書摘總結14


24 How light do I need to be?

24 我需要多輕的體重?

25 How to get light without pain?

25 如何在沒有痛苦的情況下減重?

26 Steps for weight management in climbing

26 攀岩中減重的步驟

24 How light do I need to be?

24 我需要多輕的體重?

It』s clear that strength to weight ratio is very important in climbing, and there"s very few climbers around who wouldn"t benefit from prioritising a change in some aspect that contributes to it. Nevertheless, a little more detail is needed to get a clear picture of what a good climbing-specific strength to weight ratio means.


Taking the strength side of the ratio first, the area of the body that requires the most work to gain strength is the fingers. However, the whole upper body musculature needs to be strong enough to manoeuvre the body around in awkward or extreme positions which requires a lot of force. The amount of muscle required in the upper body depends on the weight of the rest of the body. Ideally, if the lower body is not so well developed, the upper body needn"t be either. So the whole climber is lighter. On the most brutally powerful of moves, it can be a disadvantage not to have enough muscle, but this is more than outweighed by the advantage of being light if the climber wants to be good at routes. More muscle is not such a huge disadvantage on very short routes and in bouldering, but carrying big heavy muscles a long way up a cliff, when all of their firepower is only occasionally needed is inefficient.


The weight part of the ratio needs to be seen as two separate issues -lean mass (muscle) and fat. Lots of climbers would benefit from having less of both. In fact, often a lot less. However, there are some complicating issues because of the interdependence of the different facets of performance in climbing. The effect of shedding, for example, 5kg of excess body fat on climbing ability is not a fixed quantity that will be similar for any climber. Several things could make the size of the effect radically different. First, the effect of shedding weight will be much greater if the climber has good technique. It will also be greater for a stronger, fitter climber. The more weight stands out as a critical weakness in the climber"s game, the bigger the effect of shedding excess weight will have.


There are a significant proportion of climbers who have the opposite problem-they have a naturally very light frame and low body fat percentage apparently no matter what they eat. They have a great base to start from in climbing, but a big challenge too. Their challenge is to be able to make significant gains in muscle to manage the really powerful moves. Many of them never manage it because they avoid their opportunities to. Many lighter-built climbers gravitate towards what they are inevitably most suited for -long fingery endurance climbs. That is fine of course, but even for these climbs, attacking the really steep powerful boulder problems and routes will help gain enough muscle to deal with more powerful moves.


So what exactly is a good weight for climbing? Of course I cannot answer that numerically! I can only say that the ideal body composition for climbing is as low as possible body fat percentage (that can be managed safely and comfortably in conjunction with a hard physical sport), a fairly small lower body muscle mass and a small but significant upper body muscle mass.

Whether climbers should consider manipulating their weight depends on the starting weight, muscle mass, body fat, age, gender and the climbing goals. Ignoring any one of these factors will lead to making poor choices with regards to aiming for the right weight, with serious negative consequences.



A significant proportion of world class climbers maintain exceptionally low body fat percentages for large parts of the year (but rarely indefinitely). For males this might be around 4% and for females 10-12%. Most climbers would really struggle to maintain this without running into health problems related to nutrition without professional supervision. 8-10% for males and around 22% for females is a more realistic ideal fat percentage. 3% body fat in males and 12% in females is essential for normal physiological function of the body.


Maintaining a really low body fat can have serious health implications for either sex, but it is an especially pertinent issue for females, whose safe lower limit of body fat varies dramatically from person to person. Menstrual dysfunction (amenorrhoea) is caused by the physiological stress of reducing body fat stores too far, and leads to bone loss and other serious health problems. 40% of females of reproductive age participating in regular sporting activity suffer from amenorrhea, compared to 2-5% in the general population. The first signs of this are irregular menses (oligomenorrhoea). The symptoms can usually be reversed by increasing energy intake a little, giving resumption of the menstrual cycle. However, chronic calorie restriction of over three years has been shown to cause irreversible bone loss (osteoporosis) in distance runners. Increasing body fat to 17% is thought to be a critical level for onset of menstruation and 22% to ensure normal menstrual cycles. The variation in the safe lower body fat limit for females is due to the additional contribution of various factors such as genetics, nutrition, additional stress and lifestyle factors. Hence, there are many female athletes who sustain a body fat percentage under the critical 17% level without menstrual dysfunction.


The risks of manipulating body fat to low levels are also severe for children and youth climbers, who risk stunting their growth and interfering with the development of their bodies and causing a series of other developmental negative effects. Quite apart from the associated health problems, these effects end up being completely counterproductive for your climbing.


