首頁 > 最新 > 沉思錄:印度90歲外交大佬對「印度崛起」的沉思






本期導讀:據經濟史學家安格斯·麥迪森(Angus Maddison)所著的《世界經濟千年史》,從公元一至一千年,印度曾是世界最大經濟體。之後有段時期,中國佔世界經濟主導地位時,印度則是世界第二大經濟體。印度的經濟總量在1700年曾佔世界的27%(相比歐洲當時佔有23%),但至1950年只佔有3%。許多現代經濟史學家指責殖民地統治者令印度的經濟地位下降。17世紀時,印度和中國的國內生產總值佔有世界的60%至70%。





At 90, when I look back


India faces more problems than it is even aware of. More worryingly, the country is unaware of the deficiencies of mechanisms it has devised to serve its needs.




former ambassador to Pakistan, China and the US, and Secretary, External Affairs



We who grew up as Independence approached, midnight』s witnesses, thoughtit is axiomatic that India would quickly rise as a great power— the country』s size, strategic situation, great civilsational strengths, the talents of our people, all making us stable and prosperous at home, respected and influential abroad, a major force in the shaping of a new, equitable world order.Whatever our achievements, that hasn』t happened. Completing 90, my uppermost thoughts are: Why?


Is the answer in another question:Why did we lose our independence in the first place?No superior force invaded us that time, a few adventurers from oceans away outwitted us — even in intrigue. Instead of blaming conquerors for conquering us, should we not examine where we went wrong? It』s a very different world now — not least, because nobody wants to conquer us. But other threats to national integrity keep increasing, while we lapse as of old. The most decisive weakness remains most ignored: We refused to change with the times, did not learn from new learning and refused to use improved ways to improve ours.We fell to better organisation, better technology and techniques, to sheer professionalism. We keep resisting, if not rejecting, them.


Innately gifted to excel in all these ways, we seemed initially to have learned. Our colonial exploiters brought usthe greatest legacy of the Enlightenment — the primacy of reason. They were not more honest, hard-working, decent, or otherwise virtuous or able. They just contrived an aura of impartial, objective and dutiful efficiency; justified or not, that established norms of performance, which appeared to remain. Our subsequent failures, errors, deficiencies are too obvious and numerous to recount, butall stem from discarding those norms. We reverted to nature: Personal is everything, nothing, nobody else matters —or even exists. Personal faults, from sloppiness to greed, have become norms.


It all started on day one.Each leader attracted servitors. We got the court of Sardar Patel, of Maulana Azad, Babus Rajendra Prasad or Jagjivan Ram, and of course, the great court of Panditji; not that they necessarily sought such personal agencies, it was just our way. So too was the circumvention/abandonment of rules. For example, officials had to rotate between Delhi and their states. But no, transferred even to a prize post, as chief secretary of a major state, this gentleman refused to leave Delhi — and succeeded. Little things, but we end up having people』s representatives with no respect for people, behaving like lords while supposed public servants behave like personal servants, more-or-less willingly. Not one institution functions as it should, not one instrument of state. Standards in the private sector are hardly better.Everyone know this, but so what?



1、Sardar Patel:薩達爾·瓦拉巴伊·帕特爾(古吉拉特語:????? ???????? ????,印地語:????? ???????? ????,英語:Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel;1875年-1950年),印度著名政治人物、社會活動家,印度獨立運動中發揮主要作用,曾是印度國大黨一名領袖,印度共和國的奠基人,也是印度獨立後第一任副總理和內政部長。他在印度常被稱為「薩達爾」,在印度各主要語言中即首領、領袖之意。帕特爾出生在古吉拉特的一個鄉村家庭,深受聖雄甘地影響,積极參与印度獨立運動,先後在反對殖民當局鎮壓的非暴力不合作運動和退出印度運動中發揮領袖作用,成為國大黨不可或缺的一員。在成為印度首任副總理和內政部長後,他採取了明確的外交和武力手段,勸說了眾多土邦併入印度自治領,為維護印度統一做出了傑出貢獻(也因該貢獻他被譽為「印度的鐵男子」和「印度的俾斯麥」)。

2、Maulana Azad:阿布·卡拉姆·阿扎德(英語:Abul Kalam Azad,阿拉伯語:??? ?????? ?????.1888年-1958年),生於奧斯曼帝國麥加的伊斯蘭學術世家,阿拉伯裔,印度獨立運動時期印度國民大會黨穆斯林領袖之一,致力調和印度教徒與印度穆斯林聯合革命。印度獨立後首任內閣教育部長(1947-58),印度教育制度的奠基者。1923-24年任國大黨黨魁。阿扎德母語阿拉伯語,伊斯蘭學術世家自少習波斯語,隨後學會英語、烏爾都語、印地語、孟加拉語。兩度以烏爾都語辦報,亦以烏爾都語寫下多本鼓動革命的書籍。

