首頁 > 佛學 > 如何給高級知識分子宣傳佛法?







Question: Being a highly educated person, I know Buddhism cannot be separated from worldly concerns. I want to integrate Dharma into my life and work, and let my colleagues enjoy the happiness that Buddhism brings to human beings. However, most of the people around me consider Buddhism is superstition, I would like to convert my colleagues but it was with very little effect. I』d like to ask how to spread Dharma to the high-educated people?

Guru answers: Knowledge is different from wisdom, possessing knowledge does not necessarily mean possessing wisdom. Even the so called knowledge can be the obstacle of generating wisdom. Therefore, the knowledgeable person doesn』t necessarily have wisdom. For the same reason, having fortunes doesn』t mean having virtues. With wisdom, all the problems from life or work can be resolved.

I have said that Buddhism was actually a happy way of living, you can live a relaxed and free life with Dharma. Dharma is not superstition. The authentic Dharma is wisdom. Buddhism also opposes superstition. The faith in Buddhism is from the understanding of truths, after then the faith in Buddhism will generate, which is the right way. In Buddhism, understanding the truths is crucial. After understanding the truths, the beings will have wisdom and then they won』t worry and suffer.

It is hard to persuade intellectuals. However, they will understand and accept when the karma matures. It will be very fast once they accept and understand Buddhism. Believing in Buddhism and learning Dharma depends on the karma rather than the diploma. Believing in Buddhism and learning Dharma depends on the merits rather than the power and influence. Therefore, take it easy, they will accept and understand automatically when they have such merit and karma. It may be because their karma or merit isn』t mature, so it』s such way.

We should help and save all people. But we also need to wait for the right condition with patience. Spreading or introducing Buddhism is what we should do as a Buddhist and practitioner. However, whether they accept or get benefit depends on their own karma and merit, so do it gradually.




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