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A small Indian town of just 50,000 people, at the foot of the Himalayas, is bisected by the proverbial holy river, the Ganges, and connected by a cable bridge about two meters wide and about 60 meters long. The holy city receives annual pilgrimages from all over the world. The air is fresh, quiet and mysterious. The city is totally vegetarian. In this town there are nearly a hundred retreats and Ashame, and there are thousands of saints. It is said that over 60% of the world"s highly qualified masters have come here to practice. The yoga school here appeals to yoga lovers of different colors around the world. This is the yoga capital of the world.


It"s home to the world"s top yoga masters.


If you know a little about yoga, you must know the world"s most famous master, B.K.S iyengar.


My yoga practice is influenced by his system.


The world"s rare master academy disciples are doomed to be hard to find. Rare acquaintance is believed to be the fate of previous lives



多年來,他深入學習了艾揚格瑜伽(Iyengar yoga), 和著名的老師南達·庫馬爾(Nanda Kumar)一起參加了艾揚格瑜伽(Iyengar yoga)的課程,然後去浦那,在拉馬馬尼艾揚格紀念學院(Ramamani Iyenger Memorial Institute)學習。就是B.K.S艾揚格書中提到為了紀念自己愛妻所建造的全球最知名的瑜伽學院。

他對瑜伽的不同傳統的興趣使他在2010年訪問邁索爾,在那裡,他與Pattabhi Jois的女兒Amma Saraswati ji一起在K. Pattabhi Jois瑜伽學院學習Ashtanga瑜伽。

經過十五年的瑜伽學習和實踐,Rakesh在兩所不同的瑜伽學校(RYS)完成了兩項教師培訓課程,另外出色地完成了500小時的瑜伽培訓項目。Arsha Yoga Peetham (Rakesh老師所教授的學院)註冊於美國瑜伽教師與瑜伽學校聯盟,擁有超過200 - 300小時瑜伽聯盟認證的瑜伽教師培訓課程。



Rakesh was born in Rishikesh, the capital of yoga that is surrounded by the Himalayas and blessed by Mother Ganga. Rishikesh is known to be the place where great spiritual Masters, Yogis and Yoginis lived and taught seekers from all over the world. Growing and learning in Rishikesh nourished Rakesh with a deep foundation in yoga, yogic philosophy and Indian tradition.

He studied Iyengar yoga for many years with Br. Sri Rudra Dev and Smt Usha Devi, two of the senior-most disciples of Guruji BKS Iyengar. He attended Iyengar yoga programs with Iyengar teacher Nanda Kumar and went to Pune to study at the Ramamani Iyenger Memorial Institute.

His interest in different traditions of yoga led him to visit Mysore in 2010 where he studied Ashtanga yoga at the K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute with Amma Saraswati ji, the daughter of Pattabhi Jois.

After more than a decade of committed yoga study and practice, Rakesh completed two teacher training courses in two different yoga schools (RYS) with additional 500 Hrs of yoga training. Arsha Yoga Peetham is registered with the Association of Yoga Teachers and Yoga Schools, Yoga Alliance – USA and conducts yoga teacher training courses with Yoga Alliance certification spanning over 200 & 300 hours.

Rakesh began teaching yoga himself as an assisting teacher for the Iyengar yoga teachers Diwan S. Bisht and Silvano Beltramin in their Iyengar yoga retreats. He taught workshops and retreats in Thailand and conducts classes, workshops and retreats in Rishikesh and abroad.

In his teaching, Rakesh uses predominantly the main elements of the Iyengar tradition, like precise alignment, sequencing and props. In keeping with his admiration & gratitude for yoga traditions, he blends to his practice Ashtanga Yoga flow, pranayama, meditation, Kirtan and Indian philosophy, imparting a deep and complete yoga experience.


I once asked teacher Rakesh for his understanding of yoga, and a simple translation sorted out the answers he gave:


Yoga is way of llfe


Yoga is an awareness for everything


Yoga means spread for happiness each other


Yoga means be humble


Yoga means transformation


Yoga means union


Yoga means happiness.


At this time, teacher Rakesh"s school is preparing for the American international yoga competition.




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