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Is this Guilin or Yangshuo?(這是桂林還是陽朔呢?)

Well to be specific its know between them place near putaozhen which is like a village, can give you specific location I used on maps if you need mate, now that I know there actually is a viewing station.(它是在在二者之間,葡萄鎮附近,是個小村莊,如果你需要的話我可以給你提供具體的位置,這個地方有個觀景台。)

No that"s ok, I probably wont make it back to that area for a long time. I went a couple years ago and it was amazing though. Yangshuo and Xinping were beautiful(不用了,謝謝,我可能很長一段時間都不會去那裡了。幾年前我去過,很美。陽朔和新平都很美。)

I"m looking to backpack China next year and would absolutely love to know where this is! Thanks in advance.(我想明年背包中國,我很想知道這是哪裡! 提前感謝你。)

I would love to know more details about this place. It looks amazing! I』m going to China in a couple of months and would love to add this to my go-to list.If you have the location that would be great!(我想更多的了解有關這個地方的信息。看起來美極了!幾個月後我要去中國,很想去一下這個地方。如果你知道位置,那就太好了。)

Please tell us, I am looking to visit Southern China next year!(請告訴我們有關信息,我明年將要去中國南方旅行!)

This gon" be nerdy but, there was a BF4 DLC (Dragon Rising) that had a map that featured this terrain and setting. It"s far more beautiful in real life, but I feel like the map also did a good job of portraying the beauty. Once again, far more beautiful in real life clearly.I also can"t help but feel that this picture is almost of the exact landscape they used in game though. Really neat to see.(好像《戰地4》的裡面就出現過類似的景觀。不過現實應該比照片還要漂亮,但是LZ拍的也很好看。再說一遍,現實比照片更加好看,我覺得1遊戲裡面的那張所呈現出來的風景圖和這一模一樣!)

Hey I was thinking the same thing, glad I wasn』t the only on.(我也這麼覺得,嘿,很高興我不是唯一一個有這樣想法。)

Very cool! I was there a couple months ago but was grey/drizzly the whole time, didn"t even see the sun while there unfortunately.(真酷! 幾個月前我去過那裡,但天氣都是陰天毛毛雨,不幸的是,在那裡時都沒見過太陽。)

It usually is always hazy. It』s rare to get an atmosphere this clear in the Guilin area.(他通常很朦朧的,在桂林地區很難拍到這麼清楚的天氣。)

Yeah got super lucky, mate of mine was there few days before rained for 5 days straight ha(是的,我非常幸運,我的隊友在前幾天去的時候下了好幾天雨)

I love this. This is such an amazing sight(我喜歡。這種景象太美了。)

Same here. I instantly thought of Guilin Peaks when I saw this post.(當我看到這篇文章時,我馬上想到了桂林山峰)

I was just there 2 months ago! Make sure to rent a motorbike and ride around Yangshuo :)(2個月前我在那裡!記得租一輛電動摩托車逛陽朔。)

Wow that karst ???? beautiful(哇,這喀斯特地貌太美了。)

Those hills in the distance make it look like Morrowind(遠處的山看起來就像上古捲軸里的晨風。)

The mountains are so ... interesting. I"ve lived in and near the Rocky Mountains almost my entire life, and they are so completely different. Long rolling foothills that slowly build up until you have these immense slabs of rock jutting out to incredible heights.This landscape is flat and looks like a bunch of Hershey"s Kisses got dropped around. It"s neat to see the difference, and the flat, wide valleys between them. Makes me wonder how the peaks were formed.(這些山峰太有意思了。我一直都居住在洛基山裡或者附近,二者完全不同啊。洛基山是雄偉壯觀的,而這個風景是平的,看起來就像好時巧克力落在了地上。還有山峰之間那些寬闊的峽谷,我想知道這些山峰是如何形成的。)

What』s the toilet situation in the area: pits or squatties?

Also, great pic.(那裡的廁所是茅坑還是蹲廁啊?很美的照片。)

Yangshuo has only a few western toilets. They』re all just placed on top of squat toilets.(陽朔只有少數的西方馬桶。直接放在蹲廁之上)

Wow this is beautiful! Makes me want to visit China.(哇,這太美了,搞得我都想去中國旅遊了。)

do go to Chongqing, probably the most amazing city of them all. I also like Kunming a lot.(去重慶吧,可能是中國最令人驚訝的城市之一了。我也很喜歡昆明。)

I』d love to see your itinerary! My best friend is Chinese American and she』s been wanting to do a trip to China to experience her heritage. I』ve traveled a lot but for some reason China just seems a little intimidating. While I』d enjoy going to the big cities, I』d be more excited to explore the less populated parts of the country.(我很樂意看到你的行程! 我最好的朋友是華裔美國人,她一直想去中國旅行,體驗她的血統。 我旅行了很多地方,但是出於某種原因,中國似乎看起來有點嚇人。 雖然我喜歡去大城市,但我會更興奮地探索這個國家人口較少的地區。)

For 1 month hong kong-shenzhen/guangzhou-yangshuo (and surrounding areas, it"s somewhere around there that this picture is taken)-chengdu-chongqing-xian-suzhou/hangzhou/shanghai is a pretty good route but very city-heavy (youll want to do sidetrips out of almost every city though). If you just want countryside check out yunnan, guangxi(this pic) and guizhou province.

Sadly the main attractions in the countryside is starting to get a bit ruined by domestic tourism. In yangshuo you can be followed by people trying to sell you tours for over a km of walking. They literally do not take no for an answer and you have to resort to 100% ignore them for 5 minutes or more before they get the hint.(1個月的時間,香港 - 深圳/廣州 - 陽朔(以及周邊地區,這裡拍的照片都在這附近) - 成都 - 重慶 - 西安 - 蘇州/杭州/上海是一條相當不錯的路線,但是但是這些都是大城市 如果你只是想在農村看看雲南,廣西(和貴州。可悲的是,鄉村的主要景點開始受到國內旅遊業的破壞。 在陽朔,你可能會遇到有些會一直跟著你,要你購買他們的旅遊產品,有時會跟隨你1公里左右的路途;他們不接受你的拒絕,如果要100%忽視甩開他們至少需要5分鐘以上,才可能擺脫他們。)

I would like to visit. I"m not sure how I could from the States!(我想去。但是我在美國,不知道怎麼去。)



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