3、Babus Rajendra Prasad:拉金德拉·普拉薩德( ??? ????????? ??????,1884年-1963年)是印度共和國第一任總統(1950年-1962年)。普拉薩德出生於中等地主家庭,加爾各答法律學院畢業,曾在高等法院當律師。1916年創辦《比哈爾法律周報》(Bihar Law Weekly)。1920年參加不合作運動。他用英文在《探照燈》(Searchlight)上撰文,積極宣揚民族主義。

4、Jagjivan Ram:(1908 –1986), known popularly as Babuji, was an Indian independence activist and politician from Bihar. He was instrumental in the foundation of the All-India Depressed Classes League, an organisation dedicated to attaining equality for untouchables, in 1935 and was elected to Bihar Legislative Assembly in 1937, after which he organised the rural labour movement. In 1946, he became the youngest minister in Jawaharlal Nehru"s interim government, the first cabinet of India as a Labour Minister and also a member of the Constituent Assembly of India, where he ensured that social justice was enshrined in the Constitution. He went on to serve as a minister with various portfolios for more than forty years as a member of the Indian National Congress (INC). Most importantly, he was the Defence Minister of India during the Indo-Pak war of 1971, which resulted in the creation of Bangladesh.

5、Panditji:由兩部分組成,詞根 pandit (Sanskrit: ??????, pa??ita; also spelled pundit, abbreviated as Pt. or Pdt.),a Brahmin scholar or a teacher of any field of knowledge in Hinduism, particularly the Vedic scriptures, dharma, Hindu philosophy, or secular subjects such as music. 詞綴Jī (Hindi: ??, Punjabi: ??) is a gender-neutral honorific used as a suffix in many languages of South Asia, such as Hindi and Punjabi languages and their dialects prevalent in northern India, north-west and central India. It is also commonly used to show respect to the individual, in formal address, in Nepal. It is similar to the gender-neutral Japanese honorific -san and gender-neutral Filipino Tagalog language honorific po. The gender-neutral Tamil equivalent is sollunga.

It』s not just us:Norms are undermined everywhereas electorates change, destructive and ugly forces grow stronger and particular groups seek total dominance for their ideas and ambitions. The 「world』s oldest democracy」 manifests the most appalling trends; Europe』s once best exemplars barely fend off comparable pressures. All governments find themselves unable to cope with the complexity of peoples』 problems and aspirations. Democracies suffer the added problem that the system itself — the processes and ideals of democracy —are losing both effectiveness and appeal. Where democracy is fragile, needing careful tending, such trends are more worrying.


Democracy depends on reason, debates between opinions based on reflection, mutual civility. But more and more people now despise reasoned argument — they demonstrate in legislatures or outside them, take violently to the streets.The only 「solution」 commonly urged is for 「strong」 government, despite the inevitable risk of its corruption into mindless tyranny, even worse than today』s inane shouting matches. Yeats ( paraphrased) looms : 「 When nations are empty up there at the top/When order is weakened and faction is strong/What when there』s nothing left there at the top?/Where be the Captains to govern mankind?」



Yeats:葉芝(William Butler Yeats,1865年-1939年),亦譯「葉慈」、「耶茨」,愛爾蘭詩人、劇作家,神秘主義者。葉芝是愛爾蘭凱爾特復興運動的領袖,也是艾比劇院的創建者之一。葉芝早年的創作仍然具有浪漫主義的華麗風格,善於營造夢幻般的氛圍,進入不惑之年後,在現代主義詩人伊茲拉·龐德等人的影響下,尤其是在其本人參與愛爾蘭民族主義政治運動的切身經驗的影響下,葉芝的創作風格發生了比較激烈的變化,更加趨近現代主義。葉芝曾於1923年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,獲獎理由是「以其高度藝術化且洋溢著靈感的詩作表達了整個民族的靈魂」。1934年,他和拉迪亞德·吉卜林共同獲得歌德堡詩歌獎。

「To govern is to choose,」said the then French premier, Pierre Mendes-France, in 1953.It is also to deliver. When it comes to us, the whole apparatus of governance — the policy-making and implementation machinery — is simply unable to function seriously. The considerations that go into the decision-making, that shapes people』s lives, no longer address the issues involved. It』s all about what』s in it for me clothed in what』s in it for us — our particular caste, religious or regional group.Such inappropriate purposes are accompanied by inappropriate thinking. We talk about strategic autonomy. How is that conceivable if you can』t produce your basic weapons? The world』s largest arms importer denies its forces vital equipment because nobody decides on that matter, or decides wrongly, or because prejudice, or exclusive advantage, prevails over a rational balancing of objective pros and cons. Worst of all, this is due to sheer ignorance — the inability to understand what really matters.



