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一句話瑜伽,第243期Marina:當絕境就在眼前,你要放手一搏。There"s no getting ready to jump off a cliff.You just have to do it.

當你跳下懸崖之後,你才發現你無路可走。It"s only after you leap that you realize There is no ground.

你必須自救,不知道會發生什麼。You have to put yourself out there.To not know what might happen.

不知道正確的路線,但知道會被指引。To not know the exact path you will take but know that you"ll be guided along the way.

你必須尋找標誌和符號。You"11 have to look for signs and symbols.

當你航行時——有時是洶湧的水域。As you navigate through- sometimes turbulent- waters.

這並不容易,但它總是會實現的,它將永遠是有意義的。It won"t be easy, but it will always be fulfilling.It will always be meaningful.

當你靠近每一個新的里程碑和目標時,你會意識到它不是目的地,它會讓你餘生快樂,這是瑜伽之旅。And as you approach each new milestone and goal, you"ll realize that it isn"t the destination that will make you happy for the rest of your life-It" s the yoga journey.



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