The correct attitude to have to weight and climbing is to keep a sense of perspective and develop a keen ear for the messages from the body as you grow and progress as a climber at whatever level. Young climbers need the long term advantages of being able to develop strong and healthy tendons and build muscle tissue far more than they need the short term advantage of making a weight that requires constant attention to maintain. Those that restrict eating chronically at an early age pay for it later with injury and limited potential to develop to a really high level. Excess weight is extremely rarely the overriding weakness for female climbers. If any weight manipulation is needed, it"s more often gain in upper body muscle mass from powerful climbing that would help. Normally, the effect of changes in body mass for females are completely masked by the much more common and larger weaknesses of fear of falling and its consequences for technical efficiency.


The most common group among climbers who would benefit from losing weight tend to be male climbers in their 20"s and beyond. Body fat percentage is often at 20% or more and would benefit from a modest reduction. Even for those who have a low body fat percentage, involvement in other 『lower body sports" (e.g. cycling) results in a high muscle mass in the lower body. The starts to limit development increasingly at the upper grades in climbing. Some careful weight reduction can help to add more leverage to the other performance aspects. For a handful of climbers out there who are elite in most performance aspects, it may even be the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle that opens the door to the top level. For this group, educating themselves in sound, scientifically based sports nutritional practice (beyond the scope of this book) will allow them to walk this risky line between a real performance edge and a dangerous and counterproductive obsession.


25 How to get light without pain?

25 如何在沒有痛苦的情況下減重?

The basic elements of losing body mass for sport are relatively simple. Yet in causes more headaches and confusion than maybe any other performance aspect in climbing. At its foundation is the energy balance equation: if 『calorie in』 falls short of 『calories out』, the athlete will lose weight. But everyone knows the reality of weight loss is a much more complex picture of interactions of different factors that influence our calorie consuming and expending habits. Navigating this minefield is made harder still by the constant distraction of unscientific and poorly thought out diet books churned out by the weight control industry, driven by profit, not by motivation to help you.


A thorough discussion of this subject is beyond the scope of this book (l am preparing a dedicated title for climbers shortly after this book). However, I have outlined some of the main tenets of successful weight loss for climbers (athletes) below.

Simply eating a healthy 『athlete"s diet" together with maximising physical activity to use more energy is the single best method to achieve and maintain a low body fat percentage. The 『athlete"s diet』 differs slightly from a recommended diet for non-training situations in two main aspects. First, a higher proportion of carbohydrate is needed, and second, the timing of meals becomes important to improve the rate and quality of recovery from training.



Making sense of the popular diets

Lots of climbers have experimented with the multitude of famous 『branded" dieting methods sold to you via books or subscriptions. The best known examples include the Atkins diet which recommends drastically reducing carbohydrate intake, or the GI diet which recommends use of particular types of carbohydrate to reduce appetite. These dieting ideas tend to propose a mechanism that revolves around a complicated aspect of human metabolism or the chemical makeup of the foods we eat. Some of these mechanisms can be quite valid, even proven by good quality research. However, the suggested mechanism (designed to make you believe that this diet will be more successful than another) is probably not the primary mechanism that contributes to any weight loss experienced. This is down to the diet plans causing you to tip the energy balance -i.e. eating less calories, or using more through activity.



In this way, elements of what these popular diets recommend can be useful or even essential tools for some to lose weight in the short term. In the longer term however, many of these diets are extremely unsuccessful in helping dieters hold on to their lower weight. This is especially true when they recommend eliminating whole food groups or combining foods in unappealing or socially inconvenient ways. What"s more, this is not necessary.


The evidence shows that successful long term weight control is most likely when a handful of components are used in combination. These include:

- Increasing activity.

- Gentle moderation of portions and treats, applied with flexible restraint.

- Slow weight loss with modest, achievable goals.

- Varied, healthy diet with plenty of low energy density foods (mainly fruit and veg).

- Use of additional techniques to take attention away from appetite.

Using only one or two of these components in isolation makes it much harder to succeed at weight control. At the very least, it will delay success and make the process more painful for those who wish to lose weight.


- 增加運動。

- 柔和的適度節制飲食,靈活的約束。

- 用適度的、可實現的目標來緩慢降低體重。

- 多種多樣的健康飲食,有大量低能量密度的食物(主要是水果和蔬菜)。

- 使用額外的技術來轉移人們對食慾的注意力。


26 Steps for weight management in climbing

26 攀岩中減重的步驟






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