首頁 > 天下 > 我為啥收藏那麼多英國徒步旅行老地圖?|威廉



英國人聲稱徒步旅行(hiking)是由他們最早開啟的。在英語世界裡,根據你所在的國家不同,對這種旅行的提法也不一樣,有的國家叫trekking, 有的稱之rambling ,還有的說成tramping













Maps and The British Invention of Hiking

The British claim to discovered the activity that is now known as hiking, which is also known as trekking, rambling or tramping, depending on which part of the English-speaking world one might live.

It began as an inspiration to some of Britain』s most famous writers. William Wordsworth who famously 『wandered as a cloud』 became ardent walker in the Lake

District. He teamed up with Samuel Coleridge, who famously dreamt of Kubulai Khan』s palace in his poem 『In Xanadu』, to climb Snowdon (the highest mountain in Wales) in a blizzard. Before thinkers walked for pleasure, uphill, sweating, getting wet, feeling cold, and coming back with sore muscles but an invigorated mind, the British thought the outdoors was for farmers, herders and fishermen.

But the enormous leap from the hills being the secret of Britain』s outdoor aristocracy to it being the playground of the emerging middle classes and eventually working classes happened during the interbellum, after the Great War And before the Second World War.

People felt glad to be alive. People felt thankful to have a loved one, friends, to enjoy, to spend time with. By the 1920s, Britain』s green and pleasant land wasn』t quite as described. The country has been industrialized for almost 150 years. Twons and cities were dirty and dark, places where gods were produced and pollution discolored the air and where sewage made the rivers stink. By inventing industry, Britain invented industrial pollution, and by necessity, invented the pastime of first trying to walk away from it, and then solving it.

And as they walked away the mapping authority of Britain responded to their needs in showing the Way. The country had become the most well mapped pice if land on the planet by the Ordnance Survey. By the time the Great War erupted in Europe on 1914 the Ordnance Survey sold just a few thousand maps nationwide. But post 1918 their sales were set to skyrocket.

The Ordnance Survey began to engage in something fairly new for businesses at the time: marketing. The map makers began to think less about making maps and more about who needed them. They began to target motorists, cyclists and recreational walkers.

An interesting development at this time was the actual design of the maps put on sale.

No longer were plain covers acceptable. The Ordnance Survey commissioned artists to design and paint attractive pictorial covers. How could people not be attracted to a map adored with a mountain peak if they lived in industrial Manchester? Some maps even had the person they were designed to be used by on the cover.

By the 1920s all sorts of British people began reaching parts of the country, or more precisely the countryside, than ever before. If British explorers and merchants discovered much of the world in the 1600 and 1700s creating the Empire, it was in the 1920s and 1930s that the British discovered their own country — with maps in hand.

As a geographer and map collector I』ve always had and used Ordnance Survey maps. They were published at such a detailed scale that they were suited for use by walkers and cyclists.

When I came back to China in 1990 I carried three of my most treasured Ordnance Survey maps with me. These were maps of the Lake District and Snowdonia and Liverpool. All had the by-now iconic painted covers.

Within a few years I was conscious that they were nearing to be 100 years old I decided to frame them.

In recent years I have slowly collected similar pictorial-cover maps that once guided the British of a century ago to the most beautiful and interesting areas of the country.

After a few years of collecting I realized that my collection totally more than 40 maps. Laid out on the floor of my home they piece together a mosaic of the British Isles, a snapshot of two decades in time when the door of the great outdoors was opened to the ordinary people of Britain.



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