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One has to go into love in spite of fear

Don"t be afraid of love.... Don"t be afraid of love, because love is the only life. All that happens, happens through love. A person afraid of love remains closed to all that is significant and becomes obsessed with the mundane.


If you don"t love, if you are not available to love you will have to do something or other, you will have to keep yourself occupied with trivia, petty things money, clothes, a house, this and that; one remains engaged there. That"s what is meant by the worldly man -- one who is engaged, occupied, with the insignificant, non-essential.


I call that man religious who is capable of loving and capable of being loved. He goes into the exploration of love. In the territory of love one finds God sooner or later -- God exists there. You will not find God in money and you will not find God in gadgets, you will not find God in fame, in prestige, in power; you will find God only in love.


Fear exists in everybody, so don"t be much worried about it. Everybody is afraid of love. People talk about it, and their talk is also a trick: by talking they start believing that they love, because they talk so much about it.


People sing songs of love, create poetry about love and paintings about love but they don"t love; these are just substitutes, tricks of the mind to deceive themselves. And fear is natural, because in love you start melting and disappearing. So fear is natural but in spite of the fear one has to go into it.


The courageous man is not one who has no fear, the courageous man has as much fear as the coward. The difference is not of fear; the difference is that the coward trusts the fear and escapes, and the courageous person keeps the fear inside, puts it aside and in spite of it goes into it.


That is the only difference between the coward and the courageous man. Not that the coward has fear and the courageous has no fear. They both have fear, fear is human. Only the idiot has no fear, because he has no...


譯自:OSHO The Open Door



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