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1 你不過是我的紅塵陌路,我不過是你的笑忘成書。

You are nothing more than a stranger to me, and I am just a book of your smiles.

2 初次見你 一見如故 眉目成書。

The first time I saw you, my eyes turned into a book.

3 閣下可否與我相攜 談青山 看綠水 共結連理。

Would you please talk with me about the green water connection between Castle Peak and Green Water?

4 我有車有房有存款,我怕什麼,怕夢醒。

I have a car, a house, a deposit, I am afraid of what, afraid to wake up.

5 一個人走了多少年,才被另一人遇見 一朵花開了多少年,才被另一朵看見。

One person walks for many years before another meets one flower for how many years before the other sees it.

6 不切實際的樂觀下一秒就是排山倒海的絕望。

Unrealistic optimism the next second is full of despair.

7 如意太難 祝你事事心甘。

It"s too hard to wish you all the best.

8 希望 合適和喜歡能撞個滿懷。

Hope fit and like can bump into a full.

9 我拿餘生與你舉案齊眉 別讓我皺眉 也別讓我心如死灰。

I"ll spend the rest of my life with you, don"t make me frown, don"t make my heart die.

10 願世間所有的分道揚鑣都是為以後更好的重逢做鋪墊。

May all the parting ways in the world pave the way for a better reunion in the future.



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