Pierre Mendes-France:皮埃爾·孟戴斯-弗朗斯(1907年-1982年),法國猶太裔政治家。二戰期間被德國監禁但成功逃獄並加入自由法國運動,戴高樂派他出任法屬阿爾及利亞的財務總監,處理布雷頓森林會議談判事宜。戰後孟戴斯-弗朗斯當上經濟部長,1954年,代表激進黨組織政府,擔任八個月的法國部長會議主席,任內最優先事項是儘快結束已不受人民支持的中南半島戰事,保護印度支那不落入以胡志明為首的共產黨人和越盟運動的手中。

Nothing illustrates what holds us back more tellingly than what we have done to Delhi.People are supposed to take pride in their nation』s capital and work to make it more vibrant, attractive, exemplary. Has one street come up which is a pleasure to walk? How many buildings are worth looking at? If aesthetics are too 「elitist」 a criterion, consider our telephone connectivity, potholed roads and the law-and-order conditions that make us the 「rape capital」. All this is where the entire government resides. Our traffic is a nightmare becausewe people are ultimately to blame: Spreading six-abreast on two lanes, sneaking ahead in left- lane to turn right, blithely occupying no-parking zones, street vendors block already-narrow arteries and religious institutions encroach over pavements (though official-political wrongdoing is more deplorable). These are all correctible offences, but then those who could correct them prefer other considerations to public good.



The section in society I am from has failed to produce ideas or programmes that find resonance with today』s electorate. We are irrelevant but that way of thinking is nevertheless essential. No society ever developed without the leadership of elites. Obsessed with egalitarianism (though failing to practise it), we confuse elitism, which is self-serving and unacceptable, with elites or the leadership element in society that competes to set national agendas and norms. People at the top of every heap don』t constitute a national elite. Couple that deficiency with a historic inability to use state power for state (as distinct from personal) purposes, and welcome to the Third World.


「Old men regret.」 This may sound like a pointless lament, while my not undistinguished ancestry, quality education and classy profession would today doubtless dump me among the despised elite. But is anyone, elitist or populist, addressing today』s real needs? India faces more dangerous challenges than it is even aware of. I fear it ignores even more dangerously its greatest problem — neither the concepts nor the mechanisms for serving our needs are capable of doing so. Above all, we need to think differently. Mohammed Iqbal』s warning applies: 「Na samjho ge tho mitt jao ge, Hindustan walo, tumhari daastan bhi na rahegi daastaon mein」 ( roughly translated: If you fail to understand, Indians, you will be erased, even your history will not remain part of history). Having served in the country』s three most demanding international assignments, Pakistan (twice), China and the US, and most instructively forfour years in Sikkim, leading to its merger, I venture to claim I know something of what I am talking about. I wish I knew what to do about it. I can only say, damn it, surely it can still be done. Will somebody say how?



1、Mohammed Iqbal:穆罕默德·伊克巴勒(烏爾都語:???? ??????,1877年-1938年),印度穆斯林詩人、哲學家政治家,其波斯語和烏爾都語詩作被認為是近現代印度文學的最佳作品之一。此外,伊克巴勒的伊斯蘭宗教和政治哲學理論也很有名,被譽為首個提出印度穆斯林建立獨立國家的人,啟發了巴基斯坦的成立。他常被稱為阿拉馬·伊克巴勒(????? ??????,「阿拉馬」意為「學者」)。他的兩個民族理論成為巴基斯坦立國依據。

2、錫金邦(錫金語:???????????,威利:Bras Ljongs,意為「米之谷」;尼泊爾語:???????,拉丁字母轉寫:Sikkim)是印度的一個內陸邦。錫金位於喜馬拉雅山脈南麓,北面與中國接壤,東面與不丹接壤,西面是尼泊爾,南面則與西孟加拉邦相鄰。其人口約60萬。錫金曾長期是一個世襲君主國——錫金王國。1975年4月14日,在印度的操縱下,錫金舉行是否保留君主制的公民投票,依據投票結果廢除君主制。同年5月16日加入印度,成為印度的第22個邦——錫金邦。第12代卻嘉(國王)佩登東杜南嘉流亡美國,組建流亡政府,宣稱不承認印度對錫金的統治。2003年,中華人民共和國承認印度對錫金擁有主權,此後錫金流亡政府不被任何國家政府承認。





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