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At some point in the past year I developed a habit of avoiding mirrors. It was gradual and subconscious, but eventually it rooted itself in my mind.


Ultimately, I had an encounter with my reflection while washing my hands in a restaurant bathroom. It became apparent then what had driven me away from looking at myself . . . I had The Reds.


Some might refer to The Reds aspimplesoracne, but mine were not your everyman』s pimples; what I was dealing with here were erupting lumps of flesh. Flaming red, no less. While other kids were poppingzitsafter a week, I was nursing mine to 「calm down a bit」, as my mother put it. The chance of them actually disappearing was almost laughable; my only hope was that they might just 「take it down a notch」 and level out to where my forehead skin usually rests.


pimple[?p?mpl] n. 【醫】丘疹;粉刺;小膿皰

acne[??kni] n. 【醫】痤瘡,粉刺

zit[z?t] n. 小丘皰;丘疹

take sb. down a notch: 壓低某人的氣焰

Looking at myself in the restroom mirror only confirmed what I should have accepted long ago. My brothers had already taken up the duty of attacking me with comments such as 「Ooh, I see Mt. Kilimanjaro is peaking mighty high up there on your forehead.」 How funny. Soon enough my forehead hosted what appeared to be the world』s highest mountains: Everest,Kanchenjunga,McKinley. Each had a spot on my face to call its own. Somewhere deep down, I felt as if I had a vested interest in each and every one of them. If I was going to endure comments about how I should wash my face and quit eating greasy foods which, I might note, does not stop acne, at least I could become a bit more intimate with the temporary guests on my forehead.


Kanchenjunga: 干城章嘉峰,世界第三大高峰,位於喜馬拉雅山脈中段尼泊爾及印度邊界處

McKinley: 麥金利峰,北美洲最高峰,位於美國阿拉斯加州東南部。

I found myself staring at each pimple in the morning, mentally recording its growth and even applauding its development. I applauded more, of course, if it decreased its size in some rare butlaudableact. Either way, friends and strangers were always willing to lend their tips and support. It was as if the citizens of my town had become overnight experts ondermatology. They spoke in acoy)and indirect manner as if to avoid hurting feelings or sounding cruel: 「What do you know about witch hazel? I hear it does wonders for skin. Not that I』m saying you should use it, just telling you what I heard.」


laudable[?l??d?bl] adj. 值得讚美的,值得稱讚的

dermatology[?d??m??t?l?d?i] n. 【醫】皮膚病學

coy[k??] adj. 羞羞答答的;忸怩作態的


What they didn』t understand was that The Reds are like some sort of advancedtuberculosis, resistant to drugs, able to change and thrive in any environment. The Reds don』t just react to skin-care products. They act. If I ever did find an effective face wash, I soon realized that focusing on my forehead only caused a newflare-upon my cheek. Focus on scraping the face wash on my cheek, and the corner of my lip would bulge with a redwelt, bigger than any I』d ever seen. When I thought I had my whole face covered, bumps formed beneath my eyebrows. The Reds were innovativeagentsof change, willing to go wherever a temporarily potent face wash forced them to go.


tuberculosis[tju??b??kju?l??s?s] n. 【醫】結核病;肺結核

flare-up[?fle?(r)??p] n. (疾病等的)突然發作(或加劇);(尤指)複發

welt[welt] n. (撞擊或擦傷所致的)紅腫;傷痕

agent[?e?d??nt] n. 原動力,動因(指對事態起重要作用的人或事物)

Sometimes I thought about my dad』s situation. Before I was born, he developed skin cancer, which was successfully removed during a long, drawn-out surgery. Unfortunately, the procedure left him with a massive scar across his cheek. Of course, I never paid any attention to it, living with him and all, but in large crowds, he drew stares. A conversation with someone and you would soon notice that person listening to him while subconsciously itching or rubbing the side of their face, a constant reminder as to where their mind really was in the exchange. On a smaller scale, I noticed the same traits in people I encountered. While we started out speaking eye to eye, we ended up speaking eye to forehead, their gaze getting higher and higher.


Mentioning it only made things that much more awkward. It left me feeling less than human, knowing that my body—my face—was more important than who I was altogether.


But like many teen-centered issues, The Reds would eventually disappear. From Mt. Kilimanjaro on, each mountain toppled over. Some would leave scars from my constant scratching and squeezing, while others departed in a quieter manner, as if they had never erupted in the first place. Either way, I gradually settled with the embarrassment and grief I carried in my own face. The Reds or not, I decided I wouldn』t let them keep me from enjoying the life I wanted to lead.


I think back to a trip to Universal Studios with my dad. We sat at a table finishing lunch before we headed toward another line for a ride. He ate casually, but between bites it seemed as if I were the only one aware of the visitors who happened to walk by and make note of his cheek. I leaned in to Dad and expressed my concern. 「I really wish they wouldn』t stare like that. What』s their problem?」 He barely glanced up from his food as he issued his response. 「Who cares? I know I don』t, that much is certain. Let』em stare. Learned that lesson a long time ago.」


Such simple wisdom hit me deep in my heart of hearts. He wasn』t about to let anyone influence how he felt at the given moment. He』s got a scar . . . and it doesn』t even matter, not to him at least. Maybe to the people walking by it did, but to him? Not a chance. When we finished eating, we proceeded to have the time of our lives. Be it my forehead or his cheek, some wouldgawk, others wouldgape, but I can say with the utmost sincerity that we were the last to notice, and the last to care.


gawk [ɡ??k] vi. 無禮地瞪著眼看;獃頭獃腦地盯著

gape [ɡe?p] vi. 瞠目結舌地注視;目瞪口呆地凝視



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