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中澳航線繁榮的背後 Behind the China-Australia flight growth



According to OAG』s recent data on Australia air travel market, China is one the fastest growing markets globally, and connectivity to Australia has been a key international market of development for Chinese airlines in recent years.


The agreement of opening skies China and Australia reached on December 1, 2016 has brought new opportunities for the air travel market between the two countries.


From 2013 to 2018, the average annual growth rate (AAGR) of the total China-Australia capacity is over 15%. The AAGR of the flights through major Australian tourism cities, such as Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, is over 10% each. The open skies arrangement has also benefited emerging tourism cities like Adelaide. The AAGR of the flights to and from Adelaide has crossed over 85%, topping all other cities in Australia.



Chinese airlines have dominated the market in recent years. In addition to tier-one cities, tier-two and -three cities in China have become the new growth opportunities for the airlines. Today, 14 cities in China have direct flights to Australia, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Nanjing, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Changsha, Xi』an, Kunming and Shenzhen.




Behind the prosperity of the tourism market lies in the intensified competition for the airlines.


Apart from China Southern, China Eastern and Air China, many more Chinese airlines, such as Hainan Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Tianjin Airlines and Beijing Capital Airlines, have opened direct flights to Australia. Chinese private airlines also started to join the competition. This May, Donghai Airlines, a private airline based in Shenzhen, announced its first direct flight between Shenzhen and Darwin. This is also the first-ever direct flight route from Darwin in Australia"s Northern Territory (NT) to China.


In addition, Australian airlines like Qantas Airways, Jetstar Airways and Virgin Australia have been increasingly growing their capacity to China.


Among all the existing market players and possibly many more in the future, who is going to lead the China-Australia air travel market? We cannot wait to see.




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