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[NBA Scout, via B/R] "I don"t like what [the Cavs] are doing. I would have done the full rebuild. Even with the roster that they have now, they"ll probably still get a top-10 pick, maybe a top-five. ... The only way they can get better is gut it and start over again."

[–][MIN] Terrell BrandonThorvaldsonMusic 595 指標 11小時前 

So If they can still get a top 5 pick without fully tanking, then what"s the problem?


[–]Celticsward0630 276 指標 11小時前 

There"s a chance they"re good enough to send the #11 pick to the Hawks




[–]HawksK242 207 指標 10小時前 

Implying good things happen to Atlanta sports


[–]oakled 64 指標 11小時前 

Because they could"ve leveraged the cap space they just spent on Kevin Love and used it to take on distressed assets for picks.

The minutes they will be playing Kevin Love could"ve gone to a high-risk, high-reward young player.

Tanking is a multi-level strategy.




[–]Trail Blazers_Quetzalcoatlus_ 55 指標 11小時前 

They could get a top 5 pick, but that"s unlikely. Also, it"s not just about their own pick. They could have picked up a first for Love and probably a second for Korver. That would also help them get bad enough to have a good shot at top 3.


[–]RaptorsYoungSidd 162 指標 11小時前 

A part of me believes they signed Love to that extension in order to raise his trade value a la Blake Griffin. Otherwise he was an impending UFA if he opted out next year.


[–]letourpowerscombine[S] 70 指標 11小時前 

That is really interesting and entirely plausible. If that was their plan, it"s not like they would want to spend the money on anybody else in FA anyway.

The only question is the pricetag. $30mm/yr is one of the most expensive contracts in the league. Not sure which contenders have room for that, or if any of them view Love"s value on the court worth that financial burden.



Might end up like a Ryan Anderson situation, where teams could desire the player (even more interest in Love, obv), but nobody wants to take on the salary.


[–]RaptorsDrLyleEvans 35 指標 10小時前 

I mean I bet they could get a couple 1sts, probably even one unprotected, from Portland right now for Turner and Leonard. Would keep Dame happy and Love at the 4 with Nurkic and Collins at the 5 makes reasonable sense, even if it likely hurts their defence.


Teams like Portland in that 5-15 range who need more talent to really compete (Milwaukee, Washington, Indiana, OKC, Minnesota, etc...) might see Love as an option. I really think he would have been a nice fit replacing Melo in OKC, for instance, An Adams-Love-Roberson-George-Westbrook lineup has some shooting to make up for Roberson and Adams and enough defence to accommodate Love and Westbrook.


[–]penny_4_thots 25 指標 11小時前 

I think they need to see how Love and Sexton shape out without Lebron, could be a match made in heaven, could be a dogshit team. We need at least half a season to find out.


[–]Kandahar511 73 指標 10小時前 

Honestly let a team do what they want and TBF this team chances of doin what they did was Lebron soon is not going to be highly likely. But every team has a different situation. Tired of people thinking you either full out tank or play to win the chip nowadays. First of all Knlove is probably the best sinking since getting Lebron. This is a franchise that is hammered as nothing without Lebron. Keeping Love is a sense of pride that players like the city. I can be fine with tanking but god damn stop thinking it is everything. Cavs fmo can still get a top 10 pick.


[–][CLE] Mark Price2uneek 30 指標 9小時前 

plus, Dan Gilbert locked in season ticket holders for the next 2 seasons i believe... If he puts out a shit product on the floor - he"s pissing off his highest paying customers. He needs to put as good of a product out there that he can.


[–]Jazzjwinskowski 43 指標 11小時前 

They did that before and they ended up with Wiggins and Anthony Bennett.


[–]theclownermb 86 指標 11小時前 

I storngly disagree, look at the other sport team in the city the Browns, theyve been tanking since what 2002 and have been ass. Atleast put a devent product on the floor


[–]Hornetsbubowskee 80 指標 11小時前 

The Browns have arguably the most loyal fanbase in sports. Plus they are finally starting to use all those assets they"ve been collecting over the past few years. If they weren"t the Browns, I"d say they could become title contenders in the next two seasons if they played FA right. But they are the Browns so they will be lucky to win 8 games




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