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[Bleacher Report] DeMar DeRozan on the public perception of famous athletes: 「People say 『What are you depressed about? You can buy anything you want.』 I wish everyone in the world was rich so they would realize money isn』t everything.」

[–][BKN] Vince CarterBoogiesAchilles 2667 指標 6小時前

Having money』s not everything


[–]richmuhlach 441 指標 6小時前

Yes. Give me money because I need the opportunity to realize that money isn』t everything.


[–]WarriorsIonkkll 983 指標 5小時前

Money doesn"t buy happiness, it buys the opportunity to pursue happiness.


[–]76ersanser1233 513 指標 6小時前

Money does make a difference in happiness but only up to a certain amount


[–]Raptors99Raps 152 指標 6小時前

IIRC, a professor in university told me it was $75k.


[–]HeatErectusPenor 160 指標 6小時前*

Basically it"s whatever amount of income that allows you to live a life free of monetary stress. Living in debt, or at least pay check to pay check, that"s what affects your happiness.


[–]RaptorsKawhiGotUsNow 253 指標 6小時前

yea quotes like this are annoying to people living paycheck to paycheck

or even people making 50-60k. Give us 100k more and ask if we aren"t more happy. Give us a million and ask us we aren"t more happy.



I get that they go through normal people shit too health wise, which was his point, but saying stuff like this is still annoying


[–][DAL] Brian Cardinaldirk-41 441 指標 5小時前

Demar grew up in Compton surrounded by hardship. He had family members killed because of gang violence. You think he doesn"t understand what it means to struggle to get by? He has seen the whole spectrum and still feels this way.


[–]HornetsGurchimo 186 指標 5小時前

fr people act like we"re talking about Donald here


[–]Netsjorday100 103 指標 4小時前

tbh donald only got a small loan of a million dollars so i can understand his struggle too


[–]WarriorsGGAllinsMicroPenis 490 指標 5小時前

I think something that gets left out is that fame makes it worse, because you become isolated and run in increasingly insular social circles. It becomes alienating, and you can become lonely. And it"s a very surreal kind of loneliness, because everyone"s yelling your name, supporting you, loving you, but from a distance, like you"re looking at the world through a mobile plexiglass cell.


And that kind of loneliness can, in some ways, be the worst of all. It"s like dying of thirst adrift on the ocean, staring at water 24 hours a day without a drop to drink.

If you"re rich and nobody knows who the fuck you are there"s some freedom there that NBA players and other celebs don"t get to enjoy, and thus I think that kind of rich has more happy people among its ranks.



[–]Raptorsjaimonee 131 指標 4小時前

Nicely put. I remember reading a quote from Bill Murray "I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: "try being rich first". See if that doesn"t cover most of it. There"s not much downside to being rich, other than paying taxes and having your relatives ask you for money. But when you become famous, you end up with a 24-hour job."


[–][BKN] Vince CarterBoogiesAchilles 6223 指標 1 天前 Having money』s not everything, not having it is錢不是問題,沒錢才是問題。

[–]RaptorsIanicRR 165 指標 4小時前

That bar will forever resonate with me because I』m broke as shit and it』s true. Not that I』m unhappy but it sure makes life a lot more stressful/difficult.


It kills me that as a high schooler is was sitting comfortably on a 15k account from working 4 years of high school and being very smart with my money. Only to be stupid and pay my entire first year of university without a salary, emptying my accounts, still needing a student loan for the other 3 years and being perpetually broke since. Damnit I should have just kept my money and gotten a stupid loan all 4 years. At least then I would have had a safety net in my account.


Sorry, rant over.


[–]Knicksconfuddly 1371 指標 6小時前

I too wish everyone was rich


[–][TOR] Jose Calderondeadskin 697 指標 6小時前

If everyone is rich, then no one is


[–]Celticsdfghjdfrtjhef 608 指標 6小時前

If I have a yacht, I don"t give a fuck if everyone else also a has yacht


[–]BullsHarmonicon 325 指標 6小時前

until the ocean is choke full of everyone"s yachts it just becomes a giant dock?


[–]Celticsdfghjdfrtjhef 392 指標 6小時前

Who cares, I have a yacht


[–][CHA] Malik MonkBizGilwalker 329 指標 6小時前

This comment section went about as well as I expected it to


[–]klawhileonard 180 指標 4小時前

ITT: I』m poor and want to be rich. DeMar is spoiled. Give me money


[–][PHI] Markelle FultzDutchEnglish[??] 226 指標 6小時前*

The sad reality about this thread is the fact that no one understands how depression or any type of mental health problem works just based off the comments.


If you have a mental health problem while people view and treat you like a cash cow while stating 「hOw CaN yOu bE sAd? YoU』rE rIcH!」 as if someone who is mentally unwell is supposed to be like 「Oh yeah!」. As if they aren』t trying to force themselves to love their lives already.


I mean it』s fucking disgusting and shows how little mental illness is cared about. Yeah have chemical imbalances in your brain but hey money cures it all! As if the idea of killing yourself goes away when someone tells you that you should be happy and that you should be grateful for a life that they never lived and that they don』t understand.


DeMar probably has people trying to use him in every way and it』s probably been that way since he was 14. People all day talk shit to him and focus on negative shit more than positive but its cool because he』s rich. I swear to God it amazes me how much people bullshit themselves into believing that when you』re rich problems go away.


NBA Owners Reportedly Want Access to Players" Mental Health Records


[–][DAL] Dennis Rodmanwonderboy0 1109 指標 9小時前

I understand the logic but this seems like a massive misuse of power


[–]Spursonamonapizza 492 指標 7小時前

It"s a double-edged sword. Franchises are giving these guys tens (and in some cases, hundreds) of millions of dollars, so on one hand, they are just trying to protect their investment.


On the other hand, the conversation about mental health in the NBA is finally getting some air underneath it, and something like this could completely derail the movement. Players aren"t going to be honest and open if they feel like it will put their job on the line.


[–]BubbaTee 389 指標 6小時前

If teams want to conduct their own psych interviews and screenings with free agents or potential draft picks, that"s fine. But looking at a player"s private mental health records without consent is unacceptable.


Also, these players are committing to multi-year contracts - by that same logic, why shouldn"t they get the mental health records of the team"s owner and GM? I"m sure there would"ve been things in Donald Sterling"s history that players might"ve found interesting.


[–][GSW] Zarko CabarkapaIAmNotKevinDurant_35 106 指標 8小時前

NBA Players Association: "HA NOOO"


[–][OKC] Terrance Fergusoncaptainsausagetits 595 指標 9小時前

If true, players won"t want to seek help from organisations for mental health issues, fear of being traded etc. Pretty fucked


[–]Lakersshayaaa 183 指標 6小時前

Similar to airline pilots... Pilots can"t be diagnosed with any mental health issues or they can"t work, so in turn they avoid seeking the help they need and then you get some real unfortunate disasters.


[–]NBAmypepperplantsdie 179 指標 8小時前

If this is truly about making sure players are healthy and getting the support they need, there is no need to have their records. There are other ways to make sure guys are getting the professional/medical support they may need.

Maybe it』s the pessimist in me but I feel it would only lead to some kind of negative bias against players.



I know the sporting world is different but in most cases an employer needing or having access to mental history records is just plain absurd.




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